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Blog Entries posted by Soran

  1. Soran
    Here's a situation.
    "You have 24 hours to live. What do you do?"
    Pretty common situation. If you have 24 hours to live, what would you do?
    For me, I'd probably call my loved ones and tell them what they mean to me. I'd write some sort of story about my life and I'd organize some of my stories, concepts and ideas into files with instructions on how to expand on them. I'd probably write some sort of will as well.
    What about you?
    If you have 24 hours to live, what would you do?
  2. Soran
    Here's a question.
    "What do you care most about in your appearance?"
    I think this particular question is interesting because of how different the answers could be. In a way, it showcases what others may find self-conscious. Some people view certain aspects of themselves as being absolutely essential in looking their best while others may not find it nearly as essential. Whether it comes to clothing, clear skin, hair, body, etc. everyone's got something different. At the same time though, not everyone even cares about their appearance so that's another option.
    I think for me... It's probably hair. My hair seems most essential to my appearance as anything but the style I work with ends up looking odd. I feel that when it comes to other aspects, they're a bit easier to ignore or play off as being something else but hair oftentimes is the judge of a person's appearance. Whether it's styled or looks like a rat's nest, each can give a person a different impression about you.
    So what about you?
    Do you care about your appearance? And if so what do you care most about in your appearance?
  3. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "Who would you bring back to life?"
    I think it's an interesting question because of the different reasons one might have to bring someone back to life. Perhaps you're interested in seeing how a person of old adapts to modern day, maybe you'd like to bring back an old leader, or perhaps someone more personal to you.
    For me, I think I'd like to bring back to life my cousin. He was very young when he died and it breaks my heart to know that someone so jubilant and full of life could fall victim to fate through a simple accident.
    So what about you?
    Who would you bring back to life?
    Follow up question:
    Let's say in this hypothetical situation that in order to bring someone back to life you had to sacrifice yourself. Would that change your decision?
  4. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "What invention needs to exist in the next 50 years?"
    Interesting question to me. Many people have certain inventions or concepts that they want to exist in the future. Whether it's teleportation, flying cars, hover boards, easy space travel, or what not there always is some idea that people feel needs to exist.
    For me, I think a cheap way of desalinating water would be very beneficial for all and should absolutely exist in the near future.
    So what about you?
    What invention needs to exist in the next 50 years?
  5. Soran
    Simple question.
    "What's a bad habit you have?"
    Everyone has a bad habit, some may be worse than others but it's almost certain everyone does to some capacity. What's yours?
    For me, it's that I have this odd habit where I tend to overwork myself until I just burn out. Those who follow my comics should be familiar with this to some degree. I think it stems from the fact that I have to a lot of long-term projects that won't be completed any time soon and I lose patience and just want to accomplish something. This results in me working on smaller things that I can feel mini accomplishments for (such as comics, kits, drawings, etc) until I end up overloading myself and just stopping.
    So what about you?
    What's a bad habit you have?
    Follow up question:
    Do you have any plans to fix this bad habit?
  6. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "Which day would you relive?"
    Pretty interesting question to me. Many of us have fond memories, situations in the past that sometimes are better than the present. Does one particular day of yours stand out among the rest? If so which is it?
    For me, I'd probably want to relive my 8th birthday. It was probably one of my best days of my life. It was so carefree, fun and oddly peaceful. I felt connected with people and loved. It was pretty great.
    What about you?
    What day of your life would you want to relive?
  7. Soran
    I felt compelled to make this since almost a year has gone by since I've started changing my avatars seasonally, to the point where every season's avatar has been shown. Because of this, I'd like to reflect on each of them and give some background on them. I'll start from the first made in the current style to my final one.



    This was the first of its kind and the original one. It's based off of an incomplete drawing of mine which was featuring my character, Soran. Ultimately it didn't end up going well and I scrapped it. You can see the contrast between this one and the future ones, whereas this one is much simpler than the others. All my avatars afterwards were based on it.



    This one is my winter one. I noticed people were making Christmas versions of their avatars by attaching Santa hats to the character in their avatar. I thought that was too simple (and too easy given the placement of my character) so I went with a winter theme instead. This set up the trend of things in the foreground falling around Soran. It also started the light flare across his eyes.

    Spring/April Showers


    This one was based off the whole, "April showers bring May flowers," rhyme. This one was the only one to feature the objects actually affecting Soran with the rain bouncing off him. Not nearly as many people noticed the change between the Winter one and this one. It also is apparently comparable to Japanese animes.

    Summer/May Flowers


    This one was also inspired by the same rhyme as mentioned earlier. I went with flower petals falling around him. This one I tried to make him look significantly brighter versus the previous ones, which were dreary by comparison. In the event of that though, it seems I might've made him a bit too yellow, which most likely prompted the whole, "Takanuva" spiel.



    I went with falling leaves this time around and with a very "Fall colors" heavy background. With this one I tried to retain Soran's orange color to not repeat the mistake of the previous one. I also went with a moon in the background which is barely visible (but helps connect it to the Winter avatar). This also is the first one featuring a lens flare.



