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Dragonfly the Luminescent

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Posts posted by Dragonfly the Luminescent

  1. Okay, I'm really interested to see what happened to Zik. What stunt did he pull, and what consequences is he suffering? I don't expect anyone to answer that until another comic comes out, and I also don't know if the consequences of his stunt created the voices in head, or if they were there to begin with. By his last line, I assume they were never there before; unless, he vows to get rid of them quite often.

  2. wait so if in an alternate reality pinky is a matoran, that means the matoran'd be a girl and you'd be in MLP;FIM!

    Also, by this same logic, you would be a pony as well. In fact, it's an alternate universe where we're on an MLP forum, and some the users hate Bionicle with a passion. Mind=Blown
    I drew your pony, and I would be a Matoran in our "correct reality" according to the clog, but Pinkie as a Matoran claimed that her friend drew it as her pony alternate, so that would make her friend a Matoran. So ... are we saying that I drew both pony forms? Because in both realities I would still be a Matoran. Unless of course, Matoran Pinkie's friend is a "Matoranized" Lauren Fraust. :P
  3. I don't even know what Gamboge is :blink: *runs off to look it up*Tree sap color? I never would have guessed :PYour answers were very clever to the questions, and I liked how Pinkie mentioned that she got advice from Morgan Freeman. The alternate reality with your two "species" swapped around was great! :DKeep up your humor! :lol:

  4. I never thought a one-panel comic could tell such a terrifying story. :PWORK FASTER! HAVE COKE! HAVE ... ZOMBIES!! HAVE SOMETHING CAFFINE-RELATED!

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