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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Everything posted by Space: Ocean of Awe

  1. The delivery man spat on it.I wish the sun wouldn't affect me.=)
  2. Maybe a few singles.The following poster likes sic fi=)
  3. Nope. More in the 50s...I aven't really seen it either, except when I was little, which doesn't count.Nope, I don't.The following poster has allergies=)
  4. If I didn't know better, I would think everybody was wishing an Extra Terrestrial a birthday Have a good one! =)
  5. It's fish flavoured.I wish people wouldn't interrupt me whenever I want to watch TV=)
  6. I decided to do a human-Bionicle story this time, and *gasp* the word count is on the 400s ! I actually had to do some editing to get that exact number...add a little here, cut a little there. I'm moderately satisfied with my work...Member name: Space: Ocean of AweTheme: The LegacyWord count: 437Story: Tahu“...To Leah Fern, I leave my antique furniture collection, preserved perfectly from the day it was made, to do whatever she wishes with it...to Jason Fern I leave my estate, and every unclaimed item that lies within it...for Alexandre Fern I leave...Tahu...” The attorney continues, but my mind lingers on that two syllable name.Tahu...“Kids, we’re visiting Grandma today, make sure you’re ready!” My mom would tell us.“Yeah.” My brother would reply, preoccupied with his games.“I’m ready whenever,” my sister would say, reading one of her old books.“I get to see Tahu again!” I would exclaim, rushing to get ready, putting my shoes on the wrong feet in my hurry. On the long drive down, I always had trouble sitting still. Sometimes I would try to imagine which amazing story Grandma would tell me that day as I sat at her feet, playing with the red Toa.I would always be the first to the door, ringing the bell incessently, peeking through the window as she opened the door. I would always head straight to the family room, where he stood alone above the fireplace, his exuberant colour scheme setting the mantle aflame.Tahu...I would turn the gears on his back, making him attack imaginary villains, parry invisible blows, as she would begin another story about how Tahu and his team of Toa saved the day. Sometimes I would retrieve other Bionicle figures from the drawer, making them act out Grandma’s story; sometimes I would take them apart, using the pieces to create new characters for Grandma’s stories, using Gali’s mask for an astronaut, fashioning cookie minions out of the Pahrak torso, salvaging parts from Jaller, Axonn, Matoro, but never the radiant Toa of Fire.Tahu...His Kanohi Hau shielded me from horrors of the world, from the sadness of losing my father. His fire warmed my heart. He was the symbol of my childhood, of who I am. As he grew in character, so did I. I learned of honor, courage, trust, and loyalty through the adventures of Tahu. I learned of the danger of rash decisions, to always keep my cool, to think before I act, something the Toa could never quite accomplish.Tahu...It makes perfect sense for me to have the Toa of Fire; he was and forevermore is a symbol of my grandmother’s love. Though she is gone, her legacy lives within this Toa, just as mine will, years from now. My brother may have gotten a house, my sister may have gotten furniture worth thousands of dollars, but she gave me him.Tahu.
