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Everything posted by BenLuke

  1. I think we've had enough of the fight in Pala, thank you. There's been enough godmodding to last a lifetime and enough bickering here to watch. We really all do have better things to do. (People involved in the fight, read this.)
  2. IC: "Not my men, exactly," Ketheye replied to the two Toa. "But yeah, they're wasting all our time, at this point. Let's shut them the karz up." The ILF leader stepped forward towards the fry, focusing his elemental power and creating a thick barrier of ice between the Akuta and the other brawling rabble. "QUITE!" he said, his voice returning to a yell. "WE HAVE THING TO DO THEM PUT UP WITH WHATEVER THE KARZANHI IS GOING ON HERE. DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND SURRENDER YOURSELVES TO US OR WE WILL BE FORCED TO TAKE ACTION TO NEUTRALIZE THE HOSTILITY!" That, at least, they'll hear, he thought, raising his hand to his neck. He inhaled to replenish the air in his lungs. Although my throat isn't going to be thinking me. OOC: TNG, JL, this is directed at your character especially.
  3. IC: "You can always run," Feongulf said in reply, shrugging and continuing to stare into the ditsance. "Whatever's chasing you sometimes just runs faster then you can." She glanced back at Xerov. "So, you said you're going to Ta-Koro, right? How exactly are you going to deal with, um- whoever it is."
  4. Congrats, man. I should really get around to participating in NaNoWriMo sometime, I've been considering it for a couple years now but just never got around to it. Looking forward to your serial. It sounds pretty interesting, what with all you've said about it in Writer's Advice and all.
  5. I've seen footage of this and frankly I'm not very impressed. Walking through a forest full of jump scares does not a good horror game make.
  6. Yes, it is indeed. For instance, I now actually know how to pronounce my own username. And of course, we get info on 2013. Some of which we've already guessed (There's going to be more stuff, shockingly enough .), but still, we get some new information! *Cue wild mass guessing* We also learn Nuju's taste in pizza and peanut-butter ,and revelations in the field of farm animals.
  7. IC: "Sounds reasonable," Feongulf replied, staring out at the mountain surround Kini-Nui's valley. "That's usually what happens, with that sort of thing. Not very reasonable, but people aren't reasonable."
  8. IC: Kethrye nodded in reply to Vompran, grinning. "Words of reason seemed to do nothing, so let's settle this the old fashioned way. But keep things non-lethal; I want to know what exactly the karz is going on, but we can sort that out later. Considering who's involved, I wouldn't lose sleep after roughing them up a little, assuming they're still on our side at all." he said, absorbing the melting ice sword clasping his hand, replenishing a portion of his elemental power. "Agreed?" he said, turning his head to the rest of his allies.
  9. It's worth noting that the two best Trek movies (Wrath of Khaaaaaan! and First Contact.) are more or less just plain action movies. Just say'in.
  10. IC: "So, who exactly is this "old friend"?" Feongulf whispered as the two Matoran began walking, leaving the suspicious glances of the others nehind. "And what exactly is the problem you have with him?
  11. IC: Apparently, no, it's not, Kethrye thought as the beings continued on as if there were no curtain of ice dividing them. None of them appeared to be paying attention to anything else, either. "Nothing much," Kethrye grumbled in back at the greeting, stomping over to Ledzel. "Apart from the walls exploding, and Makuta's servants attacking, and Madrihk disappearing, and-" He turned his head back in the direction of the chaotic melee. "-whatever the karz that is. "Still, it's good to have you back from wherever you were."
  12. IC: Xa-Koro. They say all roads lead there, which is most illogical, being on an island and all; In fact, Voriki guessed that there was a maximum of altogether zero in the Kumu-islets in all. Even if taken poetically, a more apt phrase would be "all road lead away from Xa-Koro", not the inverse. No one in their right mind would choose to walk down a road into Xa-Koro, given the change, and assuming such a road existed. Voriki hardly qualified as in his right mind, and even switching his choice of hiding place from Po- to Xa-Koro struck him, in retrospect, as not the best of plans. But them, it is the closest thing I've ever had to home, the madman thought, stepping off the ferry and onto the grimy docks. Now, to find a place to wait out the storm, he thought. Both the Makuta-y one and the vengeful crime-syndicate one. Neither one seems particularly pleasant, thought at least the strongest point of the latter is nicely away from this dump.
  13. IC: Feongulf raised hr hands and calmly replied to Xerov's hysterics. "Slow down, man. No need to starting losing yourself in fear. Slow down and actually tell me what the karz is wrong." Her voice dropped even lowe as she glanced over her shoulder and noticed the growing number of eyes wandering toward the two Matoran. "As we walk, of course, no need to for everyone else to hear."
