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Everything posted by Squishyfrog

  1. woohoo yay xmas okay i have to be honest here. our parents actually let us open everything on the 22nd BUT HEY STILL REAL CHRISTMAS YAAAY loot(in no particular order): (purple!)3DS Cubic Ninja for 3DS(eh) NRG Jay three of those collectible Portal turrets(got open sunburst, open zebra and closed wood) Portal 2 space core t-shirt pipe cleaner Mewtwo and Deoxys from younger sister plush snowy owl from older sister a lot of stuff this year! though it felt weird that i wasn't building any Lego sets =P
  2. sometimes, there are things that i never really pay attention to, and just forget about until much later, when i end up loving them. this especially happens with Pokemon, so i figured i would just do this TODAY'S POKEMON IS ARCHEOPS seriously, this is my new favorite fossil, flying, and rock-type Pokemon. plus, i love love love its stat spread. unfortunately, i accidentally chose the wrong fossil in both White and White 2, prohibiting me from getting Archeops without trading. another thing bad about Archeops is its ability, but in-game(which is what i do) it's not too horrible with access to potions and whatnot also don't expect any more of these because this whose idea is just dumb and this entry is prone for deletion FYI =)
  3. i am extremely curious about this. the post in question seems to be directed specifically at the message boards, but you never know. could be just a story continuation, or maybe there will be new sets(EXTREMELY DOUBTFUL OF THIS)? so many questions. =) EDIT also also if we got a few mini-movies revolving around what happened to the characters after "Rise of the Spinjitsu Master" i would be so happy. especially if, as extremely extremely extremely unlikely as it is, Pythor is not dead and oh goodness yes that would just be incredible
  4. i don't know they're all pretty hot
  5. saw this earlier. a-freaking-mazing. i especially love the floating (presumed)chi waterfall with all the animal heads on it also that character artwork is GORGEOUS. plus we know how the Speedorz work now so that's cool
  6. heart.exe has stopped working
  7. this entry* was posted at 12:12 on 12/12/12 *brought to you by Squishy's Future Blogging(Patent Pending)
  8. oh i hadn't seen the topic for this before huh anyway totally stoked for these, even though i only want two or three sets. the eagle jet especially. the birds and their vehicles are the real highlights of this theme, IMO. honestly, i think the lions look kind of dumb =/ it's the hair, methinks. but still, the line as a whole looks really fantastic. can't wait to get me some Chima =D
  9. oh, IPB Admin, if i could only write songs, i would write a song about how i wish i could write songs about you
  10. so new pics these pictures have actually changed my opinion quite a bit. on one hand, Breez looks even better to me(unless that actually turns out to be a goofy smile on her helmet), but Rocka's head looks too big now and something about Bruizer just seems... off. that thing on his head, maybe. the rest of the villains look a bit better(sans Pyrox(who's name, as of me typing this post, i understand now with him being a minotaur and all. PYRO OX. durr)). Furno XL also looks better here, though his crotch still desperately needs armor. all in all, from these pics, the line as a whole looks a bit better to me. =)
  11. Squishyfrog


    The long foretold battle of the two mighty gods, Hopori Tohu and IPB Admin, is starting to unfold. Prepare yourselves.
  12. the way she asked makes me think otherwise, but yeah, that could be true.
  13. me: *humming* sister: What's that song? me: it's uh sister: Do I know it? me: no sister: Then I don't care. lol in other news my ear still feels awful :<
  14. Squishyfrog

    dear ear

    what did i ever do to you for you to cause me so much misery whatever it was, i'm sorry can we be friends again ;__;
  15. FINALLY WE CAN TALK ABOUT THESE anyhow, i really don't get the love for this wave. especially Furno XL. he looks more like a bad guy than a good guy, plus his build seems to have an over-reliance on the cape to cover the obvious gaps and whatnot, which would probably look even worse in real life. the villains, on the other hand, are hideous. sure, they have tons of awesome new recolors and such, but i'm not a MOCist, so that doesn't really mean anything to me. special mention to Scarox, who looks like one of the most awkward and ugly HF sets to date the only sets i like and/or want are Breez, Rocka, and Bruizer, all of which look quite nice. especially Bruizer, with his cool stone theme
  16. turns out i am sick =<
  17. "I used to rule the world..."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CeeCee


      Viva La Vida? Back when Coldplay was good(Which wasnt that long ago I know)

    3. toa electro

      toa electro

      YES great song the music video was interesting tho

    4. Legolover-361


      Seas would rise when I gave the word.

  18. Squishyfrog


    everyone in my family sans me and my dad have gotten sick but i have gotten extreme paranoia because whenever my nose is slightly stuffy or i feel a little rough twinge in my throat i think i'm sick .-.
  19. is amazing enough said
  20. EDIT bumped 23/11/12 because still totally relevant
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