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Status Updates posted by Razgriz

  1. ^

    *Self-proclaimed priest of Sharkianism*

  2. "Hug?"

    "NO HUG!"

  3. "Hey everybody! I am extremely indifferent!"

    "Did you just say something?"

    "IGNORE ME!"

  4. Hey, is it okay if I can Register Obsidius into the Towers?

  5. You do not question the almighty power of Lord Yaxon.

  6. "Screw you guys, I'm going home!" is no longer a valid battle cry. And thanks.

  7. The chainsaw bear CAN massacre you WHENEVER he wants. There is NOTHING you can do about it.

  8. www.acecombatskies.com, from a guy with that avatar. (SKULL 2's gonna kill me if he finds out who I am) J/k, lol

  9. This is truth, brother. Spread it to the ignorant masses!

    1. They


      who says I'm ignorant?

  10. I'd make a witty comment, but I'm too lazy right now, so I'll just say this:...nevermind, I'm still too lazy

  11. So do you follow Spink Wherever he goes?

  12. What part of Texas you from? I live in Frisco, which is about, idk, 20 mins north of Dallas

  13. I'm gonna miss Ed Edd 'n Eddy so frakking much, and Ehlossa and nuncio's fight has ended. Obsidius and I got bored.


  15. The characters can refer to me as Razgriz. Is the comic finished?

  16. Are you alive?

    And it's spelled "Intellectually".

  17. *Owns AC04,AC5, ACZ, And ACX.

    I believe I win this round, wabbit hunter.

  18. MOBIUS 1+ F-22= GAEM OVER 4 Yellow 13, AMIRITE?

  19. And if it's too much to ask, can you send me an example sprite of how I'd look?

  20. Wow, I'm 1 year and 363 days older than you are. OSS1M.

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