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Everything posted by BenLuke

  1. IC: Kethrye [Pala-Koro/The Turaga's Hut]~ And that's were you're wrong," Kethrye said. "The people of Mata Nui depend on you for wisdon and leadership, both things that are sorely needed in dark times like now, and what I have planned needs you." He shifted his stance and turned his head to stare down into Onawa's face. "We're going to return you each to your villages, under heavy guard, off course. Even if you are unable to take your normal, active roles in the running of the Koros, it would serve as a powerful symbol of hope, a symbol that Makuta schemes will not be triumphant, that we will draw a line and stand our ground to keep him from conquering us."Now, a symbol's all it might be, but symbols have power." he continued. "Hopefully, a symbol that we're to be trusted; Not all of the village militias are are exactly our biggest fans, and all of us will need to unite together to have a change of challenging the Makuta's rein, and though that alone won't be enough, it's a start.
  2. It's always good to see you around, Tuck.
  3. Only parts of Pala-Koro blew up.The rest of it is just moderately singed.
  4. @Tabby, Relapse: the PM system exist for a reason, use it. The latter parts of this contains a most of the major stuff that's happened recently. The Wander's Company is looking for the essence stones, The ILF is recovering from the battle, and Makuta's servant have been hanging out in Kini.
  5. Irritated bickering in GD, as normally scheduled. [/pessimism]Also, cool, so the Vortixx airship's starting up. I'll certainly be paying attention to it; High tech warship on an island were steel spear are the pinnacle of technology? What could possibly go wrong?
  6. If your characters are the only one's cause the problem, the only ones a threatened by the problem, and the ones who are going to solve the problem what's the point of getting involved at all? This is an roleplaying game, not one an epic, and the point of a roleplaying game is to word with other players to create a story together; If you are the only one that has any effect on it then the whole purpose is defeated, and so you'd probably be better off writing a novel or a short story, because the things that actually differentiate them are gone.That's why I've been intentionally ignoring this whole thing, because frankly, why am I do care about a certain plot if one group of underdeveloped characters and another group of underdeveloped characters both controlled by the same person are the only ones that can actually move it along?Answer: There unfortunately isn't one. Even if you (Not Tabby specifically, the rhetorical "you".) were the greatest writer on the whole game, It'd still be bad RPing.Look at the stuff plot, or EW's stuff with the Peers, or the Mark Bearers for instance: All of them are/were run by a single person, yes, but other people also affect what happens. The Peers have Bad Company, which is composed of a lot of people besides EW, involved in their plans. The staff plot has the Wanderer's Company, of course, but other groups have also effected it, like the ILF or FoM. The entire Mark Bearers plot consisted of the complications created by so many different characters interacting. That is how plots are done. Not with dozens of characters that basically exist only to fight each other.Basically, involve your fellow players, because otherwise we won't give a dang,
  7. IC: Feongulf [Kini-Nui]~"It's Feongulf," she replied, the ends of her mouth twitching upward to form a hint of a grin. "It's an odd think to rethink first, 'though," she continued, her voice dropping to a whisperer. Feongulf turned her head, glancing back behind the two at the others of the group. "All things considered."
  8. IC: Feongulf [Kini-Nui]~Feongulf looked around her at the rest of Makut'a servants. Echelon's. . .new taste in ace wear probably meant that any any plans she had for eventually turning the Followers of Makuta against each other were futile, and Kino's likely death didn't help any. Guess that's less important then knocking the ILS down a notch, which we did, she thought, wlaking over to Xerov. Still, Dream-guy isn't going to be happy, nope."So, what's on your mind?" she said, greeting her fellow Matoran. She gestured towards were Echelon and Kino had enter the great temple, wincing. "Considering what's been going on, I guess none of it is good."
  9. Guys, let's not keep derailing, and then derailing the derailings.
  10. In other words, magic.And also what Hubert said.
  11. Could someone give me an update on that the Peer that blew up Pala-Koro's walls?
  12. IC: Kethrye [Pala-Koro]~Kethrye looked around at his fellow ILF soldiers and nodded, resuming his pace towards the Turaga's hut. Their feat crunched against the ash and rubble bellow as they walked, and Kethrye 's mind jumped about how much work rebuilding things all over again was going to be. Luucky us, he thought, ruefully.The Turaga's prison looked happily intact, having survived the enemy onslaught with nothing more severe then pitted walls and scorched wood. Finally, someone throws us a bone, Kethrye thought, heaving open the door, the hinges creaking as the interior o the building was revealed. Entering through the door, Kethrye'es muscles untensed in relieve as his eyes found the Turaga still within the cage the ILF had installed for their own protection.Kethrye bowed his head in greeting. "Turaga, it's good to see you're still here. With all the chaos outside, it was impossible to tell whether the Makuta's servants had disturbed you or not." he said, "We've driven them off, for the moment at least, and I ask to hold council with you on what the Karzahni we're going to do next.."Er- if you'll pardon my language," he added with a nervous grin.
  13. So, 90% of all science fiction ever published isn't science fiction?
  14. That is why dear Riaril went and made this handy guide to disprove that silly notion.
  15. I approve hardily of the idea itself, Kughz, but some of your conclusions seem a tad off the mark. More or less for same reasons as Eyru stated.
  16. I say that becasue that's more or less what the game is already like.
  17. IC: Kethrye [Pala-Koro]~Kethrye growled and suppressed the stream of obscenity forming in his throat. Then he signed and cleared this throat before replying. "Their motive was clear enough, although I guess maybe you missed all the rants about how "you're all doomed and Mata Nui will son we ours!" they were spouting every couple seconds."As for the Turaga, I was just going to check on them. Care to join me?"
  18. IC: Kethrye [Pala-Koro]~"Thanks, guys," Kethrye replied to Kal and Ril, grinning, even as he realized the magnitude that taking on that task would entail. Karzahni. " Assuming Madrihk is really gone, of course, then it's my duty to lead us. But, um, yeah. I'll do to the best I can."
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