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Axilus Prime

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Status Updates posted by Axilus Prime

  1. NEBULAAAAAAAAA! Get online so we can finish this simulation before my school starts!

  2. Never let a 5 year old play Halo. They will develop a lifelong fear of popcorn.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      What's happening to our world?? :P

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Not much, just that some Covenant remnant is attacking us and this crazy Forerunner wants to turn us all into Prometheans...while attacking us with Prometheans.

    4. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      LOL, that's not quite what I meant.

  3. Never seen this guy, 0 posts, 2 friends, has something in the interests section though. Plus, he's an Administrator. Something is not right.

  4. New chapter in Legend of the Primes! New characters, more action, and a LOAD of plot!

  5. New chapter in Legend of the Primes. Best one yet in my opinion, so post yours.

  6. New display name update! Now I can reboot comics and get a fully new persona.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I just mean trishade everything and use one kit for everything. Easier to read glow text, and glow effects.


      Yep, no more of that. There's actually a complex plot I thought up. I can give you the villain's name, cookie if you spot the (ironic) inspiration. Makuta Vadamus.


      Oh, definitely. Better to be a PGS, actually. The current plan if all goes well is to have Axilus' entire team be made of PGSes, with him being solo in the first few comics.

    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      I see. Actually, to be quite honest, I don't. :P I'll have to see it to fully understand what you mean.


      Yup. Thel 'Vadam. I know my Haloverse. Now give me that cookie. :P


      Permanent? Really? Wow... Thanks! :) How do I go about giving you a character, or are you just going to make a character for me? Can I ask you to include some things?

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I PM'd you to extensively answer everything. No spoilers, though. Only one member has access to spoilers, and that is because he's helping me fix the old flaws and build up a strong, good story/graphics foundation.

  7. Ninjago's ending was cheesy and anticlimactic. The Overlord got one-shotted so predictably that it wasn't even funny.

    1. ~Shockwave~


      It could have been worse. much worse. but, yeah, it left something to be desired.

  8. Not getting all the praise on Nuparurocks' comic. It's like BIOCICLES ADVENTURES COMIXS, but comprehensible. Which is not saying much at all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Probably. I still find it more annoying than funny. (shrug)

    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Somewhat. They may have taken the sarcasm a little too far. I didn't even understand the last panel of the comic. ^_^

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Yep. Anyway, started Halo on Heroic. Much more challenging, but feels more realistic and fits well so far. I shudder to think of the horrible LEVEL 7 on Heroic, though. Endless hordes of Flood in a quest for the Index that ends in the realization that the entire level was for nothing.

  9. Note to self: Do not play Movie style in TF Alignment. Causes chaos.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ~Shockwave~


      works for me.

      well, cya tomorrow. and hopefully we don't almost get shot at.

    3. Havelock Vetinari

      Havelock Vetinari

      But chaos is good! It means activity! :P

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Alphonus behaved like a Bayverse Autobot in his negotiations. In other words, the logic is:


      If it pulls a gun on you, be ready to kill it at any moment. If it does nothing to you, be kind to it.

  10. Note to self: Don't forget the Rahaga, Stabbington, and Skrall animations.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hexann


      It is not considered a "note to self" if it is told to every person on BZP because of your profile feed.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I put it up here so I would see it every time I check my profile.

    4. Hexann


      I know it was just a joke :P

  11. Now that's a shame...Alignment's down to the second page...again.

  12. Now we need more stuff to do in TF Alignment...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      That was before that part. XD


      But now I'm having fun, yesss...

    3. Wotz


      Zu'u unslaad, zu'u nis oblaan!

    4. Axilus Prime
  13. Now why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of an aircraft?

    1. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      So he wouldn't scream on the way down.

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      OH LOL. Well, cookie if you get the quote.

  14. Now, Prophet, your end has come.

  15. Oh slag. My XBL gold expires in a month.

  16. Oh wow. For once I'm online at the same time as Wotz. That's like the second time this month.

    1. Wotz


      Unpredictability is how I roll B)

    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Make that third. I just remembered.

  17. Oh, so that's why the pushup requirements are so low! Army pushups are harder than normal pushups.

  18. Oh, then you could make one and meet me in Ta-Koro. :D

  19. oh. right. i 4got. here, i'll post something to let you post again.

  20. Ok, the fight continues! I'm back!

  21. Ok...just saw the TF4 trailer...I think the original trilogy had better designs. Still hoping the rest of the movie's good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JiMing


      Internet will hate it. =P

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I don't care if the internet hates something. The internet maintains that Halo 3 is better than Halo Reach, I disagree. The internet says the Transformers movies are bad, I strongly disagree. I choose to form my own opinion, rather than follow the crowd.

    4. Sybre


      Same here, man. I still love recent Sonic games regardless of what people say. I really like the Transformers trilogy (even though I only saw 1 & 3 and I'm no TF expert). So, yeah, I agree with you.

  22. Ok...never using the Path Blaster with Vortex again. He's far better with the Riot Cannon.

  23. On individual comics, I feel like my ideas are few. But for overall plots, my head is filling with SEQUEL ideas to Prototypes, and Prototypes isn't even halfway done!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I just hope my current work keeps going and I don't forget anything of value.

    3. Terra Nuva

      Terra Nuva

      I hope so too. Your comics are quite amazing and I do hope to keep great minds on BZ Power in the coming years to keep the forum alive.

    4. Axilus Prime
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