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The 1st Shadow

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Status Updates posted by The 1st Shadow

  1. The thing about running an "Ask ____" series in addition to my regular comics is that I need viewer interaction to make it happen. Just saying. I like running the series, but it's not something I can do without help.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I'm not sure what to ask. I could probably force some questions up if you really need them that badly, but I'm not sure they'd be that good. When's Season 2 coming out?

    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Season 2 I have scheduled for later this fall, around the beginning of October. I still Have a few things/characters to build before I get started. A new Toa team, for example, is currently in the works.

  2. Just had a thought on BIONICLE's return. Back in the day, both the story and sets had the main big parts held together by many smaller bits in complex or unique ways that always kept us interested. Here's to hoping the new line has a story that goes above and beyond the simple, quickly-got-boring style of HF.

    1. TERIDAX941


      Hmm interesting... care to explain further?

    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Yeah. The style of the sets seems to be symbolically representative of the layout of the story. HF started out with the same style as BIONICLE, but quickly went to a new system that made all of the sets just a bit boring. All we really liked were the new colors of the shell pieces--similarly, we liked the HF story, but it quickly got boring and repetitive.

  3. New episode of AC&T over in my comic topic! Today, we "Ask The Viewers" a question.

  4. Another AC&T is up over in my comic topic. Go check it out!

  5. Filmed a really fun episode of AC&T earlier. We'll see it hopefully today or tomorrow.

  6. New episode of "Ask Cyrahk & Thulk" over in my comic topic. Check it out! :)

  7. Might have 3 episodes of "Ask Cyrahk & Thulk" up this week. Just filmed one today, and I hope to do two more tomorrow, and will work on them as the week goes by.

  8. Just had an idea for a special episode of Ask Cyrahk & Thulk. Perhaps I'll work on it this week?

  9. Meyres has officially posted his new comic series, "The HUNA Report." As his cousin, I feel obligated to get the word out there for him. Go take a look!

  10. New episode of AC&T is up! To the Comics section!

  11. Currently helping Meyres rebuild his cast members to begin work on his comics!

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Rebuild? What happened to them?

    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      In the months that they haven't been seen during my visits to his house, some were dismantled and switched up a bit.

    3. Axilus Prime
  12. Comic 40: "Epilogue" is up! Go check it out!

  13. Just finished filming the Season Finale Epilogue. Done at last! Editing will commence shortly.

    1. TERIDAX941


      *commence happy dance* :D

  14. Tomorrow, I post a new comic! Well, a Special, anyway. Last one for this season. But it's well worth it. Be sure to check it out! As soon as it's up, that is.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Cyrahk and Thulk will still be doing their thing. The regular comics, though, need a break. Rather, I need a break to build all the stuff and characters I need for next season.

      Plus, I'll be helping Meyres start his comics the week after I end the finale.

    3. TERIDAX941


      Well those'll be interesting to see. :)

    4. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Aye. That they will.

  15. It's Wednesday! And you all know what that means... Part 4 of the season finale is up! Go on and have a look!

  16. New comic on the way! Look for it within the hour!

  17. Part 3 of the finale is up! Things are just getting good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      One more big one. Comic 40 will be the epilogue for the season. Following that, I have a single Special planned, but after that, we just have to wait for season 2. Hopefully, in that span of time, my cousin will start his comics, giving us all something to enjoy while I take a break.

    3. TERIDAX941


      A break? Hope it isn't too long I'm eager to see what happens in season two haha. But yeah, I'm quite interested to see what your cousin has in store

    4. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      It will probably just be for the summer. I'll start again in mid- or late fall.

      I, too, and eager to see where he goes with his series. Although, he's currently waiting on three things: His villains. He requested that I build them. In a couple weeks, I'm going up to visit him, and so will be delivering Count Zaitarez and his two minions when I do. With any luck, he will be able to get started right away.

      As for season 2... :) I have plans. We'll see how those go. Whi...

  18. Part 3 of the Season Finale is almost ready. You guys are in for quite a treat tomorrow. :)

  19. Working on the next two installments of Ask Cyrahk & Thulk. Should be up tomorrow. Also, filming of Part 3 had to be delayed. I'll do it tonight, and have it all ready to go by Wednesday.

  20. Part 2 of the Season Finale is up! Go have a look! :)

  21. Part 2 has been filmed. Sorry, guys. I've been sick the last few days, and I have a lot of end-of-the-quarter projects I've been working on. Finale is coming along slowly but surely.

    1. TERIDAX941


      I'm sorry about your health. Nasty business that... :/

  22. Part 1 of the season finale is up! Go check it out!

  23. Part 1 of my season finale has been filmed. Before I go on, however, is there anything in particular that anyone wants to see? I'm gonna pack a lot into it already, but I only have a rough draft so far, and it is subject to change.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      I guess. Don't know what I'd use them for, though.

    3. The 1st Shadow

      The 1st Shadow

      Part 1 is up now!

    4. TERIDAX941


      sweet sweetness!

  24. And so begins the filming of the season finale! Part 1, anyway...

  25. For the season finale of my comics, who wants to see a stop-motion video depicting the final battle?

    1. Hexann
    2. TERIDAX941


      10 thumbs up!

    3. Khromatose


      That would be awesome!

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