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Posts posted by fishers64

  1. Bionicle Mask of Light

    • Main Character: Takua There is an obvious element to this, but while Jaller was introduced first, it is Takua’s name he is calling. When Jaller and Takua separate, the camera follows Takua.
    • Secondary Major Character: Jaller

    Even though he’s dead for a major part of the film, and absent for a segment, he is a major influence on Takua and other characters.

    • Major Theme of the Film: “Remember who you are! Remember your destiny!” This film emphasizes identity more than any other concept, with vignettes showcasing each Toa’s unique identity, and the end with Takua recognizing his own identity. There’s actually an entire group identity rediscovered at the end of the film – that all the characters in the film(except for the Toa Nuva) are actually displaced denizens of an island city.Story: The Very First scene:
      • Is the biggest foreshadowing of the end of Bionicle, and yet it is so easily dismissed by the most avid fans, who had heard the “Legend of Mata Nui” and/or read the thing countless times before this film ever existed.
      • The first thing you see is the Amaja Circle, a huge sand pit, with brown pillars surrounding it that are just glanced over by the camera. Look familiar? It looks like Bara Magna. If the surroundings are Bara Magna and Mata Nui is on Bara Magna and the six villages divide off of Mata Nui…it tells you that the Matoran are inside the Great Spirit and will come out into Bara Magna. The camera places the citizens of the island of Mata Nui as observers, which they are on Aqua Magna. Even Makuta comes in from the sky of Bara Magna to take on Mata Nui…so close, and yet so far!
      • Further, everything Vakama says in that scene is absolutely true, we just don’t know how it is yet. That scene cloaks the truth about Mata Nui and Makuta in a thin layer of confusion, just so we can’t see was really is any more than the Matoran can.

      • Second Scene: The Lava Breaks: When Takua first finds the mask, the mask glows with light, and Takua, bending forward to read this language, which he obviously has seen before, almost puts on the mask, like he is drawn to it. Only Jaller’s remark about imminent danger stops him, and when he throws the mask to Jaller, the light of the mask abruptly dies.
      • All three of the first trilogy of Bionicle movies begin with a fall, a literal one. In this case it is Takua falling, and is saved by the fact that he is falling with the Great Toa Tahu, who stops and redirects his fall. How Takua stops falling is important – he will only achieve his goals in the film by riding on the backs of others, like the Toa and Jaller. Jaller observes…and he is the one who has the most doubt about Takua and his identity, and who believes Takua is dead after his fall. The “you could have been________bones” lines are actual tie-togethers of Jaller’s doubts. You survived that fall; You survived Makuta; that irresponsible Matoran who I didn’t think could do anything that great.
      • Remember this: The enemy of self discovery is doubt, the enemy of self – confidence is circumstance, and the enemy of leadership is tyranny. The “observers” of each of the three falls represent these three failings.

      • Also, the movie Mask of Light is actually two stories in one: Takua’s journey to find himself and Toa Nuva vs. Rakashi. It is actually Tahu who falls in the first scene; and Tahu is correspondingly beat up the entire movie. He does come out of it, however. It’s also one of the few times Mask powers are used in the film, and it is by far the most noticeable, with most uses rather implicit and not stated.

      The Kolhii Match

      • First of all, we must acknowledge that Ga-Koro owns all. They win the Kolhii match, Gali runs to the rescue of Tahu’s village, Gali heals Tahu after he has been poisoned, Gali implicitly tells Kopaka to go rescue Onua and Pohatu, and Gali and Hali see the Ta-Matoran to safety after the Rahkshi attack. Not to mention the awesome speech Hali gets to make at the end. This makes up for the fact that we never see Ga-Koro or Ga-Wahi in the film. Not that anybody cares, since we have seen it in two online games and one set of animations. However, if not for the fact that Vakama says it at the beginning and Hali at the end, we would have never known that the setting was an island.

      • The Kolhii match occurs both at the beginning and the end of the film, the first time with Takua losing, and the second time with him winning; this pattern is repeated in Legends of Metru Nui with the “Sea of Protodermis”.

