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Everything posted by BenLuke

  1. IC: Feongulf nodded, giving him an understanding and still inquiring look. That only raises more questions. "Ta-Tohunga, hmm? Seem odd to engage someone on their own turf like this," she replied, widening her eyes as her mouth dropped into a frown. The palmy trees around them soon gave way to rocks and tall, untrampled grass as their altitude increased and they came to a windy pass betwixt the gargantuan mountains that huddled on Mata Nui's epicenter. "I'd have tracked him down somewhere, anywhere, besides the place where most everyone know him, including the guards, and where he knows the quickest routes and shortcuts. . . "What was his sister like, anyway?"
  2. IC: Feongulf nodded and walked after Xerov. She had succeed in staving unpleasant memories of her post, for now. The duo turned east down a fork in the rough dirt road formed by the endless parade of Makuta's rahi servants and the march of ill-fated adventures down a another path that would hopefully lead them to the to the the ashy plains of Ta-Wahi. Turning to Xerov, she queried into what exactly was his problem, hoping for that without any other Follower of Makuta around she might get an actual answer. "So, would you mind telling exactly who the heck is after you?" she said. "And why, and what your plan is for dealing with him?"
  3. IC: Voriki ~ Voriki was drowning. Well, technically, he wasn't drowning yet. But as the waves washed across the islets, wreaking havoc on Xa-Koro's ramshackle huts and the screams of the disaster's victims, the Toa trying to tread water in the turbulence, the salty water washing into his eyes, realized the futility of it all. We're doomed, he though. That isn't something I'd have considered thinking myself; Inspiring it, yes, but actually being doomed? And, yet, even though all was hopeless, he continued on. Why? Instinct? Hope for rescue? One last spit in the eye at the passengers of the retreating ship who Voriki supposed to be the ones to hold responsible and the rest of the world in general? He himself did not know. He fought on for all of those reasons, and none of them. Probably a metaphor, or something of that nature, in there, he thought. But he didn't have the time, or strength, to meditate on the deep literary meaning of what his deeds. No, the subject of today's class was "swim for your life". Athletical feats not pertaining to the complex art of tracking a mark and sticking them with the pointy end of a melee weapon had never been his strong point, however, and soon he found him strength failing and his body drifting down into the dark depths of the endless ocean. this gave him the opportunity for any number of last words (Er-well, thoughts, he thought.) before finally kicking the bucket. Anything from "So long, and thanks for all the fish" to "You have defeat me! But I will be avenged!" to "I'll be back". What he eventually settled for was far less glamorous. Well, karz, he thought, before darkness enveloped him. "THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE ACCURATE, DEPENDING ON YO.R POINT OF VIEW," said a loud, unearthly face as beside him, and Voriki knew it was the end, whether would he heard be reaper or hallucination. "IN ANY EVENT, YOU'VE CERTAIN TOOK YOUR TIME, D." ~Fin.
  4. We're approaching the end of the year, so it's time for plot whammy after plot whammy.
  5. Nuju, you magnificent !@#$%! Best. Topic closing. Ever.
  6. IC: Kethrye ~ "Me? Tell you what's going on?" Kethrye said, letting out a hearty chuckle at that prospect. "Well, complete stupidity, as usual. But if you want more specific information you'd have the ask the sextuplet, or whatever, army over there," he waived an arm at whoeverthekarztheywere, he frankly dad no idea, and didn't really care either. "Preferably, of their corpses. They haven't exactly been a friendly bunch." The Toa of Ice blinked. "Wait a minute you're. . ." the full realization forced him to action, his hand rising and beginning to glow with elemental energy waiting to be unleashed upon his enemies. "Last I checked, we were not what I'd call "on the same side". Why should we need you piraka's help?."
  7. Yeah, at this point Heuani = Tahi is more or less unambiguous. Who else owns a wavy sword, was on a team with someone with a shield, and can light fires on his own?
  8. Since it mean less math (The horror!) on the player side of things I'm all for it.
  9. Guys, let's just pretend the battle going on in Pala-Koro isn't going on. Really, it's a waste of all of our time and the whole confusion about who is actually involved in it hasn't helped matters. Since Tabby's characters show no sigh of giving up even considering they're outnumber 10-1, and the only ones that can stop them our his own chars, it's best if we just leave him be and focus on more important matters. That is, getting Pala-Koro rebuilt, returning the Turaga to their villages and working out a way to give the Followers of Makuta what they so richly deserve.
  10. IC: "Um-" Feonulf coughed, addressing no on in particular. A great deal seemed to have disappeared, which boded well for their ploy."Me and Xerov have some work that requires us . . elsewhere."
  11. IC: ". . .My parents would have to speak for themselves. . ." Feongulf muttered, damming up the flow of memories of her family that came surging back unbidden. Considering what the people they call friends and neighbors did to them. But's now's not the time, or place. Not at all. Still, the Fe-Tohunga wouldn't quite suppress the image of the rotting log hut she was born and raised burning, along with what little childhood she had ever had and the remains of her mother and father, the eyes of the ones responsible watching with barely a hint of interest. . . Never trust people, even just with remaining alive. Feongulf shook her head, clearing her mind from its' reverie. Ancient history is hardly relevant right now. Making sure Makuta's servants don't have every armed killer on island after me and dealing with Xerov's "old friend" are.
  12. Looks great. All the information required is there, and looks like you've put a lot of though into who you're character is. The only real problem I can see is the references to Daxia, which might or might not exist as far as we know (But them, he could just be crazy, or the "Daxia" referred to could be something else entirely on the odd change that Daxia and the OoMN doesnt turn out to exist in the BZPRPG universe.). So yeah, basically ^^that.
  13. Considering they out number the other guys 4.5 to 1, and have the power of plot on their side, that's probably a safe bet.
  14. IC: "Yeah, I don't think they'd really like us running off," she replied, following the other Tohunga. "No, they wouldn't like that at all. As in, murderously not like it."
  15. "First person shooter" should really be "Second person shooter.

    1. CeeCee
    2. Simulacrum


      Are you really shooting someone? Or are you pretending to be in the body of someone shooting someone else?


      Wait, does this mean we now have fourth person shooters?

  16. IC: "How specific," Feongulf said to Xerov, looking up into the sky. Grey clouds obscured the sun and washed the valley in a cool half-life. A leaf snapped behind them, but the Fe-Matoran. Probably nothing, that she thought. "You're almost as bad as my employe- um, someone I know." Cursing mentally at her slip, she continued in an attempt to change the subject. Just because he's your friend doesn't mean you can trust him. "Any, if it's the others you're afraid of, maybe we should just get going. Then you might drop all the vagueness."
  17. But it was never stated IC that they were anywhere near Le-Koro. Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  18. The thing is, they were originally in Pala. And never stated that they left.
  20. IC: "I'm tempted," Kethrye replied to Esao, his head swinging from the slowly (Too slowly, he thought) quieting battle. "But this whole mess is embarrassing enough as it is without adding summarily executions into the mix. No. "Let's just shoot them where they stand."
  21. Redundant Hubert is redundant. And attacking Po-Koro again? Thought we were all over that fad.
  22. If by chaos you mean the sort of thing that's going down in Le, I really don't think we need more of it.
  23. ^ That's more or less all I know too. Either there's two battles going on in different places, or the people involved are confused on the matter, or I'm crazy. Zyke's actions, at least, seem to indicate they're in Pala-Koro, but some of the stuff other people have posted seems not to fit.
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