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Posts posted by fishers64

  1. Nokama is my personal favorite, kind of the balance between the too-soft Gali and Hali who only pull out their swords in desperation, and the cold impassiveness of Helryx and Lariska. She is smart, strong, and assertive, but doesn't allow that to disrupt her team's unity. I also like her foil Roodaka, but I rank her lower because she is a villain, thus she is my second favorite.

  2. The Turaga must have taken Krana-Kal with them out of the Matoran Universe. They may have even given the Krana-Kal back to the Bahrag, who also moved to Spherus Magna.

    This seems rather plausible. Then again, what would the Bahrag do with them? And what would the Bahrag and Bohrok do on SM, period? Now that would be interesting for one of our fanfic writers - or even a story serial - to tackle.
  3. While it has been made the case that the Golden Skakdi Guy is Zaktan. While it would make sense in the creation of the being (green mist= prododites) I'm not particularly sure the personality of the Golden Being really fits Zaktan.Whoever it is doesn’t seem to have a lot of ambition, mostly sitting around his/her fortress enjoying themselves until a disturbance shows up. I’m not sure I read that as Zaktan, exactly, who nursed dreams of conquest. Zaktan was a member of a gang of thieves for years, who weren’t content to sit around sipping tea. I think if Zaktan got power like that, he’d go around clearing his long revenge list, starting with some Toa Mahri and one Order of Mata Nui. Even if he had some lesser power, I’m not sure Zaktan would keep the Toa Mahri as pets – he’d kill them. Zaktan was part of an organization that viewed Toa as expendable: why would he keep them around? Was it his "dream" to have an army of Toa at his command? The Golden Being seems to be charismatic, and Zaktan was hardly a charismatic individual, more like a savage schemer distantly related to the Master of Shadows. I’m still tempted to go with Krahka instead. She sat around under Metru Nui for years, so she would be accustomed to enjoying her fort, and she might be content to fulfill people’s dreams and enjoy herself. The Golden Skakdi’s nature almost fits a contented beast, only when attacked does it pull out his claws. Not knowing who the Toa Mahri were, she probably wouldn’t harm them. She did nurse dreams of conquest, but I think she would be more patient, seeing as she waited for years in the Fikou web for visitors. And she does have the power to assume a mistlike appearance (read Challenge of the Hordika). So, what do you think?

  4. There could have been more to BIONICLE. But personally, I think it pretty much covered everything important as far as sets and story were concerned. It told a cohesive storyline between 2001 and 2010, finally ending with Makuta Teridax being defeated. Sure, there could have been more stories told. There would be more potential stories until the BIONICLE universe ends. But that doesn't mean they need to be told. Drag the story on past its logical conclusion (Mata Nui's destiny fulfilled, Matoran and Agori at peace) and it just becomes bloated.I don't mean to criticize Greg Farshtey's serials since BIONICLE's main saga wrapped up. I'm sure they tell a quite thrilling story, just as all of his writing has done. But I have not taken the time to read them and do not have any pressing interest in doing so, because for me they are just "extra" story for those who hadn't gotten enough by the conclusion of Journey's End. And I, for one, felt Journey's End was an excellent capstone to a brilliant saga.

    I strongly disagree with this post. I mean, Journey's End just felt wrong to me. For one, it didn't tie up all the major lose ends that I felt needed tied up. Whole characters were left as mysteries, events left unexplained. The Golden Skin Being, the Red Star, The Shadowed One and the virus. The people in the GB fortress. That's what really got to me. Usually, when a story concludes, it resolves the theme and all the major plot threads (at least those the audience cares about). Sure, the heroes might go on to a future in Spherus Magna and some uncertain future, but don't leave those giant plot holes hanging! It didn't feel like a conclusion. It wrapped up the most major plot thread and explained a lot, but it didn't explain enough. So I felt shortchanged in the fact that the "ending" didn't cover all the mystery, intrigue and plot that was Bionicle. Bloated? Please, more like trying to patch a large hole with a small patch. Now, I would understand why all the serial plot threads weren't magically resolved in Journey's End, but it would have been nice if they had just had one final set of serials that would have tied up those holes. So far, they have sort of tried that, but it has flopped. This is all my opinion, of course. So yes, there definitely should have been more. At least enough to cover the plot threads, and enough conclusiveness to actually conclude the line. Journey's End failed in that.
  5. They would have had better luck making a film out of Bionicle. It probably won't do well, but on the extreme off chance that it does... well we might see more Major Motion Pictures out of Lego, and that bodes well for Bionicle being one.Of course, this film being abysmal will likely kill any Lego/Bionicle MMPs for the next century. :(

