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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Status Updates posted by Space: Ocean of Awe

  1. Oh, sweet, so that's why. Though I still think you should at least put "every body dance now" on top of that picture or something. Then you'd have a totally killer avatar. =)

  2. A: "That's just the tip of the iceberg." B: "oh, so can the iceberg give me some more advice? I'd really appreciate it."

  3. Man, your lenny lemonade things are awesome, but SPAM! So I'd say you should put them in your empty interests column, and you'll be a good member and everybody will love you. =)

  4. I like your avatar. =)

  5. Wow, the books you read are pretty much the same as me, minus the star wars. And did you like Mysterious Benedict Society? (I've been looking all over for people who've read those books) and yay, another homeschooler who likes HTML and stuff! You sound like a clone of me. =)

  6. Hello, I'd like to wish you a rather belated welcome to BZPower. Hope you have fun here! =)

  7. Hehe, I like your MLN page. =)

  8. Man, time sure flies when you're lazing around and doing nothing while all your plans and dreams slowly evaporate.

  9. Hello, welcome to BZPower, I hope you enjoy your stay here, and thank you for strengthening this community by joining.


  10. Yep. I always just write Erin Hunter, too. =)

  11. Ahahaha, I love your avatar and sig! Macs are awesome. =)

  12. Be hypnotized by my amazing spirals!

  13. Yeah, Mysterious Benedict Society is prety cool, I've read them. As for homeschoolers, isn't it obvious? We've all got tons of time to waste! =P

  14. Cool. Yeah, that's funny how you're from Toronto, yet you like the Sens. I'm from Ottawa, so that's probably the only reason I like them. I hope they rebuild and are stronger next season. =)

  15. Ottawa comiccon was fun...

  16. Ooh, that name is total awesomeness, and that pic is total cuteness. Alas, you have devolved, from dino to bird, to duckling. =)

  17. I like the trick link in your sig. But some poor bloke may get convinced that it is actually them you're referring to. :P

  18. The moment I saw your sig I know what it was...a trick link. BTW, nice interests column. And did you actually read the Odyssey, or is it a sort of abridged version or something? =)

  19. Hello, welcome to BZP! Hope you enjoy your time here, and thank you for joining and strengthening this community! =)

  20. Hello, welcome to BZP! Nice to se another new member. =)

  21. The vacancy left by crushed hopes when you realize that there's a whole week to go before fall break... :'(

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