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Posts posted by ~Shockwave~

  1. Time isn't a problem, I've got more then plenty of that.


    Motivation could probably be at least some of it. It probably doesn't help that my computer can also play Bioshock... I've tried jotting stuff down before, but I have absolutely awful handwriting, so it's a miracle if I can figure out what I meant after thee idea has left my mind.


    For some reason I have plenty of ideas, it's just that I can't use them at the moment, or whenever I see a word document it tells my brain to forget everything I was just thinking of. So currently I'm trying to loosely link fairly large events together and go back and fill it in with more detail, and that seemed to work yesterday, as it was my second highest word count.


    And currently I'm dealing with three characters. All of them are technically main characters, but since I'm only writing from the point of view of one of them, she tends to get the best characterization.

  2. I'm approaching 4,000 words... Yeah. 


    I seem to  be having a bit of trouble characterizing characters that aren't my main character. 


    I'm hoping I can alleviate that more later, as I'm just trying to spit out ideas at the moment. But I've always been slow with writing, so that's not going that well either.


    Any tips? I figure I'm not hitting 50,000, but if I can hit half that, it'll be more then I expect.

  3. So apparently you are capped at 200 marks for each. So that's infuriating. I can't spend them because I've been leveling a faction.


    Did anybody bother to think any of that through? With the ridiculous amount of work needed to level anything to be able to purchase something, surely somebody said that that was an awful idea right? Who thought all these limits where a good idea? And then decided to make faction gear purchasable with the less common of the two...

  4. I think you fellows mean the new movie coming out called Pixels. It's not based solely on one classic game but rather several. I actually think it sounds kind of fun and interesting, even if a little silly. It's a fresh idea, and those are hard to come by these days.


    EDIT: I might as well summarize the idea a bit. I think the general plot is that aliens are attacking Earth, and they studied the planet digitally back in the 80's or whatnot. They saw video games like pacman and tetris and saw them as battle plans and decided to attack that way (or something, I don't remember the exact plot overview). They get a team of famous video game players to fight since they know those games better than anyone.


    No. An actual Tetris movie. I think Dinklebnot has something to do with it? I don't know.

  5. Going from 20 to 21 takes longer than going from 1 to 20. I'm not kidding.


    Yeah, that was rather frustrating on my first charterer...  I hit another wall at about level 24 as well. It could really use some ironing out.

  6. I'm not sure how many people know this, but I believe you have to apply for membership in a clan on top of having to join the group the clan is associated with. I think that's why there's only two members in the Xbox clan, I know at least one more has been playing Destiny for sure and I would venture to say others have as well.


    I'd recomend shooting a message to the members if possible so they know that, as it's not made terribly obvious.



    DLC isn't done through the eShop, but rather through the game itself, so I have no idea why its flaws are part of the discussion. And I don't know which games you're thinking of that cost twice as much as they should—while the eShop doesn't do sales as frequently as other services, from my experience the base prices are pretty fair.


    It's not? I've never seen DLC that is bought in game. It's all been through whatever systems store that I'm using, or through a code at a physical store. Even on the 3DS. Though I don't think any of the games I own have paid DLC available.


    It doesn't cost twice as much. But I have to transfer money on in multiples of ten. Which is a stupid way to do it. I shouldn't have to buy eshop games strategically so I have the least amount of wasted money sitting on my account.  I'll admit that was worded poorly.


    Fire Emblem: Awakening does that. New Super Mario Bros. 2 does that. To my knowledge, all 3DS DLC is purchased in-game (don't know about the Wii U, since I still don't have one).


    Also, there's actually an easy way to avoid overpaying on the eShop, even if it's rather stupidly hidden when it should be presented obviously. If you go to buy anything on the eShop when you DON'T have enough money added to your account, it'll ask you to add money, and one of the options will be "needed funds". That adds just enough money to pay for the game and leaves your account empty, so I basically only use that option (hence why I didn't realize what you were talking about when you mentioned paying $20 for a $10 game).



    Seriously? How have I never seen that then. My mistake, the eShop is not that bad then.

  8. DLC isn't done through the eShop, but rather through the game itself, so I have no idea why its flaws are part of the discussion. And I don't know which games you're thinking of that cost twice as much as they should—while the eShop doesn't do sales as frequently as other services, from my experience the base prices are pretty fair.



    It's not? I've never seen DLC that is bought in game. It's all been through whatever systems store that I'm using, or through a code at a physical store. Even on the 3DS. Though I don't think any of the games I own have paid DLC available.


    It doesn't cost twice as much. But I have to transfer money on in multiples of ten. Which is a stupid way to do it. I shouldn't have to buy eshop games strategically so I have the least amount of wasted money sitting on my account.  I'll admit that was worded poorly.


