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Status Updates posted by Miraka

  1. 'Alloooo! ^w^

  2. It's all pixelated, but I like attention to detail, so... yeah, it takes awhile.

  3. I'm somewhat new and haven't made any yet. Although, I'm currently busy finishing up a character sheet for my soon-to-be comic topic.

  4. I am the guardian who watches from shadows to preserve the light... I am an exile... I am... Miraka. (I am so unhelpful, no? ^^)

  5. I have a monkey as my Chinese horoscope symbol...

    Methinks you all with bananas better start running now. ^^

  6. What kinda' doughnuts do you like?

  7. Augh! Stop talkin', Mir, you're making the hunger worse!!

  8. Dang, now I made meself all hungry and stuff... I could really go for a lemon-filled powdered right 'bout now, how about you?

  9. Guess what (INH)? You're my first buddy on BZP! Congratz to us both, I shall now go buy us some doughnuts! ^w^

  10. Your interest in gymnastics is... well, interesting! Ever consider incorporating that into one of your comics, just to mix things up a twik?

  11. MirMir is confused... WR, why're there Decepticons crashin' your page?

    *Gets stared down at by Starscream*

    What're you lookin' at?

  12. Yay! I'm welcomed! ^w^

    I feel loved already...

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