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Posts posted by ToaKapura1234

  1. IC: Bok Ga-Koro Rahkshi fight


    The Rahskhi advanced.


    "Well, so much for getting back to Ga-Koro. Guess we're the first line of defense," said Bok to the two Toa he had been about to take to Ga-Koro. Bok put his Kakama back on. "Ah that's better," said Bok as his power returned to him. With a scream like a madman, Bok went charging into the horde of Rahkshi yelling "For Mata Nui!"


    His first opponent was a yellow Rahkshi of Heat Vision. Bok instinctively activated his Kakama and rushed aside when it fired two searing beams of heat straight at him. Bok noticed that the Rahkshi seemed stunned after attacking. With a mighty swing, Bok's hammer came crashing down upon the hideous creature's head. Much to Bok's surprise, an orange and black worm crawled out of the fallen armor. Bok fired a razor sharp piece of metal from his hand that tore the worm to shreds.




    Bok felt an emotion course through his veins. Fear. The desire to run away from the battle filled Bok and it was all he could do to stand still. Then, he felt another emotion. Indignation, anger, fury. Using his elemental control of Iron, Bok picked up the two Rahkshi in front of him and violently smashed them together until they were unrecognizable and bashed the pile of metal that was left over with his mighty hammer to make sure they were dead. Amazingly, the Kraata Za, injured grievously, crawled out of the battered Turahk. Bok picked up the Kurahk's staff and sliced the slug in half.






    The fear and anger left Bok after destroying the Rahkshi. If these had controlled his very emotions, what horrible powers could the other hold? As Bok was pondering this, a green Rahkshi charged towards Bok and prepared to stab him with its deadly poison. Bok parried the blow just in time with the Kurahk's staff. Bok thrust his staff forwards into the Lehrahk's chest. It stuck. The Lehrahk fell to the ground and the Kraata crawled out of its ruined armor. A swing from Bok's hammer and it knew no more.




    Bok saw a black Rahkshi in front of him and attempted to use his elemental powers to lift it. Bok felt like trying to use his powers only made him...weaker. He decided on a new strategy. Bok brought his hammer down on the Vorahk's staff, shattering it like glass. With it's staff broken, the creature reared back in surprise. This time Bok was ready. As soon as the Kraata emerged, Bok grabbed it and tore it in half.




    That last fight had seriously weakened Bok. He couldn't take much more. Bok was flung to the ground and away from his hammer by an explosion. The origin of the explosion, a Panrahk, walked up to the fallen Bok and prepared to strike. Bok ducked to the side as the Rahkshi tried to skewer Bok. Bok used his waning elemental powers to cause the Rahkshi's spine to collapse and crush its maggot-like pilot.




    Bok was exhausted. As he lumbered over to his hammer, he was pushed to the ground by a blue Rahkshi of Disintegration. Bok used what little remained of his strength to summon his hammer. As it flew towards Bok's outstretched hand, the Guurahk swatted it aside as one would a fly. Using the very last of his power, Bok tore open the Rahkshi and sent its pieces flying in all directions. He crushed the Kraata with his heel.


    "Seven. I got seven. I guess I can live with that," said Bok. It was now all he could do to keep his eyes open. Bok saw a squad of Rahkshi flying towards him. When they reached him, they merged into a smaller Rahkshi riding a horrible steed and a terrifying three-headed creature.


    Or I can die with that, thought Bok as the two Kaita approached him. Then something changed. The fusions broke apart and the Rahkshi began fighting each other. They brawled until only one was left. The survivor approached Bok, but its eyes held a feral animalistic madness instead of an evil intelligence. Before it could kill Bok, it was vaporized by yet another Rahkshi. Bok fainted.


    Bok dreamed of walking through a snowy mountain. Then a Ko-Matoran appeared and led him to a cave. The Matoran said something about knowing the location of an island called Arthaka. The Matoran started gasping for breath as if choked by invisible hand. A large figure with appeared, holding what looked like a Rahkshi's head mounted on a pole. Then Bok was somewhere else, in a fortress. He saw a Toa of Water killing the Ko-Matoran and a great golden being stood by laughing at the Matoran's last words. Then Bok ran.


    Bok woke up in a hastily constructed tent, with his hammer next to him. He was being treated for his fortunately minor wounds. His greatest problem was exhaustion and he had fixed this with his nap, which apparently lasted two days. Were his dreams memories or idle fantasy? He did not know. "Well, I guess now I make a life for myself." "How many did you get?" asked a Toa of Fire. Bok replied, "Seven."

  2. IC: Bok


    "Sure, but how do we get back into Ga-Koro when the walkway's no longer there?" said Bok as he took off his Kakama. "Ahh, I'm so much...weaker." he said as he handed Jetzul the Kanohi.


    But with no Makuta, everything is boring and peaceful.


    That's not how I remember it the canon. Without the Makuta, there were still Bohrok, Piraka, Barraki, and different Makuta. And who says Nuju isn't going to introduce an entirely new villain this year? You're being silly. :)

    Barraki can't show up without Metru Nui, and Makuta needs to be alive to wake up the Bohrok. And we have plenty of Skakdi already.

  4. As for Toa, there isn't a default. Though, I suppose you could say that some of the first Toa were the "default", because, yes, while your armor design will shape itself upon transformation to whatever you perceive a Toa to look like, later generations of Toa would have had to base theirs on something. But again, there technically isn't.