    Why would they have had better luck making a film out of a theme that's on its way to the grave?On a less snarky note, they made several BIONICLE movies. Some of them (particularly Mask of Light) were moderately successful. I certainly enjoyed them. But as for a film in theaters, it's hard to say whether people would actually jump at it. From what I've seen, toy lines don't often get films in theaters unless they've been around for a long time, have been a huge phenomenon, or have really big names in the film industry behind them.As it is, BIONICLE was a very successful LEGO theme in its early years, but it wasn't a phenomenon in the same way as Pokemon. It was an outstanding success for LEGO at a time when the company was having a lot of difficulties trying to sell its other themes. And in its later years, it was far from LEGO's most successful theme-- LEGO City and Star Wars tended to sell far better.Not sure what to think of this upcoming LEGO film. Right now, we don't have nearly enough to judge whether it'll be any good. The fact that LEGO is backing up a film which is obviously far unlike anything they've ever released before suggests that they have confidence in its potential. I'll be waiting patiently for further information to surface.
    I'm just saying that if Lego bombs this one, they will have a harder time making another theater film, even if it is on a completely unrelated subject, like Bionicle. If they ace it, they will be "in business". But no, I cannot fully judge this until I have further information. My assertion was based on Lego's less-than-stellar film history, IMO, especially on the inclusion of cheesy jokes.
  6. This shouldn't annoy me......but I get really annoyed when most of the topics have a bunch of one line posts, and when someone (like me) makes an insightful post that might be worth discussing, nobody bothers to read it and it is either completely ignored, or the topic abruptly dies.

  7. They would have had better luck making a film out of Bionicle. It probably won't do well, but on the extreme off chance that it does... well we might see more Major Motion Pictures out of Lego, and that bodes well for Bionicle being one. Of course, this film being abysmal will likely kill any Lego/Bionicle MMPs for the next century. :(

  8. Chapter 3

    Makuta Teridax

    Makuta Teridax knelt in front of the dying Ko-Matoran, mentally running through all the powers he had at his disposal. And while this being had had training in all of his skills, this was one he rarely used, and it took a good deal of his focus to send the gentle snowfall around Mazeka. It took a matter of minutes for him to recover and stand, but it seemed like an eternity to the being that saved him.


    “Look” said Mazeka.


    A being was flying over the woods toward them. Fortunately, this enemy was convinced that he was flying over an army of beings bent on destroying him, and was not really a threat.

    “He’s crazy” said the veteran of war and peace. “He means no harm.” Which, given a Vortixx flipping to avoid fire blasts from a being composed of Fire, was an extremely fortunate thing.


    Roodaka, however, wasn’t enjoying the opportunity to show off her gymnastics skills, and was shooting spinner after spinner at the creature at every opportunity, in addition to the clouds of acid formed by the Keelerak. Then a rock came over the ridge, which the flame being melted in midair. Distracted, he missed a spinner of Roodaka’s, making him a pale, transparent form.


    “No!” The Makuta shouted. “Reverse that!”


    Roodaka looked about, confused.


    “I don’t have time to explain – do it! Or the planet may shatter again!”


    Rock rained down into the lava pool. A slab of rock fell into the lake, sending lava over the bridge. Only swift reflexes saved Roodaka and the Keelerak from being short feet.


    “Listen to him!” bellowed the glass being, gesturing to Makuta Teridax.


    “On one… condition.” said Roodaka, dodging a rain of rock. “I don’t want to see you here again, creature.”


    “Very well.”


    Roodaka let the spinner fly.


    * * *


    Lava and rock spun about, interrupted by clouds of acid and various spinners. An absurd flying being was blasting away at the two combatants, hot acid eating away at stone.


    “Well” said Turaga Vakama. “Who are they?”


    “They refer to themselves as element lords -” started Teridax.


    “You fool!” snapped Roodaka. “I thought you were dead!”


    Vakama simply tapped the Mask of Concealment he wore. “Even I can jump.”


    Makuta Teridax smiled.


    Mazeka chuckled.


    The Visorak laughed, which was such a strange sound that they all joined in – except for Roodaka.


    She picked up the offending spider and held him over the lava, shaking in absolute fury. After a few minutes, the former Visorak viceroy set him down on the stone platform with a harsh clang, turning toward Vakama.


    “No” Makuta Teridax said. He wasn’t particularly sure what Roodaka had in mind, but he was sure that he wouldn't allow it.


    “Of all the insolence” said Roodaka. “Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?”


    “You might want to save your energy” he gestured to the ridge surrounding them, “for that.”


    Airwatcher, Dark Hunter, leaped over the ridge, an entire contingent of Dark Hunters in tow. The Shadowed One loomed over the party assembled on the ridge. “I have come for the Mask of Time, Vakama.”


    Teridax sighed.


