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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Everything posted by Space: Ocean of Awe

  1. Now they only blast at full volume. I wish I could finish things I start =)
  2. I'm glad to hear that BZPower has progressed this far. I'll be preparing some room on my shelves for the upcoming Galidor sets. =)
  3. I wish I could have a thoughtcorder

    1. Chro


      That'd be awesome.

    2. Space: Ocean of Awe
  4. Sigh...the memories. TPBM is multilingual. =)
  5. Looks like a cube that's opening up, revealing some amazing thing that will undoubtedly either save or destroy the universe and possibly even the multiverse. =)
  6. Veson with his Olmak has reached terminal velocity in that cripplingly addictive gif. =)
  7. I think it's better with plain milk. The next person to post is a terrific liar. =)
  8. I'm almost glad that my old iPod broke

  9. Breez is, in my opinion, the best hero (and it would be awesome if we could have a Breez XL). Though I was kind of disappointed with this Breez, probably because all the others I expected to suck, whereas this time I was very much expecting her to be awesome (not that she wasn't...she just didn't push way beyond my expectations as she did the other times). The head, helmet, apple green armour, and chest armour were brilliant though. My main and biggest complaint was the fact that her weapon is not rigid. =)
  10. Despite some sore bits in the build, Tigermann just steals the show with that face and shirt thing. =)
  11. Odd, I did deep-link it, plus Takua could see it - perhaps it's the file size. Though I suppose this post is pointless now, as the gallery seems to be public. =)
  12. Wow. This bird is awesome. I love the black-white-gold colour scheme, it just looks really nice. While overall he comes together very well, there are a few parts that just look odd: the Rahkshi heads on the legs look strange just sticking out, and the colour distribution on the head makes it look a little messy, plus there are little gaps that look a little awkward. But I love the wings and the overall MOC. =)
  13. A nice, elegant build, everything fits together. I like the colour scheme, it flows nicely and doesn't look like a creamsicle as is often the case with orange and white. =)
  14. Yay! Maybe he can come over and play with my sea monkey! Though seriously, this is brilliant. I love shrimp (though not to eat). He fits together very well, though there are a few gaps, and the grey is a bit distracting (and I agree about what Click said about the colour distribution being a little messy). =)
  15. No. The human underneath this post writes poetry or lyrics. =)
  16. Since it comes out so soon, they rushed to edit it and the special effects look like they're from the 60s, and it's paced horribly. Everyone hates it, and they lost millions of dollars, thus deciding that it's not worth it to release the third. I wish my iPod worked properly. =)
  17. Adorable awesomeness is what this MOC is. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for the little ones. My only complaint is the rubber band, not so much that you used one (as I did too, so I would be a hypocrite to say so), but because it's white, just jumping out at you. =)
  18. *Gasp!* Xevoz! God, so many childhood memories. Even before I read the part about Xevoz I loved it. Brilliant colour scheme, the head is awesome, and for the most part, it fits together nicely (though there are some areas that could be fleshed out and such). And I understand how you must have felt, photographing this dude totally last minute. =)
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