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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Everything posted by Space: Ocean of Awe

  1. I do enjoy a good cheese snack. The following poster enjoys cheese with fruits. =)
  2. A couple times I've been absent, each for few months, usually out of sheer laziness. Though I did check my messenger, so I don't know if that quite counts. Generally I'm here more often when I'm procrastinating, though I have a nasty habit of lurking...=)
  3. I would think it's your logic that's invalid, declaring anyone else's logic invalid due to the fact that you're Shockwave.Gah, a ninja!The Skakdi copied the Master's idea!=)
  4. An addiction to the internet/procrastination perhaps...The following poster has a TARDIS=)
  5. You soon get lost in all these universes and never find your way back to your own universe, where you belong.I wish I never procrastinated ever again (and not because I die or have no ideas or plans).=)
  6. Those are awesome, they would be great on a skeleton dragon. I'm especially fond of the one on the right, the creative use of those technic pieces (gosh, I need to work on my MOCing vocabulary), though if there was some way to maybe have small spikes on the right wing, it would be perfect (though I suppose it depends on how the rest of the dragon looks.=)
  7. Yay yay yay, it's been extended! Hopefully I won't procrastinate on this too much. Gah, I probably will...all these problems will be solved once I get around to building myself a time machine.I suppose I should get planning, and thanks for the extension!=)
  8. Gah, I wish I would have been able to write something for this...darn you, procrastination! =)
  9. Too bad today just happens to be Buy Nothing Day (tomorrow, too). Though I didn't really feel any need to get a premier membership anyways.=)
  10. Strong yes. It has one of the coolest story lines (of toys) ever. The pieces were awesome, I don't even know how much time I spent (and still spend) making epic creatures. The gears from earlier sets were fantastic, I loved just sitting and designing all kinds of moving things; overall I find HF rather lacking in the story and it's taken "clone build" to a whole new level (even the Inika build wasn't as repetitive: the Mahri and Glatorians were at least diverse in appearance). Not to say that HF's all bad, the parts can come in handy sometimes, and the lack of complex storytelling leaves me more time to do other (useless) things.=)
  11. Granted but you can't stop blinking.I wish I could teleport, and always end up in the exact place and time I want.=)
  12. We should get together.I just put together a 10th Doctor outfit from clothes I found at Value Village, and I already had the shoes and a sonic screwdriver I made out of Lego.=)
  13. I am likely the most inactive member who considers herself active...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Space: Ocean of Awe

      Space: Ocean of Awe

      Perhaps as my workload increases I'll spend more time here as a means of procrastination. It worked last year (if I recall correctly).

    3. fishers64


      Works every time.

    4. Space: Ocean of Awe

      Space: Ocean of Awe

      I can almost feel myself gravitating toward BZPower...

  14. That freaky zombie thing looks happy...is that a good thing?=)
  15. Your ears become very sensitive and you go deaf when you hear thunder.I wish I could teleport myself wherever I want, whenever I want.=)
  16. I suppose so.The person below me is not human.=)
  17. You seem to want the Slizers and Roboriders to return (I wouldn't mind it either).=)
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