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Dr. Giggles PhD

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Everything posted by Dr. Giggles PhD

  1. Welcome to BZPower!

  2. Comics forum rest in peace.

    1. -Windrider-


      I just don't know what to do.

    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      It would be cool if somebody posted in comics...

  3. Rest in peace comic forum. New comic! There is another way...
  4. The gut floral is screeeeweed up...

  5. NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA FATMAN... what do you mean someone already took my theme song?

  6. I probably won't be doing comics for too much longer. bleh

    1. -Windrider-


      yeah I think everyone has the same resolution though

    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I have only gotten a few posts by a few people ever since I start 5th Generation.

      So, I have an idea for a huge thingy possibly that I wanna do.

      But then I don't know how much longer I'll do comics.

  7. Working on something... something big...

  8. Well, I'm not using it in that way. So if somebody tells me to change it, I will. hehe
  9. New comic even though I know nobody cares. HAHAHAHAHA bleh

  10. Hello people who are most likely not going to read this comic. New comic! Where are we exactly?
  11. Ohh... I would like to kit your kat.

  12. can I use that horse thing with the gandalf thing? only if you give me fifty-thousand money... I don't have that much... okay

  13. You are Ghabulous and I am fab. ohohohohoh

  14. lol It was his Noobarian powers. probably got some magic noobicorn paint on 'em. The paint isn't what is magic about him. You mean... there's a deeper meaning? I am going to have something telling about it soon.Do I want to do comics anymore?ehhh
  15. Welome to BZPower!

  16. Nosferatu. Probably the best movie I have seen in a long time. Oh oh. And Fire in the Sky.

  17. Dorris simaatiiiii o miliata. O SE AIRE SE PUUUUU ESTRIATA. is...

  18. Well, my comics are on a long break.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. That Which Is

      That Which Is




    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD



      why you have to be so main

    4. That Which Is

      That Which Is

      I'm ur main man bro

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