      • Po-Koro is actually the most overlooked village in the film. There’s a small argument that Jaller might be in Po-Wahi when Takua finds him, but that is meaningless. And Pohatu doesn’t really get too much of a show here, and that scene with the Rahkshi down in Onu-Koro was a not-really-that-great.

      • Also, when the Mask of Light comes out of Jaller’s pack, the Mask is just a piece of dim protodermis until it gets thrown about, but when the Mask throws all its light on Jaller, it is on Takua’s foot. And then Tahu the bold buffoon jumps to the wrong-right conclusion. Jaller does find the seventh Toa; but it was the seventh Toa who threw all the light on Jaller in the first place!
      • Two short male characters set out on a mission regarding a golden object. Sounds a bit like MoL and LotR. Sadly, some people missed a few things.

      T&J leaving, Gali Nuva Meditation scene to Destruction of Tahu Koro. (And yes, I did mean Tahu Koro)

      • “Do not take your journey lightly” Bad joke, Vakama. By the way, when Takua fails to “walk in the light” is when he gets in the most trouble (Onu-Koro, dark cave).
      • The scene with the Rahkshi involves Makuta passing his hand into glass pillars (intangibility powers) while he says “…their destiny I must shatter.” Piece of irony that is actually those glass pillars that shatter later.
      • Then is Gali’s vignette scene where her identity is revealed. The meditation “floating” is either the strength of Gali’s thoughts, bad animation, or a Mask of Levitation. Remember, the Toa Mata/Nuva could have multiple masks in one; this was before it was declared that Toa could only use one Mask at a time, so I’m tempted to go with the latter. This scene is probably the ultimate picture of beauty ruined by the Rahkshi. The first showdown with the Rahkshi is at Kini-Nui, and so is the last, and both occur after Gali meditates. Talk about a pattern.
      • This is also the film with the most gymnastics done by the Toa (Wos probably comes in second. Maybe.).
      • “The Toa of Water approaches! The Toa of Water-“

      “Is here. Sound the alarm.”

      • Meanwhile, while Gali was doing great things, Tahu flips into the scene, annoyed at having been awakened from his nap.

      • After Nokama says “Rahkshi”, Vakama adds his addendum to her statement to keep all the Matoran in line with his crazy tale of reality he has spun. “If I don’t add this additional comment, the Matoran might think we’re crazy!”

      • Tahu makes a stupendously bold proclamation that is immediately proven wrong. The Ta-Matoran have to be bailed out by Gali, who has to be bailed out by Tahu.


      • Second, we must acknowledge that Kopaka owns the world, having defeated three Rahkshi on his own, where the rest of the Toa pretty much get stomped by them. He bails Tahu and Gali out in Onu-Koro, as well as Onua and Pohatu.

      • Yes, Jaller, the real herald has the mask. The next segment of the movie is a fight over who’s the herald, which is pretty stupid since Jaller really is the Herald, but Takua is actually the Toa, which is better than the Herald.

      • “I’ll find the seventh toa whether you are the true herald or not.” Not. Except the person he is supposed to find is the one who is leaving him, angry and quitting. Note that Makuta attacks Takua, not Jaller. He wants to discourage Takua so he doesn’t become what he should. He doesn’t care about Jaller at all.
      • There is something about the scene between Pohatu and Onua in that scene when they first meet the Rahkshi. Some people have claimed that it beats up on Pohatu for a reason that I cannot remember. It does, however, obviously chew on Onua, characterizing him as an overpowered buffoon, which is not only insulting, it is inaccurate.
      • For a film that focuses on identity, it is highly intolerant of some people’s identities. If you aren’t Gali, Kopaka, or Hali, Jaller, or Takua, you don’t have a place in this film.
      • “Kopaka, do you think the Turaga are right about us? Have we lost our unity?” Kopaka thinks, We have. Pohatu and Onua aren’t here…and then he goes and rescues them. At least, that is how I picture it. You can tell this is a kid’s movie.
      • The Mask of Light was never at Onu-Koro, but the only person who could be killed and, in doing so, stop the creation of the seventh Toa was.
      • “Mata Nui, where does my destiny lie?” Cue earthquake. Cue massive earthquake and Giant Robot Face comes out of island. It is part of the destiny of everyone on the island. The other thing, Mata Nui is actually below, so an earthquake makes some sense. It also forshadow’s Jaller’s death and getting back his life thru Takua’s actions at the end. It is Takua who gets him out of precarious position; it is Takanuva who brings him back from the dead.


