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Everything posted by Squishyfrog

  1. behold unnamed Grass/Fire, unnamed Grass/Dark, and unnamed Dark/Ghost now before you say anything, no, these are not evolutionary relatives. but they are definitely linked as you can probably tell, the Grass/Dark practices voodoo and witchcraft whereas the Grass/Fire is fierce and fights with honor. both of these pokes live on a small, superstitious island. if you have one of the Grass/Dark and one of the Grass/Fire pokemon in your party for long enough, the Grass/Fire one will eventually be afflicted by a strange status condition, called "cursed". this cannot be cured via the pokemon center or full restores or anything like that, and it treats the pokemon with this status as if it were fainted in-battle. you have to take your Pokemon to an exorcist to cleanse it of the curse. however, there are two exorcists you can choose from; one who charges a huge amount of money, and the other very little. assuming you go to the expensive one, your pokemon will be totally cured and go back to normal. but, if you go to the cheap one, a malevolent spirit takes over the body of the Grass/Fire pokemon, who is still conscious, but cannot do anything except for cry. this cannot be undone, and this process only can happen once moral: don't be a cheapskate design-wise, i'm pretty happy with how these guys turned out. thinking a physical attacker for the Grass/Fire, special for the Grass/Dark, and mixed for the Dark/Ghost. but you tell me what you think
  2. oh what do you know there is no lego there's also no emperor's new groove or teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012 or sharks or up or sombreros or mustaches and probably some other stuff that i missed dang now i'm going to have to make a new one in the future. for reference, i'll make a list of everything that needs to be crammed into it(in no particular order): pony stuff portal stuff pokemon stuff calvin and hobbes stuff super paper mario stuff sukapon owl stuff frog stuff gravity falls stuff tmnt '12 stuff lego stuff shark stuff mustache stuff sombrero stuff the emperors new groove stuff
  3. (click for full size) aaaand right after making this i remember one important thing i forgot to put in(Calvin and Hobbes). OH WELL rate it on a scale of zero to the highest number you can count to
  4. OOC: in response to Vincent's question - i think in the show the snowmobile produces it's own ice/snow to drive on, but i might be wrong
  5. so iunno post suggestions or something??
  6. OOC: new character time aaaaaaaaaaa Name: Jamie Ignii(as in "Ignite")Gender: FemaleElement: FireWeapon: Dual daggers(not sure of this counts as one weapon or two)Personality: Jamie, as typical for a ninja of Fire, has bit of a temper. Although she controls it fairly well, she still talks down to people she deems weak. She also cares greatly about her appearance, and is nearly never seen without some sort of makeup on. Despite all of this, she does have a soft side.Background: Even from birth, Jamie has always had a somewhat unpleasant attitude, which resulted in her not making any friends. Her parents spoiled her to make up for this, though she was never truly happy with any of the things she got(aside from a certain stuffed dragon she got at a young age, which she keeps with her at all times). Because of her confined life, she desperately craved adventure, and when she found out the Ninja Academy, she begged her parents to let her go. They forbade her to leave, insisting it was too dangerous, but this just prompted her to run away and join. somewhat Aaron's polar opposite, although i see this character failing because i have no clue how to role play as a girl, lol IC: Aaron Aaron immediately ran to his snowmobile, revved it up and started to drive to the Northern Provinces, catching up with Vincent and a few other ninja.
  7. OOC: whoops forgot about this again can we just say i never went to the Caves of Despair or that i came back after doing absolutely nothing or something IC: Aaron threw out a few punches at a punching bag, followed by a roundhouse kick. All the while all he could think about was Kyle Cotta's death. When Aaron had seen Cotta die right in front of him, he was a bit shocked. It didn't really register that his life had come to an end. Now the feeling had really sunk in. It was an uncomfortably familiar feeling - one akin to when his family had died. The ninja took his glasses off and wiped a tear from his eye. He failed another person. Another person he could have saved, but all he did was watch. Has the Academy really been helping him at all? Aaron shook his head, trying to rid those thoughts from his mind. He went back to training, but the feeling lingered still.
  8. yeah, and then they don't give Pokes who actually HAVE shells Shell Smash(such as Blastoise) also yes yes yes dragonfish please Game Freak make this happen as far as aquatic species go, i'd really love to see a Water/Fighting type based on the mantis shrimp with ridonkulous attack and every single physical priority move in the game. heck, let's give it Technician while we're at it, lol
  9. i vote Constructman because if you spell "Constructman" backwards you get "Namtcurtsnoc" and if you remove every other letter of Namtcurtsnoc you get "nmcrso" and if you spell that backwards you get "osrcmn" and if you mesh nmcrso and osrcmn you get "Nomscrrcsmon" and if you cut that in half you get "Nomscr" and "Rcsmon" and if you swap their places you get "Rcsmonnomscr" so clearly i have no reason for voting Constructman
  10. "The man known as Blumiere died a long time ago..."

