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Posts posted by ToaKapura1234

  1. Vakama was killed by a PC, on orders that had nothing to with Makuta. So, even if you weren't serious, it isn't possible anyway. :P

    The cake PC is a lie. They were an illusion created by Makuta. Duh. :P

    But back on topic does anyone know the staff's rationale behind this? Is it just "let's make them use teamwork" or what? Also, could these Rahkshi even tell who likes Makuta and who doesn't?



    Once again, there's no reason the Matoran need to be evacuated, not right now anyway. Odds are they'd be safer in a defensible location like the village, even if they were in danger.

    I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna just roll over dead and let Makuta take over. We need to evac the Matoran so we can defy Makuta without risking them. Also I've come up with a theory as to why this happened and a plan B(neither is to be taken seriously)


    Plan B: Move to Voya Nui


    Theory: Makuta kidnapped Vakama the fortune cookie, faked his death, and killed the other Turaga to make it less suspicous. And then Vakama the fortune cookie told Makuta about the Maru, so Makuta made an army.

    Both things sounded silly.

    "neither is to be taken seriously" But the first part of the post is completely serious.

  3. Once again, there's no reason the Matoran need to be evacuated, not right now anyway. Odds are they'd be safer in a defensible location like the village, even if they were in danger.

    I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna just roll over dead and let Makuta take over. We need to evac the Matoran so we can defy Makuta without risking them. Also I've come up with a theory as to why this happened and a plan B(neither is to be taken seriously)


    Plan B: Move to Voya Nui


    Theory: Makuta kidnapped Vakama the fortune cookie, faked his death, and killed the other Turaga to make it less suspicous. And then Vakama the fortune cookie told Makuta about the Maru, so Makuta made an army.

  4. Don't destroy the bridge mechanism. Man the controls so that you can drop the Rahkshi into the Lave that try to go across that way, and shoot the others from the air with ballistae and disk launchers.


    Has -nobody- read my posts there?

    Destroy the controls on the Rahkshi's side of the bridge, not the Ta-Koro side.

  5. @Gravity: The Fowadi just moved to Ga-koro and is now getting shouted at to save the Matoran. I figure that is more of a Dehkaz post then a Kale post, he just pointed out that the village was in really bad shape.

    Well someone needs to save them, so I decided to shout at you. And also, not sure if anyone saw my edit, but we could be dealing with Rahkshi Kaita. Yikes.

  6. OOC: Disregard my post if I'm operating on a false premise


    IC: Bok


    Bok saw the two Toa trapped outside of the Koro. "Please, get the Matoran out of here!" Bok yelled at the ships. He then started running towards the trapped Toa. Bok then accidentally discovered his Mask power by subconciously activating his Kakama. Bok reached the two Toa in seconds. "Need a hand?" asked Bok.

  7. Kapura's guide to surviving the apocalypse


    Ta-Koro: Lower the bridge and smash the controls on the other side.


    Ko-Koro: Destroy the zipline and head for the drifts.


    Onu-Koro: Seal off all tunnels that lead out, retreat into mines.


    Ga-Koro: Have all non-Matoran hold off the Rahkshi while Matoran evac.


    Po-Koro: Seal up the entrance and prepare for a final stand.


    Le-Koro: Move to a new tree.


    Ga, Le, and Po will all probably be destroyed, but most of the Matoran should survive.(except Po, they're doomed)

  8. Am I the only one who saw a giant force of Rahkshi that we'd all have to work together to defeat coming? Although, I never could have predicted it on this scale. I would have guessed more like 50-100. And when I started reading Nuju's post, I half-expected Bohrok.

  9. OOC: Would you believe me if I said I saw this coming? Edit: Also, peaceful? I wouldn't call a giant fight peaceful. I guess most means all but Ga.


    IC: Bok


    Bok was about to smash his hammer into one of the Skakdi when he heard the scream. The scream.



    Bok and about fifty other Toa were standing in a room, waiting for something. A door opened. Out poured hideous snakelike creatures. One Toa screamed "Rahkshi!" The Rahkshi began killing all of the Toa. Bok and a few others made it to a boat. And then the creatures on the island they left behind screamed that horrible scream.

    *End flashback*


    Bok was knocked to the ground by this flashback, but fortunately didn't black out. "We need to put aside our petty differences and worry about the real problem now. The Rahkshi."


    I mainly asked here because I know there is supposed to be a couple of people with him, but Kughii was the only username I knew for sure. Plus, if Kughii's activity is as limited as you say, this was the quickest way to get closure on the question.Regardless, thanks for the info.

    I love how you immediately assume I'm male IRL. Anyways, yes iraira is active but you may want to notice the actual timeline is significantly before the current daedra incident

    Your profile says you're male... :unsure:

    Back on topic, I wonder if the Battle For Ga-Koro will end anytime soon?

  11. OOC: I didn't attack, my not-too-smart character did. And then it seems like everyone else followed his lead. And sorry about my impatient and noobish OOC post.


    IC: Bok


    The blast of water slammed into Bok, sending him flying into the water. Does everyone hate me or is it just my luck? wondered Bok. Bok climbed back onto the lily pad and saw the two Skakdi. Those must be some sort of hideous beasts thought Bok. He then picked up his hammer and began charging right past Greed toward his new targets-Iraanus and Rhow.



