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Void Emissary

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Everything posted by Void Emissary

  1. IC: There was a snuffling sound. The smack of a tongue against the roof of Nika's mouth. A dry cough. The creak of joints. "Did I oversleep?" -Void
  2. IC: "Have I professed my love for you lately, Sergeant?" -Void
  3. IC: "You ever work with machines before, bro?" Gwen asked as they walked the base's hallways. -Void
  4. IC: "The dude with the supplies! Quartermasters work on ships!" IC: Rynekk nodded. "Godspeed, sir," he said, and then, with a gust of wind, he was gone. -Void
  5. IC: "Hey, Alfon," I said, pulling the blanket tighter around myself -- and trying very hard not to think about where he might have found, "remember the last time we were in Ko? With the Shadow Puppies, or whatever they were called?" IC: Nika was still slumped back in his chair. It turned out that he snored. -Void
  6. IC: "Which, word of warning, is probably your best course of action is you ever ###### one of those things off," I said. "At least that way you'll die in a comfortable position." -Void
  7. OOC: Infernavika from Ta. IC: "OH GOD I'D FORGOTTEN HOW COLD IT WAS HERE." -Void
  8. IC: ... "That was the quartermaster?!" -Void
  9. IC: "I think I've already spent a little too much time away from my preciouses," Gwen said. "Wanna come back to the hanger and see how I make a living?" -Void
  10. IC: "Like, ah, what? Almost a year?" Dal said. "Look, man, I stay in my own bubble for the most part." IC: Akiri Nuparu (Nuparu's Office) "I understand, so we can't expect anything but the worst. Wonderful" Mind-altering substances and drugs... this is still above my pay grade somehow" Nuparu lamented. Nevertheless, more information to work with meant he was fumbling around in the dark less, and that was an important step up for him. IC: "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, sir," Rynekk said, getting to his feet. "And my apologies to dash off like this, but I need to get this news to the other Akiri as well." -Void
  11. IC: "Oh my God, Reo." OOC: Infernavika to Ko. -Void
  12. IC: "Any time, buddy," she said, looping her arm around into a shoulder hug. "Guess I probably needed some time away from my machines too." -Void
  13. IC: "It'll just be a temporary mutiny, how 'bout that? Just long enough to get to Ko." -Void
  14. IC: "I order this ship to head to Ko-Koro immediately!" I said. "The other captain may continue his speech in the meanwhile." -Void
  15. IC: "Uh, yeah, uh ... you know where that'd be?" -Void
  16. IC: Gwen's forehead creased, her mouth twitched to one side, and she laid a hand on Hassan's shoulder. "Don't worry, man," she said. "I get you." -Void
  17. IC: Very carefully, Dal worked the gun into his belt. "Might as well find a holster for this thing," he said. "Don't want to be accidentally blowing my leg off or anything." -Void
  18. IC: "That makes sense," I said. "Rahi are always making a mess of my bamboo crops. Now, didn't I spot what looked like a volcano somewhere along the horizon? Wouldn't the ash from it help with vegetation growth? Maybe we might find them around those parts." -Void
  19. IC: "I make no promises of anything if I become captain. I just should become captain." -Void
  20. IC: "Promise you, mate," Dal said, shutting the chamber again. "Need you around to put me back together after I do something stupid, now don't I?" -Void
  21. IC: "I get to be captain, then." -Void
  22. IC: Rynekk -- Nuparu's Office "It's possible," Rynekk admitted, elbows on his knees. "But in this case ... I can't put my finger on it. Echelon's grasp on Ko-Koro is, no matter what anyone says, tentative at best, and he's gotta know that. His followers have always had anonymity as their greatest strength. They'd strike from the shadows, sow some terror, hide back in the shadows where we couldn't find them. But now he's put himself in the open, in one easily-recognizable place. Not just that. He's got every village gunning for him, and the only thing keeping him safe from a whole island's-worth of hacked off heroic types is the hostages he's got." The Sentinel looked straight into the Akiri's eyes. "Echelon knows that. We know that. Any baddie with half a brain knows that. The Necromancer could offer mercs halfway across the island everything that he's rooted out of the Vault, and they'd be smart enough to stay away. Echelon's too smart to rely on luring people into his fold with weapons. This can't be a power show. He's gonna use these drugs somehow. Someway with the people he's already got with him." -Void
  23. IC: "Bit more quiche-y than pizza if I'm gonna be honest with you," Gwen said, grabbing a dish towel and getting to work on the wet plates on the rack. "Sausage, egg, cheese of course. I guess you could probably get bacon, but I've never been the biggest fan of that, honestly. I've heard that you can get crusts made out of hash brown, too. Can't imagine that that'd be too easy to eat, though, don't you think?" -Void
  24. Nuparu seemed sumberged in thought. Almost drowning, although he wouldn't have described it that way. That sort of abstractions really weren't to his taste. "You've given me a lot to think about, here, Rynekk." he said with gravitas. He righted himself in his chair and looked at the Toa. "I think I can see what the problem is, it sounds like The Nightfall and their associates are amassing wealth and power, quite literally. They want people to see them as an attractive alternative, in spite of what they stand for and what they have done. That sort of tactics seems to be taken right out of the Makuta's playbook, and that's only fitting... for better or worse." OOC: Sorry about the wait. School's been a nightmare, but I should be getting back on-track. IC: "All due respect, sir," Rynekk said, settling himself into one of the chairs in front of the Akiri's desk, "but I'm having trouble seeing this Antidermis stuff as some kinda show of power on Echelon's part. In my experience, Makuta never put too much effort into trying to appeal to anyone. Not in this way, at least." He would know, after all. "Infected Masks? Parakuka? All that stuff messes with the mind, even if I -- or anyone, maybe -- don't understand why or how. Echelon's the same way. He's called the Necromancer for a reason, sir. If the rumours are true, he's more interested in forcing people to follow him rather than enticing them." He stopped talking. Coughed once, unnaturally. "I've, uh ... I've probably talked out of turn, haven't I, sir?" -Void
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