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Sir Kohran

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Everything posted by Sir Kohran

  1. In terms of personal taste, yes. I think the issue is that Blueblur21 made his/her comments on the animations as though they were undeniable facts, which is closer to right-or-wrong territory. If people can't tell fact from opinion then that's their own problem. All it would take is a simple "I think" at the start of your post and they wouldn't need to.
  2. In terms of personal taste, yes. I think the issue is that Blueblur21 made his/her comments on the animations as though they were undeniable facts, which is closer to right-or-wrong territory.
  3. I seriously doubt that has anything to do with it. There's a clear and obvious reason why many of the set names are just actual English descriptions—because a made-up fantasy name doesn't convey nearly as much information. I don't know if Bionicle fans just don't realize it, but Bionicle's use of invented terminology for almost everything was often a source of ridicule. Lots of people, including both adults and children, had trouble understanding the difference between "Keelerak" or "Oohnorak", or why it was important. This extended even to fans—many former fans I've met as an adult, when asked what their favorite set was, will say "the red one", or something similar, because for someone who wasn't closely following the story, a made-up fantasy name with little basis in real language is not something worth memorizing or keeping track of. And in the original Bionicle, EVERY set was named like that. A year's worth of sets would have maybe 15 or more uniquely named characters, and for a story that cycled through characters every year that added up to a LOT of information to keep track of. I agree having six particular names for six particular types of a mass of enemies was excessive, especially when those enemies frequently only appeared for half a year then never again. The movies tried to address this by only referring to them by the overall name, like Rahkshi or Vahki. But when it comes to actual characters with personalities, an individual name is surely not an unreasonable thing to expect. Notice that the second movie doesn't stop at just Dark Hunters; they're also named as Nidhiki and Krekka.
  4. That's extremely impressive, and indeed the work of a master builder. Though I don't think Makuta should be hunching quite so low.
  5. I can't do much more than guess at this point, but I'd say at least 300.
  6. I can't see why they'd change the style at this point. Perhaps they should've taken the Templar animations route and had the dialogue written out with the voices left to the imagination. Well, for a central hero to flee is a little out of expected character.
  7. For large I chose Onua merely because I don't like the purple very much, medium I chose Lewa because of the yellow, and small I couldn't make any decision about because there's not a great deal of difference between the Protector sets.
  8. In addition to what's been said, also consider that the city had been plunged into heavy darkness, making it an unappealing and potentially dangerous place to inhabit, and also the Matoran's memories had been erased, removing their knowledge of and ability to use the city's technology.
  9. You don't need to buy from another country. If your local shops are selling multiple Lego themes, I can almost guarantee Bionicle will be there soon enough. Why can't you just wait a bit longer? I am still waiting, as some bad weather has so far gotten in the way of a visit to the brand store.
  10. The first MNOLG was what made many of us fall in love with Bionicle in the first place, by making it more than just a toyline with a story and some character bios. It created and defined a world in a rich and intriguing way that I don't think any other piece of media ever managed, even Templar's own. The second is arguably one of the biggest letdowns in the franchise. The story (to the extent that there even is one) moves slower than a snail, there's an almost total lack of atmosphere, plodding through every screen is tedious, the resource collection and charm exercises are boring, the Kohlii matches are too difficult, and there are too many Matoran characters without enough variation between them. It's a terrible shame that almost nothing about the game really works. I haven't played the VNOG since the year of its release, and I can't remember anything very special about it.
  11. What? Where have you seen such a consensus? I think we're all expecting them to recycle some other things, since they have done so for the Toa and Makuta. That's what reimaginings generall do. I don't see how that's a disservice. Was this sarcasm? It probably was. If so, pardon for the density. I think sarcasm is generally a bit more obvious.
  12. Hafu was released as a set within the Powerpack, separately to the McDonald's promotion.
  13. However fierce and iconic their appearance is, there was nothing really crucial or memorable about their story role in the last run, and so I don't see any strong reason for them to feature in this one.
  14. And that's only for A. If every letter has 19 different genders and every gender has to be covered, then each Toa team will need to have at least 494 members.
  15. You're probably referring to the April-October downtime in 2011. The site went offline in early and late 2013, but those were only for a couple of days.
  16. The second MNOLG has some poor names. I mean, 'Ally'? I also find 'Nixie' a bit too real name-sounding.
  17. I wonder how many 84 year-olds will be receiving the Lego Magazine this year.
  18. don't see why we should have to, when there's more genders than that. How many genders are there? Do we have a list?
  19. Only with Onua's prompting. Then the help he needs is to stop being the villain. And I did say the situations weren't exactly the same. Onua has to restrain himself because he's obliged not to harm his friend. Lewa on the other hand is under no such restraint because he isn't in his right mind. And realistically Onua should have the advantage, because he has access to an array of different mask powers whereas Lewa is confined to the one power offered by the infected mask or the Krana.
  20. While that would make some sense, given how Lewa often is saved by Onua it could end up being interpreted as a sexist distressed damsel type trope if Lewa were female. The times where he is possessed, Lewa is most certainly part of the conflict. He is the opponent. In 2001, Lewa and Onua brawl, emphasizing the power of both fighters. When Onua finally frees Lewa, he wreaks karmic vengeance and saves the day by mind controlling the Nui-Kopen. In 2002, Lewa has the upper-hand in physical combat. Onua saves Lewa not through brute force, but by appealing to his character so that Lewa can pull the Krana off himself. That's the opposite of the damsel in distress trope, because Lewa has clear agency in saving himself. Believe me, I complain a lot about sexism in fiction and I think the damsel in distress trope is obnoxious whenever it appears. However, I would not see Lewa as a damsel in distress if he were female. I agree the trope doesn't apply exactly, but the damsel in distress and Lewa in distress are still broadly similar in that they're both out of their depth, largely unable to help themselves, and so in need of external help. And in both cases that help is in some way male - literally with the knight in shining armour being a man, and with Onua being the physically strongest Toa (physical strength being a stereotypically male trait).
  21. In my 8+ years on BZPower, I can't even count the times that long-inactive members suddenly return. GSR comes to mind—he was inactive for an incredibly long period of time, and now he's a Forum Leader. Plus, how would one conduct a purge? Regardless of whether or not it's a good idea, it's impractical. I don't know exactly what a 'purge' would entail, but it sounds rather brutal. My solution would be to divide the 'members' group into active and inactive sections. All members are in the active section when they join and for as long as they continue to log in, but if a member hasn't logged in for more than six months or a year, they join the inactive one. All it would take to rejoin the active section is to log in again.
  22. I don't know the overall figure, but of the twenty three members on today's birthday list, just one has been active since the start of last month.
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