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Lord Oblivion

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Status Updates posted by Lord Oblivion

  1. Yeah I sadly am not working on any new MOCs due to school but I start during Friday sometimes Thursday

  2. Yeah I'm doing good to. School just takes a big chunk of my time to make MOCs.

  3. Yeah I'm the MOC guy :P Sure I'll be friends with ya on bs01 :D

  4. Yeah in the creation lab!

  5. Yeah its crazy how that stuff happens. Listen to these names. ::Shadix::, Shadonix, Dorian Shaddix. Now thats crazy :P

  6. Yeah its probably going to be one of my favorite animated movies B)

  7. Yeah O just wanted to say hi to a fellow BZP from LU :)

  8. Yeah the head design is nice! although I can't make them cue to the fact that i barely have any glatoran :(

  9. Yeah we both destroyed thylon's views :P

  10. Yeah your comic is doing awesome O_o

  11. Yeah, do you still get to help around on the elements and other storyline related stuff?

  12. yes :P I gotta present for you *sends PM*

  13. Yes I have KH1, KH chain of memories, KH re: Chain of memories, and KH2 :)

  14. YES you finally are using the cool name B-)

  15. Yes you like U2 :D parteh tiem!!!!! *plays Vertigo by U2* :P

  16. Yesh :3 Ill continue this via PM so no one steals my geniues idea <_< >_>

  17. Yesh :3 it feels good to go premier B). Now I can babble about my life on my blawg :P

  18. Yo I gotta yoyo that I yo whenever I feel like yoyoing :P

  19. You know Shadix is gonna kill you for taking so long to judge the contest (or just talk about it) XP

  20. You scared me :P So getting close to buy lifetime pmship? :3

  21. You should be the weapons master of the BS01 stafies :3 :P

  22. You should get one (TA would be a good choice) soon its fun XP

  23. You should MOC more dude :P Your good, its like a awesome singer not singing XD.

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