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Omicron Squad Leader

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Everything posted by Omicron Squad Leader

  1. I found Rocka very annoying in Savage Planet, I really like his sets though.Remember guys, you don't have to pick what seems most logical here; pick the selection that you personally would like.
  2. If Stormer, Bulk and Stringer were all included, I doubt they'd all be $13 size. In "Breakout", Breez and Furno are that big, but Surge is $8 size. I think it would be something like that, with (for example) Stormer and Bulk being $13 size and Stringer being $8 size.
  3. Which Heroes would you like to see make a return in summer 2012?
  4. The problem is, in regards to HS01, you don't get to decide that, nor do I. The TV series is the most vast and reliable source of storyline information, so just stop with the scepticism now that we've got proof, accept that his first name is Daniel and move on; it's not like it's the most pivotal or consequential piece of information we've ever gotten.Thing is, I'm not just saying for HS01 sakes. I'm saying it as a bit of info for everyone. I'm not being skeptic, so calm down, and don't think my whole life is the wiki.I'd classify what you said more as advice than information. Also, I'm not assuming "your whole life is the wiki", I'm just saying you should not have so much fixation on the matter of Rocka's name. Anyway, I can feel some tension brewing here, so I'm going to follow my own advice: Accepting it and moving on.
  5. The problem is, in regards to HS01, you don't get to decide that, nor do I. The TV series is the most vast and reliable source of storyline information, so just stop with the scepticism now that we've got proof, accept that his first name is Daniel and move on; it's not like it's the most pivotal or consequential piece of information we've ever gotten. Like I said on another forum, I doubt LEGO even knew it was sourced from Wikipedia; the only place I believe they saw it was on their own Message Boards... A lot, so for the reasons I mentioned in my last post, they made it canon from that.
  6. It was, and probably still is the general consensus among young, gullible fans on the LEGO Message Boards that his first name is Daniel, so it was pretty logical to call him that so no one would get puzzled or confused. As Aanchir said, some may have found it deceptive or disappointing as well. It can also be seen as a little fan service; I like LEGO letting their fans' ideas influence them.
  7. I bought Bulk, Surge, Stringer, Xplode and Thunder first all at the same time back in July 2010.
  8. e's a $25 titan he'd cost $16 from the ratios on your page, though I am able to pay more, thanks for reading!

    ...I had to split my comment. :3

  9. Hey dude, I saw you were selling all your BIONICLE sets a while back, and noticed that your "Irnakk" set got put on hold by TheGreatMataNui and never was sold. I was wondering if you still had that set and were still willing to pass it on? I do live in a different country but feel free ask me to pay the shipping charges if you are ready to sell it. I guess since he's a $25 titan h

  10. I didn't know you were on here. :P

  11. I think it is quite entertaining. :P Though I may still change it soon.

  12. Did you rate me 1 star because of this? If so, that's just wrong.

  13. Bad puns FTW! Anyway, jokes aside. Yes, I am officially now on my Winter break which obviously means I'll have a lot more time to do things Computer/Internet related; for example finishing the Rise of the Rookies novel maybe? In fact, yes, that will be my target for the time I go back to school! Moving on, Tuesday (December 14th) was in fact my Birthday, which I thoroughly enjoyed, though didn't express much on BZP since this is basically the first time since April (when I joined) that I've actually been using BZP extensively, so before recently I have only had people I know from other sites to tell (and actually care ) about it! Another thing to talk about would be the aweshum (intentional grammar error ) Hero Factory 2011 sets, which I am really looking forward to buying on either December 20th or January 1st (depends on when my local LEGO store puts them out) as well as of course Christmas on the 25th! Which will be gone in depth more in my 3rd or 4th entry. So that's just about it, thanks for reading. I hope to make my 3rd entry on December 20th with the Hero Factory sets, then more as time goes on like the Christmas one mentioned. Later people!
  14. Sorry, though I can't tell what you're thinking about doing. ;)

  15. ...I can make a Blog... And is why I'm here typing this right now even! So yeah, I'm a Premier Member; at least for a year, and it's pretty cool, although can someone tell me how to make a Poll? Anyway another thing to talk about would be my Rise of the Rookies novelisation, and although I'm not all that big on BZP at all, I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out. I'm working on Chapter 2 as I type (Well, not really; since I couldn't be doing two things at once, but you get the general idea.) and it's going well so far. So that's just about it for this entry, see you later! P.S. I baked some Gingerbread Men today.
  16. Unless the man was... eating tacos!

  17. Your post on the "Most Effective Advertising" topic sounds kinda wrong my Water xD

  18. Indeed I am, thanks dude : D

  19. hi, did you get my message on your tradepost?

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