    There was a time when you made a video game that you put that whole video game in one box. I reckon those times are far behind us.


    And if companies would do it right maybe people wouldn't hate the idea of DLC so much. I'll admit it's been handled fairly poorly by a lot of companies since it's conception.


    (It gets even better once you find out that they can make you pay money for content that's shipped on the disk as if it was DLC..)



    Season passes? Ugh.


    It's pretty amazing how blatant these game companies are in their animosity towards Nintendo. Neither the Wii U nor the 3DS is getting these DLC packs.

    Well to be fair, the 3DS version is probably completely different from the console version as per usual, and the Nintendo eShop isn't all that great... 





    I can understand how the 3DS is different from other versions, and therefore might be more time-consuming to develop the DLCs for, but good grief! They developed the whole game for it, right? How can coding a few extra characters be so hard? And if they price it right they'd probably make more money than spend designing the characters in question.


    It's a combination of laziness and apathy towards customers, I think. A good example of this is Injustice for the Wii U. It had two or three extra characters and a couple skin packs that were belatedly released. You can't buy Zatanna or Martian Manhunter for some bizarre reason.


    To be fair, the Nintendo Eshop is pretty terrible. I shouldn't have to pay $20 to get a game that costs just over $10. But that's how it works.


    Not to mention searching through it is a chore. I can't blame most companies for neglecting to bring DLC over. 

  10. But instead he has me, the guy who has a level six and a level 18 and who has accomplished nothing since receiving the game. By the way, Bladedancer is the best subclass and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

  11. Going off of Aanchir, I found it interesting that Bionicle was actually listed in the "here is one of the sections of our universe" scene in The LEGO Movie, along with all of the others, including Speed Racer, which takes place in the "real world" (of sorts). It just seemed odd to me that they included a semi-real-world licensed theme in that lineup.

    That being said, I have fond (if not entirely glitch-free) memories of LEGO Island. I own both, right now, but don't play them very often.

    Probably my strongest memory is the ghost floating around to the side of the gas station. That always amused me for some reason.

    That's easy to explain though. It's possible that there where sets of different themes in the house, meaning they can be in that universe without actually being in that universe. (So a set of Tahu can be in the house, but that is not actually Tahu.)


    Crossovers in general create a lot of confusion. If you want to really mess with your head, there is a video stating that all the Nintendo games take place in two universes. 

  12. As sets they accomplished exactly what they needed to. Freakishly mutated former (Current? Are they still toa?) toa.


    But they did so with some odd parts and strange posability. The lower legs are especially displeasing to the eye. They could have easily reused the metru lower legs and been fine. 

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  13. If it wasn't clear enough - these problems/issues aren't all my own. I could care more (for instance) about whether the serial story was planned in advance. And it's true that many are simply a matter of personal taste.


    I didn't go into much detail on most of these, so to address some things that I didn't make entirely clear:




    "engaging media"


    Stuff like the MNOLG and the movies. Increasingly lacking after 05/06, apart from The Legend Reborn (but that was right before the end was announced and so a bit too late to make a difference). Declining book sales and lack of sales growth overall seem consistent with this.


    I spent five straight hours reading a book. Anyone who says they aren't "engaging media" obviously isn't reading the right ones.


    We could argue about the quality of bionicle books in general. But that doesn't seem to be what you are getting at. 




    One could ask why someone would bother transforming to look the same.


    Well, now that I think about it, the desire for resemblance probably derives from a deeper desire for the characters not to change in the first place.



    That wouldn't go over well. And rereleasing characters in new forms keeps them relevant. If the main Toa got one release Lego wouldn't have kept them relevent very long. That's at least part of the reason Takanuva wasn't relevant for awhile. And rereleasing sets that already exist to keep them relevent doesn't bring on proggressive building techniques and just looks lazy. So that's not the answer either.




    Oh yes, the only way to add feeling to your story is to have romance in it.


    When did I say anything about 'feeling'? And many on here have generally agreed that the romantic elements did add something lighter to the early cast and tone.


     Warmth and and sweetness would tend to coincide with the form of emotion you where using. And emotion is synonymous with feeling. I'm not saying it wouldn't add anything. I'm saying it's far from the only way.



    BTW. Anything from gear functions to posability is considered a "Gimmick".


    What I was getting at with 'gimmicks' was largely the light-up bits on the 2006 sets.


    We can't read your mind. Be specific.




    I forgot the rule where you can't go back in time to explain things in a story if you've already moved passed it.


    What tension or excitement is there to a story when the ending had already been told?


    You mean like the tension of knowing the turaga make it to Mata-Nui intact with all the matoran? From the start of the 2004 story ark? Or the tension of knowing that they all turn into turaga?

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