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Status Updates posted by Franco

  1. *Is unsure whether to laugh, cry, or ASPLODE*



  2. What? What kind of tri-leadership?

    Cuz if it's that one where I get gypped by Zar, it's not okay :P

  3. You have an epic personal pic. Scars is awesome.

  4. Huh...I would, but that's pointless. I mean, he already showed that he was embarrassed :P

  5. E & P: Have no fear, Jolek. Although your RPer is...Eccentric, he's better than most others.

  6. How could she? She could cuz she knows I'm less awesome than you *evil grin*

  7. Star Wars, Wall-E, and Myth Busters? Awesome!

  8. Oh, yeah *facepalms*...

    Only one problem: what shall be his title?

  9. Oh, whoops XP Must go fix profile.

    Naw, didn't get it from Zev, just found it on Riglax's profile.

  10. Ads, check me blawg. Otherwise, KNI will epically fail le melee :P

  11. I've read all of the books that you like, except Skullduggery Pleasant.

  12. Ditto. If you need help on anything, just post in New MEmbers Q&A ;)

  13. Trent?

    Oh, and don't worry about the team. I'll provide an opportunity for Hau to meet your shades dude.

  14. Well, Raz is correct, I just didn't want to ruin my dramatization by including a correction. However, yes, that is pure obscenity to misspell 'Zwei'. Why, think of the zweihander: If people went around misspelling medieval weapons all the time, I'm quite sure they might find a few stuck in themselves in short order =P

  15. Oh, thanks. It came from a pic of Durge from a Star Wars comic.

  16. Not yet.

    I'm storing up for 1000th

  17. I will.

    ...But only because I don't want any more turtles getting hurt =P

  18. But he woulda made a great Hurley...

  19. Okey.

    I thought I had taught you better.

    Really, I had.

    But this is just sad.

    You can't even say the proper terminology for a piece of COMBAT GEAR?

    It's a "COMMAND KILT" not a SKIRT!


  20. I tried XP

    Cark...Maybe I can make a char just for this? But that would be cheap...

  21. Two omegas...Hmm...What oculd this mean =P ?

  22. Sorry. I meant Sunspire's finest elite tank gerbils with ninja training, kinght training, and the ability to fry eggs :P

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