    We know it's prett much all the inhabitants within the MU that died with a body. So prett much everyone that dies, except the Makuta, Matoro, etc. But it would include beings like Lhikan, Mavrah(we know that), Sidorak, etc.

    Which basically means there's a LOT of re-introductions we'd need.

    Yeah, but I mean, which ones have killed each other, been killed by Kestora, etc. is what I'm asking. And also why would Velika bother killing Karzahni if he would just reincarnate on the star?

  13. Other answers become possible if, in addition to time travel, the power causes other effects that deviate from pure timeline theory.


    In other words, if the killing of a Past Bitil causes other time travel and dimensional travel effects including consciousness travel (as seen in LOST with Desmond in the episode The Constant, for example).


    Use strict timeline theory and the "likely" definition of "Core Dimension" described above, but let the consciousnesses of witnesses of the death jump into Future C, just like our focus as readers jumps. So all witnesses of the battle death stay with the "Core Dimension".


    I have thought a lot about this sort of "law of time" before, and it can actually make sense if there is something unique about minds that transcends normal material physics. This can be explained in many ways. The explanation I prefer relies on a physics secret from my non-Bionicle stories (to be revealed as a twist, yet it makes some sense from real physics so could work in any story), so I can't say it. :P LOST seems to imply something similar to it, as both consciousnesses and whole people can time travel. In this case we could most easily just say it's part of the mask power.


    To explain this with the labeling scheme, pick up the same explanation I just gave at "This much is simple, but what happens if he dies (Future B and its consequent, Timeline C) is what we're curious about." From Future B, Past Bitil is sent back in time 3 years and becomes Bitil C, and Bob C in that timeline lives three years of his life unaware of Bitil. But the mind of Bob B, who just witnessed the death of Past Bitil, jumps "sideways" into Bob C.


    Under pure mental timeshield theory, the mind of Bob C actually ceases to exist. Under the physics in LOST's The Constant, it would swap bodies into Bob B, so Bob C would suddenly see living Bitil B and the dead body of Past Bitil (and would be really freaked out :P).


    What I prefer is what I call the dual-mind timeshield theory, where (in this analogy) Bob keeps both memories, in one body.


    Now he is, if you will, Bob BC. He mainly remembers the past of Bob B; meeting Bitil 2 years ago, entering battle with Bitil, seeing the Mohtrek used, and Past Bitil killed. But he is also aware, in a sort of dual consciousness, of the past of Bob C, who never met Bitil at all. The gaining of these two memories will enable him to conclude that his consciousness jumped, and also he will get to find out what happens as a result of Bitil dying three years ago. Likely this will be so momentous to him that from the perspective of people around him in Timeline C, Bob's life will immediately change and he'll want to go investigate what other effects of Bitil's death caused the two timelines to be different.


    Of course, with the Red Star in play, maybe a Mohtrek user (I don't know if Makuta can be revived at all, so let's say Toa Joe) would have their mind transferred into the new body at that point in time.


    Then there's the "temporal black hole" possibility, in which the death of Past Bitil makes all the Bitils disappear catastrophically and the whole timeline seems to unravel around you (you being Bob), until you die... or are transferred into another Bob, etc. :P





    Edit: Also, what if say, a Toa, uses a Mohtrek to summon a past self, but the past self stays for many years and gets sent back significantly older?

    1) Most likely the mask has a rule against that kind of "rebounding"; that as soon as a Bitil is grabbed, the moments a little before and after that are now permanently off-limits. (As for how long "moments" would be, no idea, but enough that for the majority of the time Bitil would be visible to observers.) And combining this with the "put back in the same exact pose" rule, the only noticeable difference would be that new armor damage might suddenly appear every few seconds (or if the "moments" are small enough, seem to "fade to worse").


    2) In addition to Technus's post, all mask powers have rather severe limitations as long as it's a major effect (rather than very weak "always on" powers), and I'd say time travel is a WAY major effect. :P So I'd think a few hours at most is all they could stay. For a Toa, definitely no longer than one sleep-cycle at the very longest, regardless of the mask's energy limitations, since they would of course lose focus when they fall asleep. That wouldn't apply to Bitil, since Makuta (in their gaseous state) don't need sleep, so the energy limit would be his maximum. And to learn that we would need to hear from Greg (although I assume that bringing forward two past selves makes it drain twice as fast, etc.).

    1. Well, that makes about as much since as possible with time travel, but what if Bob's in another dimension? Which timeline can he return to? Both? And do Bob's memories get altered immediately, or when he returns to his dimension or never?


    2. But what if Bitil became an uber Makuta like the one in The Kingdom by absorbing all other Makuta and maybe even the antidermis pool?


    Edit: Also, could you steal the mask, weapons, armor, etc. from past Bitl and/or give him new stuff?

  14. OOC: Sorry about the OOC only post, but did anyone even notice my post about how my character got into the fight and is about to whack Greed with a big hammer?

    Edit: Any of the other combatants can feel free to attack me before I hit him.

  15. IC: Bok


    Bok, running into the fray was blasted aside by this massive wind. But Bok was tougher than he looked. "You wanna fight? Come get it!" said Bok as he ran towards Greed and began to bring down his hammer towards Greed's head.

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