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Everything posted by Miraka

  1. MirMir be on Deviantart. she also be at college, and she be sleeping. Zzzzz >w

  2. Many thanks to the fans who responded to mine and all the other comics. Feels good to be making some again, despite it most likely being the only one during my entire vacation month from college. But small matter, that - maybe I'll make more between classes again. To answer your question, Toa Mata Pony, I base my comics mainly off of real life. Something like what LR did with his advent submission this year, as he's currently studying overseas in Spain. That, plus the fact that I don't do dark subject matter. Or even dark colors. Unless it's nighttime, of course. I guess you could say my style is... homey?Should you ever take up the comic author's banner, I think we'd all be interested in seeing some of your work.
  3. I want this track sooooo bad! :lovesign:You have serious skills, Snipe. Can't wait for more! ^w^
  4. X3 Yes, hello. I'd ask if you all missed me, but now that question is quite moot.
  5. What is this? You think I be dead... forever? Happy Halloween, peeps.
  6. I live! Sorta'... man, it's cold here.

    1. Chibinuva


      I'd trade with you. Our cold front just ended. I love the cold, but Florida doesn't exactly deliver well for that. :P

  7. Wow just wow at speech thing, dude.


  8. It's pronounced "Meer-uh-kuh". XP

  9. I dunno' what you even look like, kiddo'.

  10. ... I dunno' what the heck you even look like.

  11. Sorry, you're way too young for me, kiddo'. Maybe in another ten years...

    Nowait, I'll probably be married then... Will I even still be in BZP? Hrm.

  12. Sees the "Update"... Oh wow. I thought the two links meant mine and one Ennar did... A separate one. Hm. Well then.
  13. You've been my inspiration for nigh on five years now. I'm glad to finally have the chance to say so. ^w^

  14. Homestuck? Never heard of it, why?

  15. Thank yu. ^w^


  17. How to get some more posts in your comics: try to post new comics more often (I've got a HUGE prob. doing that myself) and advertise. A nice banner should do the trick, no?

  18. Get a wig for Makito and you'll have seven, meh-heh. ... That actually might not be a bad idea - have a lady comic-makers appreciation day and have most of the guys wear wigs in their comics for that day just for the heck of it. No. Wait. Forget it, that'd just be too... disturbing.
  19. Hey 'Jay... Just sayin' hi. What's happenin' this Sunday?

  20. Thank yu. ^w^

  21. Ohwait, you mean my very first avatar? Nope. No pic, just m' eye.

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