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Everything posted by Tahkuta

  1. I like that blue Matau alien :S An I haven't been here (BZP) since the Seventh Toa rumor, but I sure do remember it!
  2. Awesome! Good to hear! The sooner the better!
  3. I see alot of you have checked it every day. Good to see so many loyal BZP-ers checking on their beloved fan site!
  4. Oh wow, great detail on a small scale. 4/5 !
  5. I have scoured the forums for a topic like this, and have found none. Now, with the help of every BZPCitizen, I wish to create a comprehensive list of what ranks there are, and what post count they are obtained at. Don't know what I'm talking about? Someone with 2191 posts will be regarded as a "Defender Of Mata Nui" under their avatar in a post, and as this post count goes up, so does the rank. Please help me with this guys, I would love to see a list like this here. How it will be shown:Post Count: Name Of Rank (associated image) Ranks: 10 Posts: Inhabitant (Single Gear) 2100 Posts: Defender of Mata Nui (Hau, Kakama, Akaku, Pakari, Kaukau, (Nuva Forms) In Protodermis)
  6. Alright, I look forward to seeing the revamp.
  7. Awwwe! Hes cute! I also second the motion for instructions. Great job on him, he looks like a little fishy! 10/10!
  8. You could take a ball joint and connect it to the hip join on the legs using a 2' rod, and then attatch some HF armour like that. I hope you know what I mean.
  9. Hey guys! Its that time of year again, where the spooky and the creepy crawl once more. I want to see your guys' halloween style-mocs! Read up on the rules!!! Rules: MOC must be original Must consist mainly of Bionicle and Technic parts Do not have the focus look of it consist of HF (It can contain some HF parts, just not so much that it makes up the entire model) MOCS must be in by November 1st, 2011 11.59 PM (Mountain Time) Prize will be any of the Hero Factory Series 3 Heroes (Or a set of equal value if you have all the heroes) Voting rules will be established on November 2nd. Good Luck!
  10. The colour scheme is balanced well, and looks great on this guy. He seems a tad short though to be that heavily armoured. I love the colour of his eyes (blue glat head right?) through the Skrall helmet. 7.8/10!
  11. The waist is lacking wayy to much, could use some nice armor over it. Other than that, great moc! 7.5/10
  12. The head on Wyvern is pretty cool, but Spacial Dust is straight up amazing. Its incredibly detailed,and has a nice set-like appearance. 10/10 on Spacial, and 9/10 on Wyvern.
  13. Thank you! The head was A little hard to design without not using technic "plates" (the thin pieces) for curvature, so I did my best.
  14. I absolutely love how you incorporated window panes. Great job man!
  15. (Here comes the hate) I do not yet have the Portal 2 DLC.... Portal 1 was great, but lacked challenge.Portal 2 had a great story, three (literally) "Oh S**t how did I not see that" moments and an enjoyable ending. (SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEEEEEE) Overall, the second was great since it introduced new characters, but I do not think it deserves GOTY.
  16. (Skipping all the posts above mine) Killzone 3Uncharted 3or Deus Ex Human Revolution. Tie between those three.
  17. Personally, I loved the stealth "version" (you can play it however you like) of the game, since I am highly addicted to the Metal Gear Solid series. Maybe thats where my love of intricate stories and stealth gameplay stems from...
  18. I made this for BrickFair, but I never got the pictures of instructions printed off in time. So here ya go, BZP. Front Back One SIde The Other Side (I'll get better frontal shots tomorrow)
  19. Just to throw in my two cents (I know hes yours but..) It would be cool if it were a rocky-type base, and maybe have a hole in it for you to stick a metru torso, so the Vahki is standing over it in victory.
  20. Klakk, copper huna and that kraata. Thank you. $15 ... and the Golden Ignika, so $18. Hopefully only $20 shipping included.
  21. Yeah, brickshelf is your best bet. I cannot see the pictures either.
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