  7. ...have we met?The following poster knows what my sig is from (oh please please please...)=)
  8. Were the donuts consumed all at once, or in little instalments throughout the day? It all makes sense now...it's the Doctor we have to blame for all this ninja stuff!=)
  9. Member name: Space: Ocean of AweTheme: UltimatumWord count: 599 wordsStory: Catch 22I can’t do this. This time, it truly seems that there is no alternative. Countless times, I had escaped tight situations, always choosing the third option when provided two choices. Now, I have no hidden alternatives, no escape from certain doom.Today is the last day to dawn on one Earth colony. It’s up to me to decide which. If I press the button, a planet, ridden with countless terrestrial immigrants, will be destroyed. If I refuse, my own colony will meet the same fate. If I tell anyone about this, we are all doomed.I received the the transmission from Earth via Quantum Communication at 1713 hours. The New Terrestrial Government, founded by the three Corporations, needed their people to remain on Earth, they couldn’t lose them to the colonies. I was assured that everybody would believe it to be an accident, an impact from an enormous asteroid, that brought about such a catastrophe.Why somebody would do this, how somebody could be given so much power, is beyond me. Is the economy more important than the people? Is that really their reason, their justification, for destroying an entire planet?Find the third option. There is almost always a third option. Almost always. I look around the small room they had put me in; there, surrounded by buttons and switches, is the Button. They had offered me a generous share in the Market if I pushed the button, I would be one of the richest people in the Galaxy; I know some people who would take that opportunity, no matter the consequences. I’m not one of them, and I can’t decide whether that’s good or bad. It would certainly spare me this dilemma, but I don’t want to imagine myself with so much power, so many riches, at the expense of billions of lives.Other than the small panel of buttons, a telephone, and a door, the room is bare. I can’t escape: that would mean the destruction of my home world. I can’t press the button: that would be the end of so many lives. I wasn’t told what the other buttons do, but I can’t risk pressing them. There is too much at stake.“Why can’t you do this yourselves?” I don't expect an answer. Then the telephone rings. I have never used a telephone. It rings again, I don’t know how to. I pick it up on the third ring, putting the curved part to my ear, as I have seen people do in 2D photographs. I hear a voice, edged with the slight inconsistency of an artificial tone, on the other end. “We cannot be held responsible, should anybody realize the truth.” I hang up the phone.Why would it be an artificial tone? There must be something that I’m missing, some little bit of information, that would make this all make sense. I think of all those countless conspiracies that I had seen on the Entanglement before it was was censored; perhaps they were not so far off after all. I remember one, which claimed that the Government designed an Artificial Intelligence to manage the economy, but had lost control over the AI, which gained control over the military, among other sectors. Of course. Perhaps there is a third option after all...I pick up the phone and press numbers at random. To my astonishment, the call connects. I speak. “Would you mind asking the Government what their military has been up to?” I walk out of the room. There is nothing more to do. If this fails, we were all doomed anyways.
  10. Seeing that I haven't even got a phone...noThe following poster in this topic is a paradox=)
  11. Member name: Space: Ocean of AweTheme: Alternate UniverseWord count: 600Story: TimeIt was the end of the Universe as they knew it. The very fabric of reality, the Space-Time continuum, had been torn apart, massive wormholes popped in and out of existence, and Time shifted, merciful as a Piraka.Amidst this mayhem a Toa of Ice sat with a Toa of Earth, sheltered within a machine of their own making. The Toa of Ice spoke: "there is no sense in returning to the past, trying to set this straight: our Universe will still exist in this state, our act will only create an alternate universe which, undoubtedly, would have been created otherwise. There is nothing we can do that has not already been done.""I have analyzed all available data, from that pivotal point in Time, there is nothing that could have saved our Universe from the Time Collapse. If we return to steal the Vahi, take it before it can be destroyed, we can create an alternate Universe. We can save Time.""We are needed here.""Inhabitants of this Universe are doomed. Should we deny these Matoran a better fate in an alternate universe?"-----The two Toa activated the Time Machine, checking and rechecking meters, dials, statistics. The slightest error, and they could materialize inside a mountain, instantly killing themselves, removing all hope of an ordered Universe. The machine began to vibrate as it drew power from energized protodermis, and it slipped through a gaping hole in the Fabric of Reality, taking a shortcut into the past, to that fateful point in Time...-----A Toa of Ice stood outside a large structure, waiting to be relieved of guard duties. He didn’t wait long, for soon, a Toa of Earth approached him, took his place.Behind a gate, an identical Toa of Ice stepped out of a great Machine, moving aside for an identical Toa of Earth to emerge.“We mustn’t be seen...especially not by ourselves. A paradox is the last thing we need.”The Toa climbed over the gate, darting behind obstacles as they made their way toward the great structure. They gave themselves a wide berth as they made their way around the building, climbing the walls, through an open window.There was no Time to lose. Rushing silently through corridors, hardly daring to breathe, they found themselves in front of the door. The door behind which the Mask of Time rested; innocent, yet guilty, of the end of Time as we know it.The Toa of Earth heard his past self outside of the building, yelling, he remembered doing the exact thing. Soon, the malicious individual would arrive. They grabbed the Vahi, dashing out the door. The Toa of Stone heard himself rushing up the stairs, remembered chasing a thief, just before Time was torn apart.The Toa launched themselves out of the window, sprinting madly toward the Time Machine. The Toa of Earth stumbled, fell to the ground, the Vahi cracked beneath him. Then the realization struck him: he was the thief, it was he who had caused the end of Time. Could he undo his actions, save Reality?Nearby plants started to wilt as Time took a blow; the Toa gathered up the fragments the Vahi, sprinting the last few meters to the Time Machine, locking themselves inside, powering on, isolating themselves from Reality, and not a moment too soon. The Vahi let out a blast of energy, strong enough to cripple Reality, yet affecting no more than two brave Toa and a Time Machine, cut off from the Universe, from Reality. Time, the brutal dictator, would live to govern another day.
