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Blog Comments posted by Miraka

  1. Also, it's actually six women in the series, if you count Lola.


    Get a wig for Makito and you'll have seven, meh-heh. :D




    ... That actually might not be a bad idea - have a lady comic-makers appreciation day and have most of the guys wear wigs in their comics for that day just for the heck of it.


    No. Wait. Forget it, that'd just be too... disturbing. :blink:

  2. I heard you mention that there's no seventh Piraka...


    *Points off to the side at a certain silver freak Piraka and his pet mutant spider-mount*


    But what about Vezon and Fenrakk over there?

    Oh, by the way, I hear he's Vezok's smarter literal half -


    Vezok: HEY!!


    - and that he's got the Kanohi Ignika stuck on the back of his head. It's true... Good luck getting it off, though, Fenrakk's lookin' mighty hungry right now.


    That is not a QUESTION, AVAK! - AHA! VEZOK! And REIDAK!


    I asked if Vezon wasn't considered a 7th Piraka (or if you at least knew that in reality, he pretty much is... sorta'... kinda' hard to say with split-personality aaaand yeah, I shutup on that now).

    And Reidak?! Where?!? *Looks around frantically*


    You just pointed REIDAK out! He is the one on top of that RAHI! - Oh, wait that's just VEZOK. Never mind.





    No no no, VEZOK... is right here to my right. VEZON... is the Piraka-dude on top of the giant spider-Rahi-mutant, Fenrakk. Y'know. That giant arachnid over by the big lava pit... the one with the ridiculously huge teeth? See. Right there. Poor Vezon's chained up to that sucker, can't get offa' Fenny if he tried.


    And REIDAK... is chillin' somewhere, I dunno', I honestly don't care, probably inventing up another zamor-related weapon that'll just blow up in his face.

    You use any weapons besides zamor stuff?


    I already informed HAKANN on the previous PAGE. I also like to punch and kick enemies. You know, when the ZAMOR LAUNCHER stops working for some reason.

  3. The world's already been split in three... and reformed again...

    Where've you been for the past three years? :P


    No wait, don't tell me... fighting Piraka. Say 'lo to Vezok for me, eh?


    Oh by the way... Do you like waffles?


    I have mixed feelings toward waffles. I generally have no time for breakfast because I am out... hunting PIRAKA, of course.

  4. Ohno, I got zamored! Hey waitaminute, since when are Piraka yellow?


    Real next question... sort of:

    Do you realize that the cake is a lie and pie is a fib, and cookies are false?


    Don't try to distract me! You are PIRAKA AVAK! You cannot fool TOA IGNITER! No one can fool TOA IGNITER! Not even lying cakes, fibbing pies and false cookies!


    (Editor's note: Toa Igniter sees anyone yellow as being Avak.)




    *... You do realize that I'm a female, right? Female Piraka, huh, wonder how that'd work out...


    (It doesn't matter to Toa Igniter.)

  5. Toa Igniter, have you ever encountered a Rahkshi (or at least a Rahkshi variant, like myself)? What would you do if you ever met one?




    Of course I have! They are obvious PIRAKA minions that work for the PIRAKA. Usually I've seen red or green ones, all of which are easily defeated. I've only seen a blue one one time. Thanks for your question, PIRAKA AVAK. Now prepare to face ZAMOR.

  6. So we got a method for creating female characters, but how should we really go about bringing in gal artists from real life into the comic forum?


    Some ideas so far:

    • Aforementioned "Gals Mainly" Topic
    • Sig Advertising
    • Invitation/Recruiting...?
    • Other...?
    @ BD:

    Primarily there are sprite comics on BZP, as you no doubtedly have already noticed. They're much easier to make, yes, but if my series is anything to go by, they CAN be full of emotion and facial expressions just as much as hand-drawn ones. All it takes is a little know-how, maybe an extra graphics program or three, and a bit of patience. That's all.


    Now in terms of discussion - this blog is primarily for debating over how to attract girls into the comic forum so that BZP will no longer be so one-sided gender-wise. This is not really a discussion about comics themselves.

  7. Heeeeey, BD! You live! Man, you were one of my fave artists way back before I joined BZP, how ya' doin'? ^w^


    ...Oh no. Just looked at your new humanized Bionicle art topic...


    Tsh, ok see, this is one of the problems gals like us face on the forums - haters be hatin' way to much and won't keep quiet about it if they don't like it. Girls take hate much worse than guys, who can just shrug it off.


    It's called the "Don't like, don't look" policy, you insensitive morons! :burnmad:



    Ok, I'm done with my rant. But that's one of the primary reasons why there probably aren't more gals on the site. That, plus all the prejudice...


  8. I used to do comics.... But then I changed computers and couldn't figure out how to use GIMP. (Macs don't have Paint)


    I've considered re-starting a couple times... If only I weren't so lousy at art...


    Free programs for Mac to look into (and trust me, I use these myself):


    Seashore - you can set a transparent background, no more worrying about "the white", ask me about tips and tricks, layers, etc.

    Pixelmator - also transparent background, lots of customizable brushes for loads of effects, including sparkle (Eee!), also layer feature for easy maneuverability of separate bits of your artwork

    SketchBook Express - Downloadable version free in the new App. Store, but I use this mainly for copying whole comics in and cropping before saving without having to worry about the dreaded color-fade glitch in most art programs. Pixelmator can be freed from this by going into Image, Color Management, then ( I suggest) Advanced, so you can then copy-paste files from Seashore over to Pixel to tweak, then back again without blue fading into purple.



    Back to the lack of women comic-makers issue...

    Perhaps we should consider making a "By girls, for girls, but all are welcome to view" - type art topic?

  9. How the heck would anybody be able to MoC me? :???:



    Lessee'... yellow Rahkshi with a rainbow striped tail and blue eyes...




    ..................................................... *five minutes later* ..................................




    ....'Side from the Stars yellow Rahkshi, I got nothin'.


    Too bad I can't participate - I left all my toys at home. :glare: :annoyed2:

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