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Everything posted by Primis

  1. Primis

    360 Or Wii?

    I agree, back then they had some awesome games, sure the graphics sucked, but the gameplay was awesome. Nowadays almost all the games are either some stupid-dancing game or gangster-themed games. Every once in awhile you get good new games like MGS, HALO, or Sonic. Nothing will ever beat the classics though, but MGS and HALO come in REAL close.
  2. Primis

    Ps3 Mobbings

    See this is why I don't camp out for things... That and I have a life...
  3. If Kex is a penguin, Tufi's a puffin, Ninjo's a ninja-pirate hybrid, and Polo's a rabbit (According to his profile pic), what are you?
  4. Primis

    360 Or Wii?

    360. HALO Wars. As far as I know it's not a FPS.
  5. This could be interesting... What has been your favorite year of BIONICLE so far? Which do you think is better, HALO 1 or 2? If you, Janus, Omi, Ninjo and Tufi got in a fight, who would win? What's your favorite book/book series? What's your favorite movie/show? Do you have any pets? What do you think when you see a speculation theory? Is Ninjo really a pirate-ninja? Do you like college? What forum do you visit most? That's all for now.
  6. Since you like Breaking Benjamin so much why not their song Blow Me Away? Awesome song it is. Or Sky, I Lost Everything Today or Tell Me by Ra.
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