  12. You still had the rest of today. =PDangit! I must have read the time wrong, I hate myself now DX. Oh well, at least it's out of the way...=)
  13. Oh, this was so last minute...I'm not very satisfied, but oh well. Hope it's not too late!Member name: Space: Ocean of AweTheme: Amor omnia vincitWord count: 600Story: The conquest of loveThe politicians faced eachother, their loathing could be felt kilometers away, but each wore a false smile for the cameras. They grip eachothers hands in a handshake, the deal was official, all paperwork signed. As they turned away from eachother, each was swarmed by cameras, reporters. Each refused to answer any questions.There would be temporary peace between the nations, trading would begin once again, but the enmity could not be more plain, the hate clear as day, black as night. Peace treaties had been made in the past, but never lasted; everybody knew that this would go the same way as all other attempts at peace, torn down as the age old dispute arose. Once again, they were proved right.Protests were blocked at every turn in both nations, the people silenced. These important issues had to be dealt with by the men with experience and power, who 'knew what they were doing'. The war must go on until here was a definite winner. But the people still tried to shout out to the government; peaceful protests had turned to riots as the military interfered, peaceful newspaper articles, columbs, and editorials popped up before the authors started going missing.Who started the war, nobody knew. It was said that each side invaded the other on the same day, at the same time. each accused the other, and would not admit to their own treachery. Many believed that the war was a joint plan formed by both nation's leaders.On the day that the war was re-declared for the fifth time, civillians took to the streets en masse, devoid of banners or slogans, no chants or roars, no demands. Just people, millions of them, out on the street as if it was a normal day. No prior organization, each man, woman, and child knew what to do. they marched, together, to the nearest government post.Some walked right into the army base, greeting the soldiers and shaking hands with the generals, thanking them for protecting the country, showing their appreciation at each man's hard work.Others, in the Capitols, walked right into the government buildings, sincerely congratulating their leaders on their performance, thanking them for the service that had been done for the citizens. Informing the politicians that they were no longer needed, that a new senate would replace the old.The largest masses travelled to the border, shaking hands with 'enemy' citizens, showing their love and appreciation of each other, sharing their experiences. Each found that their frustrations were shared, every person felt the same about the war, the government, the politicians.Then, among the crowd, one voice was raised. "Paper, paper-now a pen!" People rushed about, searching for a shred of paper and a pen. A man rose from the crowd, climbing atop a vehicle, to this man belonged that voice. He called for a man or woman from the Other Side to come join him, and when he had company, he spoke once again. "I have with me a pen, a paper, and fellow citizen of the world, and with this I will make peace as no politician can. It is a pen, and not a pencil, so that these words will never be erased." He wrote upon the paper: 'love conquers all, so let it be that love conquers our land.' He then signed his name, and handed the paper to his companion, who signed on behalf of the Other Side.Although the government never admitted an end to the war, the people lived in peace ever after, united under the conquest of love.
