How would you describe yourself?
Here's a question.
"How would you describe yourself?"
I think it's an interesting question so to speak. Many of you know who you are but you may not be able to properly put who you are into words. I know that I have trouble describing the type of person I am. This question is of course asking about describing your character and not your physical appearance.
I would say that I'm a calculated person, I think quickly and I'm rather imaginative. My mind often works faster than my mouth does which can make it troubling for me to properly explain concepts to people face to face while over text it's normally much easier for me. I've always found myself to be a creative person and often times I'm working on a concept of some kind in my head. I'm normally mindful of people and I try to empathize with whatever events or situations are going on in their life. I also am very quick to make connections which might otherwise not exist, which can be detrimental to situations I encounter. I value honesty and respectfulness and I overall try to be a decent person in life.
So what about you?
How would you describe yourself?
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