    More Dark Hunters lined up across the ridge surrounding the group. The Shadowed One walked across the bridge, glaring at the Makuta standing in front of him.“I’d like to think the Master of Shadows would find a better end then this worthless lava pit.”


    “Perhaps the Master of Shadows would not.” said the Makuta.


    “But I know little of shadow these days. Perhaps you would like to explain.”


    A commotion of excited voices sprang up from the ranks of Dark Hunters. Weapons rang out, energies flashed, Rhotuka flew. Plants grew up to surround various Hunter’s legs, cracking armour. A wave crashed into the other side of the creater, sweeping many of them off their feet.


    “Well” said Makuta Teridax, as The Shadowed One’s minions dodged fire, ice, and stone, “I may not know much about Shadow, but I do know how to make a plan.”


    * * *


    “Fall back!” yelled the Shadowed One. Several elite Dark Hunters marched onto the bridge. At sword point, the motley band of misfits was marched out of the crater. They were forced to climb down the hill, Vakama hopelessly slipping to avoid the sharp points.


    Teridax managed to catch him and the Matoran, resuming the climb with two on his back.Roodaka was having her share of trouble, forced to climb of her own power with a Visorak on her back, cursing Makuta Teridax with every move.The Element Lords had grown tired of blasting retreating intruders and turned on each other, elemental blasts shaking the ancient lava lake.


    “That is no ordinary volcano” whispered Vakama.


    “Quiet” hissed Sentrakh.They came to the foot of the crater, panting heavily.


    “That way” ordered The Shadowed One.


    And so the prisoners were herded like Rahi beasts across the barren ground between the forest and the mountains, toward a makeshift encampment on an open plain. It was only then that the full contingent noted that Vakama was missing. Already disturbed, the Dark Hunters worked up into a fit of agitation.


    “The Turaga” said the Shadowed One. “is of little consequence. I suggest you forget about him. If need be, we will track him down, and we can extract information from three prisoners easier than four.”


    He only defeated this world’s Makuta twice, once using nothing but a legendary mask, and encouraged a group of Toa to do the same, survived more nightmares than any Toa or Turaga has, and saved Roodaka’s life. Let’s just forget about him.


    They were shoved into a hut, surrounded by every angle with blades.


    “Search them” ordered the Shadowed One.


    Sentrakh scowled, then reached up and took down Teridax’s war hammer. It clattered to the floor due to sheer weight, and a second attempt to lift it yielded only a few inches.


    Irritated, the Shadowed One called over a brutish Hunter, who lifted the axe a few feet off the ground…and the Makuta kindly took it from him.


    “They don’t have the Mask of Time” said Sentrakh, gesturing to the Hunters who had searched Roodaka and her spider.


    The armored colossus raised he arms in a massive shrug, sending the roof crashing down.


    Furious, the Shadowed One blasted a section of the roof with his eyebeams, minimizing the diversion.


    “So where is the Mask of Time, fool?” said the Shadowed One.




    “Answer me.”




    The Keelerak murmured something.


    Roodaka scowled.


    The Shadowed One raised a blade toward the Matoran’s throat.


    Mazeka tried to move away, but the Shadowed One seized his shoulder with his other hand, holding him in place next to the knife.


    “Where is the Mask of Time, Matoran?”


    “I don’t know.” said Mazeka. He was flung away, and only swift action by the Keelerak prevented him from being impaled on the surrounding blades.


    An explosion of chain lightening ripped forth from Teridax’s blade, stunning and shocking the surrounding Hunters.


    Light flowed from his hands, temporarily blinding the Shadowed One. A shove sent the Dark Hunter leader into the crumbling hut walls.“You do not understand the concept of peace and harmony” said Makuta Teridax. “You understand force, so I have shown you force. It is a shame that you must be taught the same lesson twice.”He did not wish to harm these beings, who had suffered under their crooked leader, nor the leader himself, without which they could not hope to survive in this world of shadows. But the Teridax from the universe of light also knew that the Matoran should not have to live in fear of these beings.“Know that the Mask of Time will not be used against you if it resides with us. We, and especially I, do not seek a war with you, but we retain the right to defend ourselves against attack.”


    The Shadowed One laughed. “Such great power, such foolish words.”


    “There are greater forces set against you and us, Shadowed One. I propose a truce.”


    “The price is simple.”


    “And with that tool in your care, you could easily overrun us. Truces are broken more easily than masks.”


    “And what we gain in return for this truce?”


    “My assistance” Both Teridax and Roodaka spoke at once.“Roodaka, pleasure to see you again. Did he persuade you to join him?” He glared at Teridax.


    “No” said Roodaka. “He forced me into it.”


    “Very clever” said the Shadowed One. “Very clever.”


