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Status Updates posted by Vartemp

  1. Merry Christmas to you to. B)

  2. Merry Christmas to you too. =D

  3. Merry Christmas! :)

  4. Narb. I was talking about YOU. >=D

  5. Never trust the cute but evil.

    1. Chols


      Can I still pet it? :3

    2. Vartemp


      Sure, but it might bite. :b

  6. No moar preimiership? =(

  7. Now I just need to find another page that I'm an expert on to rewrite. XD

  8. Oh 11... xP *slash*

  9. Okay. Now I'm not sure what to think. :S I like elements, but I think we have enough. XD

  10. Pfft.

    And I suppose you know what will happen on April Fools Day, since you're staff, and I'm not.


  11. PMship timed out? D:


  12. Ponytroll lol.

  13. PROOF that not all your friends are dead. xD

  14. Shine on you crazy diamond. B)

  15. So, again sorreh about last night. I get angry too, but I don't waste my time editing my userpage to take my anger out. :P

  16. Soccer ftw! =D

  17. Someone who doesn't like me. >=(

  18. Thanks for the birthday topic! =)

  19. Thanks man! =)

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