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Everything posted by ZTG

  1. Its okay, approved. Sides I'm waiting to use my forth for later.
  2. IC: Zac More and more Dokugumon may crawling towards Zac, John and Abi, as well as some KoDokugumon. They were all angry, and all ready to attack."Never mind... My fire ring idea won't work anyway," Zac said, backing up. Abigail and Salamon backed up as well, backing up until they bumped into Zac, their backs against each other. That was, until Zac's Digivice beeped like crazy. He pulled it up to his vision, but didnt see any new dots, just the screen flashing a bright light,"What the heck?" Zac askedIC: Bo"Caco Punch!" Cacomon yelled as he punched a Dokugumon and knocked him away to the far end of the hall.
  3. Is he without a partner I presume?
  4. ZTG

    Glatorian Fanart

    Yeah Ive been using paint for a long time, but I still screw up when making more "realistic" bodies and poses. Anyway, I took your advice and decided to draw them on paper, and they look a lot better (both Gresh and Kiina). I'll be posting them soon
  5. IC: Dokugumon and BoThe Dokugumon was hit and screamed in agony, "Poison Thread!" He yelled, sending a blast of poison their way,"MOVE!" Bo said as he pulled on Dallas's and Rex's collars to try to pull them away from the gunk of poison,
  6. IC: Bo"Well I mean yeah," Bo said "Kinda interesting how my partner is a cactus with gloves and can talk. But, I you are a Digidestined, shouldn't you worry more about protecting this place? Rather than just observing the place and sight seeing? Because unless you are doing it to help save the world, I don't think we should waste time really,"
  7. ZTG

    Glatorian Fanart

    Considering it was done in MS paint, its understandable. Speaking of which how did you that? Is it like some sort of program?And yeah, the fighting stance could have been done a lot better, I will admit it, but I will try to make a new version of that with the information you have given me so I thank you for that.
  8. IC: ZacDronomon kept on using Torso Cannon to blast away each Dokugumon, "Okay, I think I have an idea!" Zac said, "John, mind if you hand me your torch?" IC: Bo"You have been examining digimon in here?" Bo asked, "Why is that?"
  9. IC: Zac and Abi"Ready Dronomon?" Zac asked,"You got it boss!" Dronomon said with a nod, "TORSO CANNON!" He exclaimed, shooting down some of the Dokugumon downto the ground, "Petty Punch!" Salamon exclaimed as she jabbed the spider digimon with her paw,
  10. I'll allow, just be sure to PM the customs when the time comes.
  11. IC: Bo"It's not that we don't trust you, but the only one I know of to be here the longest is Zac, he has been here a few times before," Bo said, "I only met Cacomon several hours ago before we met with the group,"
  12. IC: Bo"I'm Bo, this is Rex, and our partners Cacomon and Veemon," Bo said, introducing the group, "There are actually more Digidestined, five more to be exact, who are pretty much exploring these ruins at the moment,""Now wait a darn pickin' minute," Cacomon said, walking (or, slightly waddling) up to Dallas, "How long have you been in here?" The cactus asked, pointing a slightly visible finger that was covered by his orange boxing glove,
  13. IC: BoBo lead his band of two humans and partners down a hall way, only to hear faint typing..? Bo kept walkie foward, torch in hand, and walked over to see another human who was apparently already here, partnered with a bee-like digimon, "I guess your a Digidestined as well?" Bo asked, hoping not to freak the young man out,
  14. IC: Zac"Because I have faith, I'm not overconfident i know," Zacsaid with a smile, "I had faith that Tripomon would beat that Veggiemon and he Digivolved into Dronomon and took out the champion leveled digimon. I think that's another thing we need to digivolve our partners. Faith,"IC: Bo"Listen, I didn't come here because I wanted to be with some sarcastic, and might I add cocky snobs who think they know what they are doing, while you all know just as much as I do about this world, our partners being our knowledge bases," Bo said, sternly, but nowhere near being angry, "I came to help out, like we were all called here to do, lets go Rex,"
  15. IC: Bo, "Might as well come with, someone needs to stop your bickering," Bo said as he followed Rex, Leone and Alex,IC: Zac, Abi"Yeah but we need to make sure this place is vermen free," Zac said, Dronomon looking around, acting as a fog light, he even made that "eh-woo" noise those ships made,"But the Liollmon said that digimon can become big here, do you think we can handle them?" Abi asked,"Abigail, don't worry about it, Dronomon has things handle, so do Agumon and Salamon," Zac said,
  16. IC: Zac and DronomonDronomon simply giggled at Veemon's attempt to copy the cyborg, "So, now about those other pairings..." Zac said
  17. Duplicate rookies I don't really want, duplicate ultimates.... I'm a bit iffy... But I'll allowWelcome to the Digital World, approved
  18. Coed partners... haha! I like it! Approved
  19. Ah.... Thank you Kraz/Snark for clearing that up. If I was ever told about that before, sorry for not remembering
  20. Wait when did we have a Renamon partner planned?
  21. IC: Zac and Co."Alright, me and Dronomon go with Abi, Salamon, John and Agumon," Zac said,
  22. IC: Zac and Dronomon"Not when the flash light is mobile," Zac said, and Dronomon obviously is, he can light up the path in front of us," Zac said"Yeah, she said to use our abilties, I'm doing mine," Dronomon said,
  23. IC: Zac and Dronomon"Hold on," Dronomon said. He whacked his head with his own fist, and in an instant, his eyes lighted up, "Nice!" Zac said, patting his friend on the back, "Our own working flashlight!"
  24. IC: Zac and Co.Zac saw the ruins, he was both intrigued and a bit nervous, "This looks pretty interesting,""It's kind of creepy..." Abi said,"Like Zac said we have no choice," Bo said,
  25. IC: Zac and Co."Come on, its not like the spiders here are big," Zac said with a laugh,"Zac you are probably going to make yourself look more stupid than you already are," Bo said,
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