    “I think you’re going to need a some of that cleverness.” said Teridax.A spinner flashed into the group, dissolving a Dark Hunter’s tool.


    “Visorak” said Roodaka.


    “Skakdi” said Teridax.


    A bright red flare lit up the sky, raining fire down on the assembled Dark Hunters.


    “Toa” said the Shadowed One.


    “I will talk with him” said Teridax, thrusting blades aside as he sauntered toward the scene of battle.


    * * *


    The attack force of Rahi, Vorox, and Visorak was demolished within minutes. Oddly, the group of various beings had fought to their deaths, injuring more than their usual share of Hunters before being subdued.


    “I dodged rhotuka for a bit” said Tahu. “But then I just shot up a flare and moved off – there wasn’t much point on wasting my energies on this battle. But why would all these go after the Dark Hunters?”


    “Mind control” said Teridax. “Someone is testing their defenses.”


    “Skakdi?” said Roodaka.Teridax shook his head. “I do not know.”


    * * *

    Turaga Vakama removed the Mask of Time from his pack. “If you need it for a right and noble means, you know where to find it.”


    The Shadowed One scowled. Darkness loomed over the Shadowed One’s back, tense as a Rahi about to pounce.“Truce. As long as he holds that mask.” He walked down the hill, a sly grin plastered on his face.


    Makuta Teridax looked down at his retreating enemy, his minions watching with various expressions. “He will be back.”


    “Yes” said Turaga Vakama, “but as a friend, or a foe?”


    To be continued…


    Review Topic

  9. A loud, mysterious voice comes from above that says "Kopaka owns the world!" He ice skates toward you, turning the move into an epic flip that distracts you as a giant light beam blasts you into oblivion. Turaga Vakama marches past, snatching the mask from his hands. "I'll be delivering this, thanks." Matoro appears, takes the mask and saves Mata Nui. Kopaka, on assignment to awaken the Great Spirit, finds the mask. Turaga Vakama, riding on a hoverboard, shoots past. "I told you not to interfere with destiny!" A light beam shoots past, dissolving him, and causing me to appear. I say, "Kopaka, do you really need this anyway, since awakening the Great Sprit will put Makuta in charge of the universe?Kopaka says "Nope."My mask!

  10. There will be more new members, and more activity, but I don't expect any major change otherwise. Frankly, people will still disagree about many things, just as they did before BIONICLE ended. Some people still feel BIONICLE should have ended in 2003, or even 2001. So it's only natural that people would feel the same way about its 2010 conclusion and whether or not it should have come back. Some people would like the new sets, others would not. Some people would like the new story, others would not. That's not going to change.There might be more creative activity here, just by virtue of having new subject material to depict.The biggest negative change I would worry about is the BIONICLE community once again becoming insular and losing sight of LEGO projects outside of BIONICLE. I've liked how the "new" BZPower has a wider range of focus, and I would hope that BIONICLE coming back wouldn't make that go away.

    I think this would be the first to go. Bionicle is one of the best projects, if not the best, project that Lego has ever made, and it is the most extensive. Right now we are resorting to discussing other projects to keep the forums alive, but I think once Bionicle comes back, we may not even have the time or the server space to discuss other stuff in the wake of all the new Bionicle stuff.

    As it stands, BIONICLE has a number of forums, the server still has its moments of obesity, and official topics are still around. So nothing there would change.The forums would have to be realigned again, because Hero Factory would be canceled by then, but other than that, I don't see BZP being much different if that happened.

    I'm talking about what it was like the first time I was on the old forums, where practically every topic made was closed and redirected to an official topic about 200 pages long. Most of the official topics are in sets, and a couple in S&T regarding current serials. What I could imagine is like it was before with hundreds of topics being made, the server crashing, the moderators redeclaring long-dead official topics to control the new demand, and reference topics being created to catch up all the noobs who want to know more.

    Not much would change. Maybe more new members? Less negativity towards Bionicle? More activity? A 'Bring Back Hero Factory' group?

    Sadly, this would be hilarious!
  11. No, it's not legal!

    Neither's gay marriage. Being illegal doesn't make it wrong.- Tilius
    Since sharing what is rightfully Lego/Scholastic's content online without their permission is illegal - and wrong; it's not yours to share - I say just get the books off of eBay if you want them so badly.
    Excuse me, I can get those books out of my local library anytime I like, and it's free. Please don't flame. Isn't posting them online similar to that? Or even releasing an eBook?
  12. The copyright going out in five years may actually be sort of a good thing. At that point, if the fans want to do something like, say, an iPhone app relating to Bionicle, they will be able to make the thing and sell it without fear of a crack team of lawyers from Billund. Also, it costs money to trademark something, so it would take money to trademark it again, which would reduce profits slightly, and we know how Lego loves their profits.

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