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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Posts posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. I think your line in the last panel was the best part. :lol:Also, I think if you switched the places of the main characters and the man behind the counter it would look just a bit better. So if you two were in front of the counter, closer to the "audience," and the guy was behind it, it might have a better prespective.Even if you don't want to use my advice, did I make it sound clear? I have the worst feeling I messed up the wording. :blink:

  2. Well, these four are certainly unexpected. :blink:Alena: Very good! You even kept the pentameter correct. Needless to say, I was humming along as I read it :lol:MirMir: I can't tell you how happy I am to see you back, even for a small amount of time. Your comic was sweet and touching, as usual, and your abilities haven't diminished one bit. ^_^Ennar: We had a "brown" Christmas too. Do you think you could get Makito to send a measly five inches over here plzthx? :PLR: Great to see you back too, dude. And the first half of your comic made me lol. :pirate:

    Darc pretty much said everything I was going to say. :PI really didn't know there were going to be four new comics. And some from comic authors I haven't seen or heard from in ages!That really was a touching and kind comic, Miraka. I think it captured the Christmas spirit even better than all the Christmas comics combined. How is it that you can make such interesting, sweet, and even relateable comics? Your style is very unique. I'd love to see more from you whenever you get the chance. :)And there's Ennar's somewhat catatrophic comic style. I never posted much on the older forums, but I kept up with your comics. It's nice to see you again.Oh, and tell Makito we need him over where I live so we can some snow that lasts longer than a day. :PAnd to Alena and Lavaside Rahi, I still consider myself among the new members, so I can't say I'm familiar with your comics. Both of your Christmas comics were very nice. Alena's was humorous, and I can relate to LR's in my own way. :PNice job, everyone! :D
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