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Status Updates posted by Miraka

  1. Wonk wonk, it be freezing cold outside! Perfect weather to stay inside and work on comics I've been putting off for forever! what about you guys?

  2. Again, thanky. Yeah, I guess I'm kinda' egotistical... Creator loves lil' MirMir so. ^w^ Keep her lookin' prettiful!

  3. Thanky! ^w^

    Hand-drawn again.

  4. I was actually wondering the same thing myself.

  5. Prob'ly 'cuz you changed your name.

  6. 'Cuz Eljay was being mean to me last time, and I thought we both needed to cool down. But I be on Sunday, don' worry.

  7. Kitty's not mine, he's part of the shelter. He and his brothers got adopted ^w^. Their mom, Misty, has a weird high-pitched mew, too... But it's really more like a quiet squeak... 0.0?

  8. Nah. Wish I did, though. I just volunteer at an animal shelter. Last I looked, we had LOTS of kittens, a few HUGE, lovable lap cats that are just AWESOME, and some dogs. One cat in particular - goes to La-La Land every time I give him some luv. ^w^

  9. Maybe... what with college and all, though, plus me FINALLY goin' home after so long for the holidays, I find my claws full 'nuff as is... But I'm still working on a GS comic as we speak, so take heart...

  10. Dude, I already said I wasn't gonna' do the Pit of Doom... XP

  11. Don't care for it at the moment - rehash of Bionicle, in my opinion. Why you ask?

  12. *Poke* Hiya'. I'm bored, talk to me, 'Jay.

  13. Now... any REAL questions?

  14. I've finally realized that, despite being 18, I am highly prone to mental sugar-highs. Quick! Hide the chocolate before I can get to it!

  15. That would be a YEEESSSSS XD

  16. Just confused about the whole "yoouuuuu" bit - like you had seen me around before... Have you? Have we met? Aw, terrible memory, AUGH.

  17. Who's the 'You" you were speaking of on my page? Hrm?

  18. You who? Me? Hm? *Looks around*

  19. This Rahkshi is now a Seeker! Seeker of what, though, I'll tell you sometime...

  20. Pst. Eljay! Mir here - I'm doing a Halloween comic and I need people in costumes - you game? Anybody else game?

  21. Halloween's on the rise! Check out my profile info for more info!

  22. Naahhh, people have enough trouble pronouncing my current name as is... It's "MEER-uh-kuh", thanks... >

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