  14. Member name: Space: Ocean of AweTheme: FlightStory: ReentryAn enormous aircraft rolls out onto the tarmac, a gigantic wing in appearance, a minuscule cockpit in the center between two rocket engines, two more engines at the wingtips. In the cockpit sits a Toa of Air, checking the controls, reading the dials; behind him sits a Glatorian, checking and re-checking calculations. Even the tiniest mistake will be devastating.“Artakha-1, come in.” The Toa responds via his Mask of Communication: “Artakha-1 reporting, all systems are ready-go.”Matoran and Agori watch from a safe distance as the wing takes its place on the runway. Toa use their powers to create holograms all over the planet: no inhabitant of the Spherus Magna would miss this historical event.“Ten.” The final countdown begins, a monotone voice echoing through the mountains.“Nine.” In a tall control tower, a Toa of Ice checks over the computing equipment.“Eight.” Matoran finish their inspection of the rocket engines just in time, scattering as the engines ignite.“Seven.” The pilot and navigator check and recheck equipment, seat belts, calculations.“Six.” The great wing starts down the runway, picking up speed.“Five.” The Toa pilot adjusts the flaps for optimum lift.“Four.” Great flames spring from the rocket engines as Artakha accelerates.“Three.” Excitement creeps into the announcer’s voice.“Two.” Engineers hold their breath.“One.” Matoran and Agori gasp as it lifts off, rocket engines angled downwards.“We have liftoff!” The excited voice sweeps around the planet. Matoran and Agori cheer, but this is only the beginning. Engineers in the Artakha-1 Exit and Entry Unit watch as the wing fades into the distance, their thoughts edged with doubt. Would Artakha-1 make it out of the atmosphere? More importantly, would it be able to reenter?-----“Artakha-1 reporting, an easy-smooth flight so far. Now entering Phase Two.” The wingtips begin to extend, widening, yielding more surface area and providing ample lift in the thin upper atmosphere. Plates slide into place, fitting seamlessly in the protosteel wing. Using his elemental powers, the Toa pressurizes the cabin. "Phase Two successful, over."Artakha-1 stays her course, wings expanding at crucial points, still generating lift. Matoran engineers grow tense, anticipating Phase Three: leaving the atmosphere behind and entering orbit. Will the Agori craftsmanship hold out?Now everything relies on the strength of the rocket engines, the precision of the pilot, and the accuracy of the navigator. The engines pivot ever so slightly, just the perfect angle, and the wing, now returning to it's original size, has left the atmosphere behind. The engines cut off, allowing Spherus Magna to pull Artakha-1 into orbit.Toa and Glatorian peer out of the shielded cabin windows at the magnificent, yet minuscule, planet below. Removing their harnesses, they float freely above their seats. "Artakha-1 reporting: we have arrived, and what a funny-strange sensation it is...over."Once again, the engineering team breathes. Exit Process all clear. But now they must prepare for the Reentry Process, the most dangerous part of the mission.The pilot and navigator check and recheck equipment. This is the most crucial moment, if Reentry fails, two lives, thousands of hours work, and countless resources are lost. The Toa adjusts the rockets, preparing for a gentle Reentry. Holding its course, Artakha-1 smoothly cuts into the atmosphere.-----"Come in, Artakha.""Artakha-1 reporting.""We have detected a system malfunction: break chute dispatcher reports a jam.""...Mata Nui help us..."-----The fireball is visible as an Agori hands a prewritten speech to the Turaga."Dear friends, we have suffered a great loss tonight..."----------Word count: 600
  15. You are walking around and you trip on a rock, falling into a deep hole. Nobody can hear your shouts 'cause it's too noisy up there, and is that water that's starting to fill the hole?I wish I could time travel without creating paradoxes, and nothing bad happens to me inside or outside the time machine, and I don't get depressod or otherwise unhappy.=)
  16. Can't say that I do...The following human being to post in this topic makes their own music=)
  17. You sacrifice yourself instead.I wish I would finish my homework!=)
  18. Don't really dislike it, though I feel no love for it. The pieces are nice, though.The following poster as work to do=)
  19. I know a knee surgeon, if you ever want to go back into the business of skeleton fighting.The movie is rather old, from around the 50's.=)
  20. Quite a nice view, actually.You have a ghost kitty, unfortunately there is no such thing as ghost kitty litter.I wish I was alive again.=)
  21. Somebody shoots you with it.I wish I had an airplane that works, and I don't care what size it is (even microscopic). And it doesn't get destroyed in any way, I don't get hurt in any way, and I paid for it with our an problems.=)
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