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Everything posted by Boidoh

  1. Which are the best? My favourite are these: "I believe in certainties. The strength of my limbs, the power of my mask, the sharp edges of my blades — that is what I build my plans around. Trickery, deception, complex strategies, they are for the weak! If you want power, and another has it, you get it not by outwitting him — you get it by stepping over his corpse." — Makuta Icarax to Vican, Shadows in the Sky "Your talents are still of some use to me, and so I will not kill you ... today. But one day - perhaps in a year, or 1000 years, or 100,000 years - I may grow tired of you, Icarax. You may cease to be amusing, with your posturing and your boasting and your lust for battle. And on that day, your armor will be a meal for metal-eating scavengers, and your essence a wisp on the wind." — Teridax to Icarax, The Mutran Chronicles "You once told the Toa Mata that you could not be destroyed, because you were nothing. You were wrong — it is because you are nothing that I can destroy you. You have no heart, you have no spirit, you have no reason to exist — even your hate is a pale reflection of what once burned in you. You survive out of habit, monster, and habits ... and minds ... can be broken." — Alternate Matoro, to Alternate Teridax, The Kingdom "You haven't truly lived until you have seen the world through the eyes of madness. Why, half the time I don't know if what I see is what's really there, or what I wish was there ... or what I pray, I beg, I plead is not." — Vezon, Federation of Fear "I know you. You were among my rescuers from Artidax. You were the one who never shut up." — Miserix to Vezon, Reign of Shadows
  2. It might happen. I asked Greg if any of the Toa Mangai had the same Kanohi as another Toa Mangai. If he said something like "probably" or "its up to you guys", then I'll re-start. If he outright says "no", then the poll stays.
  3. I don't think these need narrowing down. How much do we have? Like 7?
  4. I wouldn't mind waiting longer, but what do you mean by moving on to the next one? Were just in phase one of this poll. Phase two would be elaborating on what these weapons are, what they do, ect. Then we take it to Greg for approval for them to be on the poll, then we vote.
  5. Probably. Maybe in the future the Toa Mahri are needed for something important. Maybe someone went back in time to stop them from ever becoming Toa or something.
  6. I'll deal with the concern that they might have repeated masks soon enough.
  7. ...My mind is being blown. Now I know why Combustion Man is from the Fire Nation.
  8. LEGO will never make Acid a Toa element...
  9. Ta-Matoran should live in the opposite of heaven, since that is associated with fire.
  10. This, Madu Cabolo, Kabum Launcher Madu Fruit Launcher added to list. Does anyone else have any suggestions, or would like to second any suggestion that never made it to the list? Does anyone else think we should close this now and start expanding on the suggestions we already have?
  11. I liked Nektann... My only problem is that he never had the signature Skakdi smile.
  12. How is Gravity very earthy? What about in space?
  13. I love all BIONICLE sets. I don't think any is horrible, really. I like the stars...
  14. Well I suppose we feel the same way now. You think Jungle is a weird name, I think Plantlife is inaccurate since the element in G1 is the Green. But aren't you contradicting some previous points you made on other topics. You said Kopaka could be a Toa of Snow (though he was jokingly refered to as a Toa of Snow and Slush once), or Tahu a Toa of Flame.
  15. the Green.... I don't have a answer for that, but I do know how a Nova Blast of the Green would be. I added it to the trivia on BS01 but it was removed soon after because someone thought it was too obvious. * If a Toa of The Green were to unleash a Nova Blast it would cause a huge burst of growth all over the area, so that everything would be tangled in vines and bushes.<ref>[https://community.lego.com/t5/LEGO-General/Chat-with-Greg-Farshtey/m-p/10750061/highlight/true#M247053 Chat with Greg Farshtey], 5. August 2014</ref>
  16. Basically like Avatar? Fire -> Lightning Air -> Gravity Ice -> ? Earth -> Lava/Magma Stone -> Iron Water -> Healing
  17. Eh em. Turaga Dume had rallied Lesovikk's group, although not before Nuju had been pulled into the Archives by plantlife gone wild. - "Dark Mirror" Oh, and don't you mean, the Green?
  18. Pokemon isn't a very good comparison. Its "types" are less "elements" and more like "descriptors". For example, Kingdra is a powerful seahorse. It is water-based, and dragon-based. Therefore, it's Water/Dragon. Bionicle's Elements are far more in line with things like the classic elements of Water, Fire, Air, and Earth, in that they're supposed to be fundamental building blocks. Now, obviously, the classic elements are discredited scientifically, but the idea of it lives on. Even still; we've seen Toa channel '(pure) Elemental Energy', which is just a beam of the associated colour etc. So... I don't see why that can't be done with Jungle; green beam of nature, or just have vines or come out, or maybe certain Elements aren't generated so much as manipulating what's already there most of the time... Even still i have no issues with someone clasping their hands together and; green light, small seed, grows rapidly in mid air etc. Honestly the only thing that really bothers me about it is the name, but I don't think it was that bad; I still think I know what they're on about. Oh & Air/Wind does seem to be mixed in still, so it should be fine. (fills in some roles that might look more awkward to some) Toa of the Green exist you know.
  19. Well, I suppose plants are related to air since they produce oxygen.
  20. Well, they are all Toa of Ice. It's not like I had it a vote for every other Toa Mangai's mask in one poll. I didn't say, "1st place goes to Naho, 2nd to the Toa of Earth, 3rd to the Toa of Stone, 4th, 5th, and 6th place mask goes to the Toas of Ice." Well why is it that now people want to treat these like "characters". I forgot who it was, but I'm sure that person kept repeating about how they are like cardboard cutouts with a mask or something like that. I thought a lot of people on the anti-canonization side thought that they were irelevant characters that are a waste of Greg's time, or something like that. EDIT: That second part was supposed to go on another topic. This entire discussion is spread throughout 3 or 4 topics.
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