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Status Updates posted by BioCry

  1. I have no flipping clue what to do now. >.

  2. I have one question. How do I enter the art portion of the Iron wolf contest?

  3. I hope this is a safe assumoption. I'm guessing you're a christian too?

  4. I just saw the strip you made for Shad's comics and I have to say that it's pretty good. You should make your own comics. :)

  5. I just saw you posted in my workshop topic saying you would like a drawing. Well, would you like one, because I'll be happy to make one for you. :)

  6. I love makin' Animated GIFs

  7. I rated you five stars. ;)

  8. I really wanna release a comic... D:

  9. I saw your Hero Factory ones from a long time ago.

  10. I see you changed your name. Nice. :cool:

  11. I see you like my latest comic too. :P

  12. I think I'm just gonna make comics. Not the way I usually do it, though. Instead of being bound to one series with only those characters, I'm gonna just make singular comics that have nothing in common with each other until I think of a really good series that I can publish here. Comic Production Starts now...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BioCry
    3. Dragonfly the Luminescent

      Dragonfly the Luminescent

      I'd love to see this "everything series." :P



    4. BenLuke


      ALL OF THEM!

  13. I will, but I've got to work on some other stuff too! Once I'm finished with the other stuff, I'll make a new comic. :)

  14. I wish to learn from you about making MOCs oh' wise one. XD

    I'm kinda serious. I WANT TO LEARN FROM YOU!!

  15. I'm dead now. You may now commence the poking of sticks.

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


      Wait... poking is fun.... nevermind.

    2. Mentha
  16. I'm gonna start dailies up again, but in a different way...

    1. Calvirick


      Like actually do it daily differently?

    2. BioCry
  17. I'm Thinking about changing my username to Kronos or BioKronos...

    1. Calvirick


      BioKronos that way we all know it's still you instead of just Kronos.

    2. BioCry


      That's what I was leaning towards.

    3. Calvirick


      You are a smart man.

  18. I'm working really hard on the new comic with you in it. It'll be a lot longer than the others. And better

  19. I'm writing a novel. Novels are cool.

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I'm writing also.

    2. BioCry


      Sweet Mckeet. :3

  20. Immazombielol

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD
    2. BioCry




      Not really...


      Kinda half staying, half going.

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Awwwwww... you is cool.

  21. It seems that throughout most of the Bionicle plot, Mata Nui was/is either inactive or asleep.


  23. Live long and prosper. teehee.

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