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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Posts posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. *crack* MY LIVER!What kind of line was that!? It made me laugh, that's what kind of line it was! Oh, it makes me ponder how you come up with these lines. And that was probably one of the most humorous apologies I have seen. :P

  2. He is totally normal and in no way nightmare (dohoho) inducing.As always, an excellent job.Anyways, looks like I'm up next.(The day I upgraded my weapon, too...)MUST EDIT REQUEST FORM QUICKLY.

    Thanks for all your compliments, guys, I really, really appreciate it. :biggrin:I tell you what, Razgriz. You should just have the armor and weapons at the highest upgrade they can go. You'll get there eventually. :PAnd for ponies, I probably won't have a new one out until the day after Christmas, because I'll be spending time with family, but I can't guarantee that I won't have one done during that time. But it is most likely.
  3. You even put Nul, Cookie, and Flunky in there! LNU must be proud.A zombie intact!? Well, Utah and Joland haven't found it then -- Oh, they did in the "credits" with the whole cast. :P And Darc's closet? It can't even sing! Can it?I find your interruptions very randomly funny. In your introduction and the Chirstmas comics, I love how those two make random appearances by popping in the middle of the screen. Show-stealers ...

  4. And the outright strangest member of the herd, Toa of Dancing! His cutie mark is a disco ball, but because of his pose, you can't see it. And that is a straitjacket, in case it's hard to tell.Don't ask me what happened to him. I'm guessing he was a dancer until he stuck his finger (hoof?) in a light socket and fried his brains.Anyway, as far as the Alicorn thing goes, I really don't care who wants one. The way I have it figured, it's your imagination, so I'm not gonna argue. My siblings and I broke the "rules" many times when we made MOC's, making a Ga-Matorn turn into a white-and-gold Toa of Time and an eccentric Matoran of basically nothing have the ability to access a mask power of basically everything. That's the fun part about creating new characters. So I personally don't care who wants a "pony god." :P

  5. That's pretty awesome, there. Good coloring and posing. What's the cutie mark supposed to be, though?

    Ya'know, I'm not really sure. He just gave me a picture to work from.I would have uploaded this yesterday when it was finished, but my scanner decided to wig out. Seriously, I can't figure out if it's my old computer not functioning well with my new techy scanner, or if my scanner is so techy that it still has glitches no one figured out yet ...
  6. Hey, TMN. I'm just here to say that I might not be able to see my pony on the day it comes out. This is because I have to go to my hostel and rarely get internet connection. Don't worry, I'll respond to it once I get a stable internet connection :biggrin: Just continue on with the other 9, okay? I'm sure it'll be a while until mine gets finished anyway.

    It's alright. You can send me your form whenever you can, though, because you're in the request list. :)Please welcome Skarloth!In case no one notices, his pose is very similar to the Ferrari's black horse logo. I think the only thing I changed from the Ferrari horse to the pony's pose was that the tail was down and not up.Enjoy! :D
  7. Darc, what can I say to express how entertaining that comic was? :DIt was very nicely done, and your references were humorous! One of the best so far.You have no idea what The Lion King is to us. It's a constant, admirable meme that my parents can quote word-for-word from beginning to end (I'm not joking, either) because it would keep me and my sister quiet when we were wee little tykes. It's still my favorite cartoon and seeing that reference made me smile. ^_^The panel with the Portal turret reminded me of the trailer that Cave Johnson narrates as he explains the turrets. So I smiled again when I read it in his voice. :PYou know what? Every panel made me smile! Honestly, it's one of the most humorous Christmas comics I've ever read!

  8. This new Lego "Friends" line and previous Lego lines for girls are blatantly sexist and are (or would be, if they actually were successful) part of the reason why young girls become overly self-concious about their physical appearances, lose their self-esteem, and form cliques that exclude other girls that don't fit their criteria for friendship. I do support Lego Bricks made for a girl and/or gender neutral audience, but definitely not if they're going to be all beauty-oriented like this. That being said, this new line sure brings up a heck of a lot of new opportunities as far as mocing is concerned.

    Couldn't have said it better myself, Toa Zaz. Bionicle has always been my favorite toy, and most likely will always be. But when I'm 40, I'll probably just set them up like other people display model cars. :)
  9. Fun Fact: There is no music. If you can imagine the sound of a single note from a cowbell, hand clap, banjo, trombone, and the sound of a pony stomping her feet on the ground for forty minutes, that's all you need.

    That's pretty much what I imagined. When I read it I felt, "Was there something I missed?" :PThat's insane enough for me. In my honest opinion, the last line really made the whole thing.
  10. These all look great! I'll have to put in a request soon. As soon as I think of something.EDIT: Owait I reread the OP. Could you put me on the waiting list? Thanks so much. :)

    Done. :)Tonight, I should get TheMightyFighty's pony done. I have it mostly done right now, and then I'll work on the next pony.Drawing these ponies is so fun :biggrin: EDIT: Here is MightyFighty! I did it! Enjoy! :D
  11. Would they be created with their personality in canon Bionicle story, or would they be created with the personality the builder/owner made for them?If they could be brought to life with the personality the owner made them have, then I don't know if I even would bring one of mine to life. Yes, I love them and their stories that me and my younger siblings created, even more than some of the canon personalities, but what's Jaller without Hahli? In fact, what's Kongu without his lover, a female Toa of Time we created for him? We have over 80 residents of a stronghold, consisted of canon characters and MOC's alike, and no one is anything without anyone else.Unless of course, we brought Brutaka to life (a good-turned bad guy in our story, who now serves a good purpose), and then he could use his Olmak to bring us to his world. That would be something to see. :D

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