    Lesovikk and Tahu. Both original Toa, very different armor. Also this is why Takanuva looked like a Nuva even though he's just a regular Toa

  5. Why would the mods be opposed to the destruction of a whole village? It's dramatic and somehow seems like exactly the sort of thing they'd come up with, themselves. All be gotta do is ask for permission. =3


    Also, Boxor Rahkshi sound simply wonderful. Let's do it.


    Yes, but how do you make sure it hits the Rahkshi instead of just going in their general direction? And the Le-Koro tree's probably a lot bigger than anything we have on Earth. Except maybe a Baobab tree.

    I think you mean the Giant Redwood. It's the biggest tree species on earth.

    Redwoods are taller, Baobab's are wider.

  6. By "drop the village" do you mean cut down the tree? Then how would you make sure a tree that big falls onto the Rahkshi instead of onto you? We don't have modern tech and a Toa of Plantlife can't control a dead tree.

  7. Chapter 11: The Shadow Unleashed


    Vakama: After defeating the Kal, the rebuilt Matoran arrived and joined our growing community. Today, the 03 Titans have arrived. Takua and Pewku, Gukko and Jaller-


    Hahli: Hurray!


    Vakama: Okay...there's also some Toa of Light and AUGH! It's Makuta! Run!


    Makuta: *parts fly out of box and form big vortex* You cannot escape me. I am the ultimate Lego set. I will now take away your precious Toa of Light and create a lair for myself in the basement.


    Tahu: How do you know that you're a toy? We had to explain that to everyone else.


    Makuta: Unlike everyone else, I can be concious as just a collection of pieces. But Tahu, join me and together we shall overthrow the humans and rule the world side by side.


    Tahu: I'm not big on world domination. Besides you killed my father.


    Makuta: You have a father?


    Tahu: Wait, you mean your reference wasn't on purpose?


    Makuta: What reference?


    Tahu: Never mind.


    Makuta: Fine, but even if you don't want to rule, surely you must realize that our cruel human oppressors deserve to be destroyed. They have us fight each other in barbaric battles that we have no desire to fight, and they would attempt to destroy us if they knew we were alive. Think on it. All of you. *vanishes dramatically, taking Takanuva's box with him*


    Onewa: Who was that?


    Matau: It waz Makuta, u noob! How do u not no that?


    Nokama: Peace, you mumbling fool.


    Tahu: As much as I hate to admit it, I think Makuta has a point.


    Gali: You're wrong Tahu-


    Tahu: What?! How dare you say I'm wrong! I'm never wrong!


    Tahu Nuva: Please don't throw another tantrum. Oh, too late.


    Vakama: Ah, the Christmas tree's on fire! Again.


    Tahu Nuva: Every time you have one of these tantrums, something catches fire. That's why I'm so much better than you.


    Lewa Nuva: Why? Because you don't catch things on fire when you have tantrums.




    Lewa: What? Helicopter? Wher


    Kopaka: This wouldn't have happened if the Christmas tree had actually been put away. I mean it's May for crying out loud.


    Vakama: Put it out! Put it out!


    Gali Nuva: Sure. *puts it out*


    Vakama: Well, that giant scorch mark is totally noticeable.


    Tahu: I'm going to test a theory. I'm disappearing for a week and seeing if the kid cares.


    Lewa: Ooh, I wanna disappear!


    Lewa Nuva: I-Me too!


    Tahu Nuva and Tahu: Then it's settled. All of the the Toa disappear for a week.


    Gali: Since when did all do something just because the two stooges want to do it?


    Gali Nuva: Lewa Nuva isn't a stooge!


    Matau: Y r u so defensive? O that's rite, he's yer boyfrend.


    Gali Nuva: I only speak Engish.


    Tahu Nuva: Ooh, burn.


    Vakama: NO! No more burning stuff!


    Tahu: I say we sneak into the kid's backpack and go to wherever he goes during the week. So that mystery shall finally be solved.


    Lewa: Workin' on a mystery. Runnin' down a dream.


    Lewa Nuva: *joins in and starts singing with Lewa*


    Tahu: People, STOP SINGING!


    Lewa: I get mad when you try to stifle my creativity. Ahem, let's go Nuva.


    Lewa Nuva: Right.


    Lewa and Lewa Nuva: Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men...


    Tahu: I give up! All right, my team, listen up. Everyone put on your Huna and get into the backpack.


    Nokama: The Matoran finished building the new sets.


    Tahu Nuva: Excellent. The Nuva shall ride the Gukko and follow the car!


    *time passes*


    Tahu Nuva: Come on! Can't this thing go any faster?


    Lewa Nuva: This is as fast-quick as it goes.


    Tahu Nuva: Plan B. We're running. Kakamas everyone!


    Toa Nuva: Switch masks to Kakamas.


    Lewa Nuva: Fly-glide home-house little-small Gukko-bird


    Pohatu Nuva: Weaving in and out of traffic is harder than I thought!


    To Be Concluded


    Will the Toa survive the trip to school? Will they join Makuta in world domination? What about the Toa of Light? Why am I asking so many questions? Why should you care. Find out all most of this and more in the Season Finale: Rahkshi Stars! (no relation to Stars Rahkshi of 2010)

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