  11. i had a bunch of Pokes competing for this Hip Pokemon of the Day. eventually i was able to decide on one, however. TODAY'S POKEMON IS HUNTAIL if i had payed this guy more attention when i first saw him, i wouldn't have had all those rants in my head about how more Pokemon based on eels, specifically a gulper eel, should totally be made. why? because, as it turns out, Huntail here actually is based on an eel. specifically, a gulper eel. i just realized this recently, and now i feel like a total cool dude. anyhow, i had actually really started warming up to this guy right before i realized he was based on a gulper, but once i figured it out his popularity with me skyrocketed. is he my new favorite Water-Type? heck no(Sharpedo ftw), but he's close to the top although i still have no clue how he learns Shell Smash
  12. all i know is that he lives on Drury lane 1. depends on where you start from 2. i have no clue what willowzillaries are 3. beats me
  13. "Bleh heh heh heh... Bleck!" so basically i've been replaying Super Paper Mario recently and it has re-sparked my love for Count Bleck. a really awesome villain like this totally deserves an appreciation thread on an obscure little lego fansite. so APPRECIATE
  14. OOC: sure, i'll join also this is the bad part of being a ninja of ice; you have to pick between the worst two vehicles. =( IC: Aaron followed master Zane over to a small station where two pairs of white ZX garb waited for Vincent and Aaron. Zane handed him his golden spear, which Aaron fuddled with before nodding. "Do not forget your vehicle," Zane told him while directing Aaron over to a selection of four vehicles; two for Vincent to choose from and two for Aaron to choose from. Aaron looked both of them over closely, but eventually decided on the Ice Spider. He bowed, "Thank you, master Zane." before going off to change into his new uniform. Upon coming out of his room, Aaron asked a random Light ninja about any ongoing missions he could go help with. "Well, master Storm and Damon Vankrov just left for the Caves of Despair, you could go help them." the Light ninja replied. No sooner said than done, Aaron left the Academy for the caves, before eventually reaching them. He was greeted by a standard Earth ninja, who gave him a flashlight and a map. Untying a strap from his outfit, Aaron fixed his flashlight onto his Spider and began to scour the caves, looking for the fortress.
  15. i meant to put the answer to that in the original post, lol. anyhow yes as if i know that's a really hard one. if you had asked me when the games were first revealed, i would have said Froakie. if you had asked me a just a few weeks ago, i would have said Fennekin. for now, though, i'm going to say Chespin. which one i'll pick depends on their final evolutions, probably.
  16. i would say 42, but that's just clich-- nvm it's 42 oh yeah, forgot about that lol. it seems as though they have - last time we saw them they actually turned into our neighbor's yard and much later than usual, and then they took off really fast.
  17. so i have nothing to blog about(that is, nothing that anyone cares about) so i decided to go a generic route and make an ASK ENTRY WHOOOOOOOOAH :o :o so ask me your craziest questions or DIE watch this blog DIE
  18. OOC: oops forgot all about this lol sorry IC: Aaron glanced back up at the screen. "It's finished!" he replied as he pulled the device out of the computer. Aaron looked down at Dark Jay, who was starting to groan and move. "We better get out of here," he said as he hopped out of the train car, pulling himself to the roof.
  19. i feel like i'm the only one who likes the original better =/
  20. IC: Aaron had to collect himself after watching his teammate's lifeless body fall to the ground. Hearing something about the download, he snapped the head up to look at the screen. "It's about 65% of the way through," he said, trying to keep his cool.
  21. IC: Aaron slipped inside, trying his hardest not to make a sound. Noticing Leia jamming the doors, he searched for the computer. Locating it, he plugged the device in the correct-looking slot. As soon as it started to download the information, a siren started up, alerting the Serpentine to the ninja's presence. Aaron looked up at the computer screen. Approximately 93% downloaded. "C'mon, c'mon..." he said as he pulled out his spear.
  22. IC: Aaron looked over his shoulder. All the other Ninja were there, seemingly waiting for him to do something. It was an awkward position for Aaron to be in, but he would try his hardest not to let them down. Crawling over to the edge of the roof of the train, he dropped down onto a connecting platform and tried to open the door to car number 3. "It's locked," he whispered up to the other ninja "What should we do?"
  23. OOC: welcome Brigs! boy, everyone seems to like ice, huh? lol IC: Aaron looked for the third car on the train. Spotting it, he pulled on the right side handle and began to make his approach. Leveling up to the train was harder than he thought, but then again, gliding was never Aaron's forte. When he decided he was close enough, he unbuckled himself and landed on the top of the train.
  24. IC: Aaron flipped the device over in his hand before nodding at Master Grimpen. Watching the other ninja glide down, Aaron made note of the direction of the wind as he strapped on a glider and hopped off the Bounty.
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