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Void Emissary

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Everything posted by Void Emissary

  1. IC: Dal's grin was as jaunty as the day was indistinguishable from night in Onu-Koro. "Don't worry about me, love," he said, thumbing the hammer back and winking. Or, something close to a wink, anyway. With a wink, the eyelid usually closes and then opens again, whereas with Dalrin, his just stayed shut while he brought the gun up into a shooting position once again. Thud thud was the sound of his feet planting themselves on the ground. His tongue flicked out over his lips, then flicked back away. His fingers were white around the gun. His index twitched-- CRACK --and the dummy's arm dropped from its shoulder, a rain of straw surrounding it. Dal, on the other hand, hadn't dropped, and was surrounded only by the palpable aura of cockiness that was bound to be present for the rest of the ... oh, millennia? At least until he could stop using it as a talking point. "Second time's the charm, after all." -Void
  2. IC: "Uhhh ... what are my options?" -Void
  3. IC: "If you're offering," Gwen said, "sure thing!" -Void
  4. OOC: I mean, I'm not really in a position to give ya guff (don't worry about it bruh) IC: "I ... wasn't prepared," Dal was forced to shout over the unfortunate ringing in his ears. But as he climbed back to his feet, he was already grinning that devil's grin of his. "Don't get too worried about me yet, though. This thing has more than one bullet in it, right?" -Void
  5. IC: "You see right through to my little capitalist heart, Sinsh," I said, grinning. "I'd love to see these markets of yours!" -Void
  6. IC: "Been years since I had 'em, but I'm down." -Void
  7. IC: "I'm gonna have to see one of these mines," I said, leaning back. "See what they're all about." -Void
  8. IC: "Sounds good to me," Gwen said, setting the iron down on the nearby worktable. "Lead the way, good sir!" -Void
  9. IC: "... I can't remember when I last ate." -Void
  10. IC: "I throw knives, buddy," Dal said, although his grin was noticeably smaller as he stared at the gun in his hands. "I'm sure I can handle this--" --which was followed by a BANG, an Onu-Matoran flat on his back, and a bullet lodging itself firmly in the wall a few inches behind a above the dummy's head. -Void
  11. IC: "Sure you wouldn't," I told Yasu with a wink. "Not a one of us would, ain't that right?" -Void
  12. IC: It was said by some that Gwen Talal had grown up with motor oil in her veins and filaments in her brain, rumours that had not no small bearing in reality after she'd spent eighteen years under the same roof as the brains of Tylers Technologies and another seven up to her elbows in the dusty old wrecks of Walkers that they had rookies test their mechanical mettle on. Nor were they rumours that the hotshot engineer had any intention of letting slip any time soon: thus, why she was busting her ###### to get this slipshod job of a mech "repair" re-repaired. Give me a wrench and a soldering iron and I shall move the Earth. "Thaaaaaaaat should do it," she called out as she dropped down from the mech, feet-first in a surprising display of dexterity. "Feel free to sim with 'er to your heart's content, buddy." -Void
  13. IC: Peho slumped, gaze fixing itself down onto the ground and away from Toshiko and the evidence of how terrible a fighter and ally and individual he seemed to be. Slowly, carefully, he sheathed his sword and walked over to the Rahkshi that Hammerlock had melted through. The thing was a half-melted slag-heap, a hollowed-out husk of a creature that the Toa picked up and started carrying. "Got one of them," he mumbled. -Void
  14. IC: "I'm not sure how to feel about sharing a ship with either of you," I said, eyeing Ghost Girl and Simul's boyfriend with a healthy level of (self-) concern. -Void
  15. IC: "I'm scared about where this is going, Rungui." -Void
  16. IC: "Nah, awkward family reunion was really I had on my list," Dal said, shrugging. "You?" -Void
  17. IC: "I can confirm we don't have any ghosts aboard, Alfon," I said. "Those things are always going around, rattling chains and waking up old, crotchety sinners. And considering that I've never gotten a visit from anything like that in my time, I think that clears up that." -Void
  18. IC: "Let's get through taking Ko first, shall we?" I asked, getting the 'Vika ready to sail. "Come on, folks! Despite what you might have hoped, these ships don't sail themselves!" -Void
  19. IC: "'Course I am," Dal said, smile jaunty but the pat on Rungui's arm solid. "But thanks for noticing, buddy." -Void
  20. IC: "Socket wrench and a soldering iron, if you wouldn't mind," was Gwen's battlecry, one grasping hand bursting forth from the hole she had made for herself in the mech. -Void
  21. IC: "Why don't you just get one of those Sanoks, then?" -Void
  22. IC: "I'm being serious, buddy," I said, hands above my head. "All my jokes aside, you're not a bad-looking fellow." -Void
  23. IC: "Yeah, but they are Kohlii maniacs." -Void
  24. IC: "That hurts, buddy," Sylus said, gaze twitching down to the gun in Hakann's hands. "Still, I won't deny that two gifts in one day is a pretty good incentive for me to be honest with a fellow. Might be you'll be the first man in the history of Mata Nui to hear what Sylus Tudor actually thinks." -Void
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