    This one is the only one I haven't used yet. It's going to be the one I use during my eventual retirement from the site. With this particular one, I went with more of a dream-like look as well as a nice sky background behind Soran. It's also the only one (aside from the original) to not feature anything falling in the foreground. This one also employs the lens flare, though the end is barely visible due to the brightness of the bottom. I felt it works best as a final avatar as it works with my character's name the best, Soran D. Skies. Got to end things on a terrible pun.
    So this is each of my avatars. One for the beginning, one for every season, and one for the end. Actually, the final avatar is the most important one listed, the reason is because as soon as I'm sporting that one I'm finished with the site. For as long as I'm not using it, I'll still be thinking of the site no matter if I take a break or disappear.
    Although I like each of them I feel that my favorites are the Original (simply for nostalgia sake), my Fall avatar, and my Final. So I'm curious which ones you guys prefer.
  8. Soran
    Pretty straightforward question.
    "Who's your favorite person?"
    I would say that most people have a favorite person, whether it's someone they personally know or someone they simply admire. From inventors and great leaders to childhood friends or family. Maybe it's an actor or even your parents. Who knows?
    I think at the moment my favorite person has to be one of my cousins. Their influence on my life has been eye opening and just their support has been enough to really set myself straight.
    So what about you?
    Who's your favorite person?
  9. Soran
    Here's a question.
    "What are you terrible at but love to do anyway?"
    Pretty straightforward. Most people have an activity that they participate in that they enjoy despite not being particularly talented in it. From sports, to games, to certain hobbies, there's various activities that may fall under this concept.
    For me, I think a lot of video games are this way for me. There's absolutely certain games that I excel in but there's others where I'm better off not playing. But I enjoy it, I enjoy playing them and experiencing them despite often losing.
    So what about you?
    What are you terrible at but love to do anyway?
  10. Soran
    Here's a question.
    "What wild animal would you want as a pet?"
    In this hypothetical situation, let's assume that the pet would behave and wouldn't try to rip your head off or whatever. You'll be able to train it, feed it, pet it, etc. without any issues.
    I'm honestly torn between three animals. I'd either want a pet barn owl, a pet fox or a pet tiger. They're all pretty neat.
    So what about you?
    What wild animal would you want as a pet?
  11. Soran
    Here's a question.
    "What do you value most in a person?"
    Pretty straightforward question. What do you value most in a person? Is it kindness? Intelligence? Morals? What is it?
    For me it's honesty. I completely lose trust in a person if they're dishonest in a negative way.
    So what about you?
    What do you value most in a person?
  12. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "What have you forgotten?"
    Simple question. Everyone has someone or something they have forgotten. What's yours?
    I don't remember mine.
    So what about you?
    What have you forgotten?
  13. Soran
    Here's a question.
    "How would you describe yourself?"
    I think it's an interesting question so to speak. Many of you know who you are but you may not be able to properly put who you are into words. I know that I have trouble describing the type of person I am. This question is of course asking about describing your character and not your physical appearance.
    I would say that I'm a calculated person, I think quickly and I'm rather imaginative. My mind often works faster than my mouth does which can make it troubling for me to properly explain concepts to people face to face while over text it's normally much easier for me. I've always found myself to be a creative person and often times I'm working on a concept of some kind in my head. I'm normally mindful of people and I try to empathize with whatever events or situations are going on in their life. I also am very quick to make connections which might otherwise not exist, which can be detrimental to situations I encounter. I value honesty and respectfulness and I overall try to be a decent person in life.
    So what about you?
    How would you describe yourself?
  14. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "Which myth would you bring to life?"
    I think it's an interesting concept. There's various myths and folklore that tell some interesting stories or result in some interesting events or creatures. From some mythical creatures such as Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster to mythical locations such as Atlantis or El Dorado. There's various types of myths or folklore which would seem interesting to bring to life.
    I think for me I'd probably pick the tales of King Arthur. I think the events of it seem interesting to me and I'd love for them to be true.
    What about you?
    Which myth would you bring to life?
  15. Soran
    "What activity would you love to get into?"
    Simple question.
    Some of us may have interests in getting into a particular activity or hobby but ultimately something stops us from doing so. Whether it's money, time, or some other hindrance, something always seems to hold us back.
    For me I think it'd have to be traveling. I think seeing new places is certainly interesting but due to medical issues and monetary issues, I've found it difficult to partake in this particular activity.
    So what about you?
    What activity or hobby would you love to get into?
  16. Soran
    Here's a question.
    "What simple thing ruins your day?"
    Pretty straightforward. Whether the simple thing literally ruins or day or not is up to you, some of you may just find a particular instance to be simply annoying but not "Ruin your day" worthy.
    For me it's probably missing a meal. There's been times in the past where I was too late to eat breakfast or I was catching up on work and didn't have the time to eat lunch. Those are the worst.
    So what about you?
    What simple thing ruins your day?
  17. Soran
    Here's a situation:
    You discover a time traveler from 500 years into the future. In exchange for preserving his secret, he's willing to answer any 1 question you want asked about the future. What do you ask?
    Things to note:
    Don't worry about anything you ask changing the future.
    Don't worry about paradoxes.
    Assume that the time traveler is able to look up information. So you're able to ask any question at all, whether it's about your family, your personal life, someone else's personal life, companies, historical events, wars, theories, etc.