      • Since I’m already stating the obvious, the “we will not be broken” is actually a use of shared mask of shielding.
      • How in the world did Pohatu get his climbing claws back in all that mess? He must have had a spare set. Which begs the question of why Lewa wasn’t carrying a spare when he was fighting the Piraka later. Poor planning skills?
      • How is it that a blast of fear can cripple Pohatu, but on Takua wear off pretty quick?

      Makuta’s Lair

      • The UDD symbol made of Energized protodermis. Do I even need to mention EP’s connection to the three pieces of rock the UDD symbol represents? No, I do not.
      • “Let’s take a closer look behind that mask.” Masks and identity again.
      • I’m going to take a rudimentary guess and say that the giant door is actually an emergency escape hatch for Mata Nui’s body, which explains how the inhabitants of Metru Nui were later able to escape to Spherus Magna so quickly.
      • The End (of the first movie)

    • Upvote 1
  2. The Mask of Life is really a great being?

    Yeah, I'm getting that reaction, a lot. :P But, think about it. He put his conscious to see how his creation would work. Whose to say that creation was the one he put his conscious into? The Ignika's closest guardian was Umbra. He is the only being to have no inner shadow, and doesn't need air and heat to survive. He is so radically different than any other creation of theirs inside the MU. Maybe he wanted to observe how Umbra would live. And, besides being protected, the Ignika has defense mechanisms that would ensure the Great Being's survival, and thus one day potentially returning to Bara Magna/Spherus Magna. Another thing about the Ignika is that it has the power to destroy the entire MU if it didn't go as planned. Possibly, the Great Being felt he would have the responsibility, and felt he was the only one worthy considering he was one of it's creators. As far as Orde saying a "Bio-mechanical" being, you have to keep in mind he was talking to Gelu, a being that didn't live in the MU. He could have just said that to refer to someone that lived there. Or, another possibility is that Gelu never found out exactly who it was to begin with; he had to pull back. That's why I'm going with Ignika.
    I believe that the "character" and "still living" might rule that out. Also, the GB would probably want a thing less easily manipulated. Plus Mata Nui has control of the thing now; it is unlikely that it would be able to execute some evil plan. Third, the Ignika has more primitive thought processes. It has "new" experiences about things a GB would have already experianced.
  3. Awesome remake. That's personally one of my favorite songs by Billy Joel; good summary of Bionicle throughout the years. I've considered doing this very idea, but never went through with it because I'd be horrible at rewriting. :P However, you, on the other hand, did it quite well. Each stanza was more interesting with your descriptions of the years. It fit exactly with the beat of the song, which made it even better. Great job, keep it up. You need to try your hand at some actual story-writing - you have some great potential. ;)

    You can see this topic for more of my awesome story-style works. And thanks for the praise. :-)
  4. It's been half a year since Bzpower went down. People had time to actually grow up a bit, and surf other places of the Internet. Thus, memes become a slight bit more usual than they were before. Regarding that My Little Pony fad which has been going on in the Internet general, I really hope the only reason that someone would have a bunch of purple unicorns who learn lessons about friendship every day in their avatars and signatures, is just part of the whole concept that "Oh yeah, I'm putting ponies in my sig as a joke; I'M SUPER COOL". Memes are a part of the Internet. Bzpower was down for six months; people browsed other sites, and went more meme orientated. It's only logical.

    I agree. At least the MLP fad was better than the gay kissing fad. :-)
  5. Geez Louise. I heard a lot of complaints about the Heroes not having a lot of armor, but talk about an over-reaction! And what is with the launchers - which I thought a lot of people weren't too happy about, and the 1.0 heads? I think the smaller villains look cool, but not enough to justify the high price tag. And the Phantom guy just reminds me of Hewkii. Really.

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