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Status Updates posted by Franco

  1. I'm working on it, sorry. This is taking some time...

  2. Ah, poor you...My sister is deathly afraid of half the things in the world, for no reason, so I'm always teasing her about it except when not prudent. XP

  3. You barbarian! Mr. Lark is only having a rematch if he gets a Drifloon and/or evolves Ralts 1-2 times. Otherwise, he'll just get bored and forfeit even before anything happens. =P

  4. Just that y'all's postin', homedawg


  5. What mannerisms?

  6. So, does that mean it's twice as private, or exponentially, in this case, to the second power, private? =P

  7. *salutes* Roger that, MUDSKIPPLES.

  8. *Blades skitter across ground towards KNI*

  9. Did you notice? We need abilities on our dudes. Troublesome, I know, but that's what they say...


  10. *Salutes* Roger that, MUDSKIPPLES.

  11. Not yet, my most likely disspapointed friend :P Sorry for the change.

  12. Yeah, me too. Maybe we should do something M:tG-inspired?

    No, wait!

    Maybe we could do something M:tG inspired, but the story is told from the killer's point of view for a change. The first sentence could be, for example,"The other day, I put one of the snivelling weaklings ouf of its misery" or something.

  13. No, I mean in RoTR. And in response to that earlier comment: By now, it's pretty much a joke, as opposed to an actual insulting action.

  14. Um...Oh, yes. No, I will not debate the fact that you are innocent.

    My AIM ist M6nga7@aim.com.

    'Tis all.


    *Goes off and performs Secret Ninja Art: One Thousand Headbangs no Jutsu!"

  16. EDIT: BTW, have you checked my blog lately? I have a question there you could probably answer. Also, I was reading Zar's blog, and do you want me to make a counter-club to the BarbieZP and LoTRZP movements? Because I was planning a joke one.

  17. Finally! Another Gone fan! *highfive*

    And Calvin and Hobbes! Yayz!

  18. *Face appears in armor* Contact! Yes! *Other blades skitter away from the storms at high speeds* My offer is still open.

  19. I'm sorry, my man, but most people don't know or care about RoTR. I'm thinking about something more universal...But awesome.

  20. In a Magia mood.

  21. If you're going to do that, then here's my only suggestion: Give. Me. A. Top. Hat.


  22. Orm...

    Not really sure, apart from Zar. Mebbe Ads, but she's a complete wild card. Spawnie's joining, but I don't believe you know him...

  23. Yes, they're Knife and Edge, just hiding.

  24. Caesar Salad?


    And...Octopus (You lucky dog, you.)? You should be a food connoiseur :P

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