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Status Updates posted by Steelsheen

  1. Hey, just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon. Having your teeth out is awful.

    1. Velox


      Thank you! : ) It is indeed awful, but it's getting better I think haha.

  2. Hurray! My internet issues are solved!

  3. I am a self-rescuing princess.

    1. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Hehe... Sorry, but your princess is in another war tank. XP

    2. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Makes for an interesting epic... the main character is the Heroine AND the task the needs doing. :)

    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      *that needs doing... ^_^

  4. I know they're better than chips, but I just can't get past the weird texture of vegetable stix.

  5. I need a thimble, lol.

  6. I think my friends all waited until after I went wheat, dairy and sugar free to get soft serve ice cream.... In front of me.

  7. I'm a deer in the headlights.

  8. I'm back! Reporting for duty, sir! :)

    1. Cederak


      Glad to hear it. =)

  9. I've been slowly making my way to Owl City, thanks to my brother.

  10. If I never see a grumpy customer again, I will be happy.

  11. It feels good to laugh again.

  12. Just finished a Terra Nova marathon; I really wish they had made a second season.

  13. Just wanted to say that I loved the newest chapter of Faux - you did great, girl!

    1. Aderia


      Dwahh, thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Also, I saw your new chapter for Life is a Blank. Woot! *goes to creep*

  14. Just wanted you to know, back on the old BZP, I was only a guest, but Time Disruption was one of my favorite epics. May Gali's wisdom guide you, traveler.

  15. Mark my words, one of these days, spring will come!

  16. Miss you, girl! Is it as cold down there as it is here?

    1. Aderia


      argh yes cold D= brrr! but i have a nice fire in the fireplace to keep warm, and i hope you do too! and also! nice name change!!


    2. Steelsheen


      Thanks! It was just getting too confusing with Hahli Husky having the same initials. Lol

  17. My pre-order of the Hobbit soundtrack finally arrived!

    1. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Just before the movie itself is released. Wow.


      I can't wait for the film. :)

  18. Oh, the joys of staying up late writing... It feels like I'm the only one in the whole world.

  19. On the internet via Starbucks.

  20. Recovered from Hurricane Sandy and back from Virginia; ready to tackle my NaNo!

    1. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Good thing you're safe. :)


      I'm not sure how badly the population over there was hit in general... I hope it wasn't too bad...


    2. Steelsheen


      Lots of power outages and my internet went down, but I think we only had one death in the area - a little boy got hit by a tree. It was so sad.

    3. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      That is sad...


      I'm sorry.

  21. Red leaves on the breeze / Breath freezing in the fell air / Whispers of Jack Frost

  22. Remind me to wake up at some point....

  23. Stargazing... Almost thought I saw a red star.

  24. Summer isn't over until the pool is so cold I get hypothermia.

    1. Noble Tehurye

      Noble Tehurye

      Oh, that time has come and gone at my place. Brrr...


      Now we wouldn't even go through the Hypothermia stage.

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