    Personally I think the question is interesting because different personalities will likely ask a different question. Some people may ask about their own future while another might ask about the future of someone they know. Some may think on the small scale or things while others may think quite grand. Some may ask in hopes of improving their life monetarily while others may ask in hopes of knowledge.
    For me, I'd probably ask about my family. There's certain situations that presently concern me and I'd love to know the answer to them.
    So what about you?
    What 1 question would you ask about the future?
  18. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "What is your dream vacation?"
    Pretty simple question, let's talk about your dream vacation. Do you want to go alone or do you want someone with you? Do you have a place you've been itching to visit? Perhaps you want to look at different cultures or maybe you just want to have some fun?
    For me, I'll be honest that I don't actually think too much about vacations. Most of my life has revolved around work and being comfortable in my own home so I don't have anywhere spectacular I would want to go to. I think for me it revolves around the people I'm with instead of the location, in which case that would be family.
    So what about you?
    What is your dream vacation?
  19. Soran
    I got bored tonight and was looking at the status of past topics I used to post on in the COT Sub-Forum. As I was reading through a couple pages of the topic I would glance and see the amount of "Guests" in the topic. At first it was 1. Then it turned to 5, then 9, and it incrementally raised more and more.
    I'm aware of this situation, it's happened to me before so I began to be curious how high the number would eventually reach. So I just kept changing the page and glancing at the amount of guests in the topic. My previous personal record was 30-something. The new record blew that one out of the water. There must've been a lot of bored people tonight.

    Link to Image
    So there's a question. Have you ever felt like you were being followed or being watched? If so, what was the situation like and how did you feel?
  20. Soran
    Here's a question:
    "What 'childish' things do you still enjoy doing?"
    BZPower is, well, a fan site centered around a children's toy line. This isn't a positive or a negative in any way, it's simply an observation. It made me start to wonder what kind of things that are presumed or stereotyped as being "childish" that you guys still enjoy doing.
    Whether it's playing games like "Keep the balloon in the air," or "The floor is lava," or doing some activity such as building a blanket fort or playing video games all day, it makes me curious.
    For me, I tend to always do the whole, "Stay within the pattern on the floor," thing when there's tiles or weird designs on the floor. Sometimes if I'm bored I'll even do the whole, "Hand Ninja," thing on the car window, having the Hand Ninja jump over stuff that pass by.
    So what about you?
    What "Childish" things do you still enjoy doing?
  21. Soran
    Simple question.
    "What simple thing brings you joy?"
    Everyone can feel joy or happiness from extravagant ideas or concepts but what about the simple things?
    For me it's when I have time to do what I want. Whether it's to be able to work on my own projects or just laze around all day, it's definitely one of those simple things I enjoy.
    What about you?
    What simple thing(s) brings you joy?
  22. Soran
    Simple question.
    "How has your life changed in the last decade?"
    I'm definitely curious about this as I imagine most people on BZPower to be in their teens or 20's. Growing up into adulthood tends to be an interesting time period for most people as they're faced with confusing situations and feelings, some for the better and some for the worse. Since I imagine most people see their childhood through rose-colored glasses, it makes me wonder as to how those who reflect upon it see theirs.
    For me, it's been... interesting to say the least. In some ways I would say that my life has improved in different ways but at the same time it hasn't. When I was younger I use to take great pleasure in the simplest things. Getting that new Toa set or if I'm lucky, being able to get one of the new titan sets. Being excited every time the LEGO magazine would show up and would have the next BIONICLE comic inside. It was a simpler time.
    Right now I would say that I'm not nearly as pleased with the simplest of things. I can afford LEGO sets all I want but I choose not to buy them. I have wants and desires but I have no way to fulfill them. I've so many goals that I wish to complete, many in the long term and so far off into the distance. I've gone through acceptance and denial over situations involved in my life. But the differences aren't all bad. Through growing up, I've been able to realize what it is that I want in my life, whether it's about my career or the type of people I wish to surround myself with. It's interesting so to speak and very... different.
    So what about you?
    How has your life changed in the last decade?
  23. Soran
    Simple question.
    "What are you currently working on?"
    Are you working on some sort of project, school work, or perhaps something work related? Perhaps you're working on a goal of some kind. Whatever it is, I'm curious.
    At the moment I'm working on school work for college and studying for some upcoming tests. What about you guys?
    What are you currently working on?
  24. Soran
    Simple question.
    "What would you like to be famous for?"
    Often times for some people it's their personality, or maybe their talents. Some don't want fame at all.
    So what about you? Do you want fame and if so, what would you like to be famous or well known for?
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