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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Obsessionist

  1. Considering going premier before the price raise... Should I?

    1. Biokid The Toa of Fire

      Biokid The Toa of Fire

      Depends on how active you are. If you're only on every other Tuesday, I'd say a definite no. If you where to be on ever other day or something, then I would recommend it.

  2. Cool! You're on BZPower! PM me if you need help with anything.

  3. Finally changed my name to just "Obsessionist". I figured that on Lego sites the "Lego" bit was hardly needed.

  4. Hey, I'm interested in interests too!

  5. I just built a basic Zamor tank with Power Functions. Lots of fun there.

  6. I just want you to know that I value your friendship.

  7. Internet goes out for 30 seconds, miss the entire death mountain dungeon.

    1. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      I do not recall it being that short.

  8. Oh, hey, it's a status update! Cool.... Kinda.

  9. Since I got it our years ago, I've worn my BZP shirt for every school picture.

    1. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Haha! That's awesome! Did anyone ever notice?

    2. Obsessionist


      Not that I know of. In the pics the logo is usually partially blocked. But some of my friends who saw me in person noticed.

  10. What is this thing I'm typing into? What does it do?

  11. Wow, I just discovered a profile feed! People have commented on me way back when!

  12. Wow... I'm leaving a comment for the ingenius Greg Farshtey... Wow.

    Hi. I'm Lego Obsessionist and I love your work. Bionicle rules!

  13. Your sig is hilarious.

    1. Paleo


      Thanks. Should I change it to a Doctor Who gif?

    2. Rahkshi Guurahk
    3. Obsessionist


      Since I've never seen Doctor Who, but love math jokes and Bill Cosby, I prefer this one. But a really great GIF can be fantastic.

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