  14. IC:"It's decided, then," Kethrye said, nodding affirmatively to the Turaga and turning for the door. "I'll gather the troops and get your journey organized. We'll depart in a couple hours, events permitting." he added, swinging the door open and briskly exiting the wood and stone hut., leaving the Turaga to their own devices.- - - -Stepping back out into the villages rubble strewn roads, the first sound that met his ears was that one that was no stranger after the last few months, the chilling clamor and shouting of combat. Kethrye shivered. Last thing I want to hear, he thought, striding, a tad nervously, through the buildings in the direction of the uproar. Especially today.However, his apprehension was watched only by his anger and annoyance. How DARE someone attack them so soon after Pala-Koro's sacking! Or, as the cynical parts of his mind said, how DARE the idiotic so-called heroes that seemed to compose the bulk of the newer ILF soldiers decide, again, that random destruction and brawling was a good cure for their boredom. Although, suppose I shouldn't be surprised at this point, he thought, sighing. So many Toa these days seem to think the only answer to any problem is their powers or their weapons, even the most trivial ones. And at that he grunted , his eyes rolling skyward. Mata Nui. . .The actually situation was, in Kethrye's professional opinion, what was called in technical jargon, an complete and utter cluster@#$, a fact which would surprise no one. A group of beings which the Toa of Ice couldn't recognized were trading blow after blow of strikes with a group of beings he recognized all too well, some of which a were sprawled out on the ground bond beneath a rope formed by newly grown vines, (Skrihen's handiwork, he thought, a brief grin crossing his face.) and off to the side. . . Nova? And a, er- "working girl"? That's one for the ages. An eyebrow rose beneath his mask. Hardly seem like him, how he stumbled over introducing himself.Regardless, what people did in Pala-Koro behind closed doors (Except from plotting, spying, treason, Makuta-worship, and trespassing in private places I guess.) was none of his concern. The people kicking down said door and then lighting it on fire for laughs were. This day couldn't get worse, certainly. Meaning it somehow will.Focusing his elemental power, walls of ice surrounded the combatants, blocking them off from each other, and Kethrye voice could be heard across the center of the village."What. The. Karzanhi. Do. You think. You're. Doing?! he said, his voice raising to a shout. Well, you're not, that;s usually the answer. The rage apparent in his voice was reflected in his face as he swung his line of vision at each of the berserkers. "Because it will NOT be tolerated, whatever it is."Kethrye narrowed his eyes summon a sword of ice to brandish above his head, his voice dropping to a deadly whisper that still audible to those around. "Is that perfectly clear?"
  15. Nostalgia.I don't necessarily agree with it, but there you go.EDIT: Not eactly, the "make the game more accessible" reboot actually happened months before the downtime, the game was rebooted again after the downtime to fix some problems the early 2011 scenario had and give things a fresh start after months and moths of no BZPRPG.
  16. Bara Magna? What's Bara Magna? Another name for Po-Wahi? :PReally, guys, the parts of the Bionicle universe we actually know exist are Mata Nui, Zakaz, and Xia and maybe Metru Nui. It's still up in the air about any other locations.
  17. You could try, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. The only time I can remember the staff letting anyone use Toa Stones is if it's part of the staff plot. . . .Since when have the staff turned a Toa into a Turaga as a punishment? And how is that a bad thing, either? Last I checked, turning a Toa into a Turaga didn't require staff approval, that is unless you're wanting to make use of that Toa Energy, of course, in whoch case you very much do.Also, a link to the wiki, which is really in need of more activity.
  18. IC:Feongulf have him a scrutinizing look. "What "personally business"?" Never a good sign, that combination. "I'm certainly willing to give you a hand, if you need it, but I'd like to know exactly what you're getting us into." she said, replying in a whisper."If you'd do that, then sure. Someone's got to watch your back." And it will give me a change to reach the Dreamer, she though. The old nut probably wants me to get him a report, or something like that.
  19. IC:"Um, sure," Feongulf replied to Xerov, glancing back to where he had went to converse with some of the others, and wondered what this whole thing was about." I mean-" she shrugged "-it's not as if there's really anyone else to talk to."
  20. IC:The Toa of Ice leaned forward, reaching and tapping the iron bars of the enclosure containing the Turaga. "You'll have to remain locked up, yes, but I doubt we'd be anymore competent them then the Koro guards; They have the advantage of numbers, for instance, and have more then just a semblance of organization. No, the problem would all be in transit, not within your own village surrounded by hundreds of guards and other hardened warriors, not at all."
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