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Everything posted by ZTG

  1. IC: Gemini A taxi cab pulled up at the X-Men's mansion, with Gemini getting out with his duffle bag. He paid the man and headed towards the front door.
  2. IC: Zac"Don't worry about it Miss Hecate," Zac said, "But right now we gotta hoof it incase more come. So, Hecate, mind leading us through the tombs? I think we can help with your problem,"
  3. I will hopefully next week, I only have time for this RP and a few others off site, we have been moving around some things but I'll return soon don't worry
  4. IC: ZacZac nodded as he grabbed his weapons and decided to bring the Rocke Launcher just in case. He was just carrying it for now, someone else could use it.
  5. OOC: Im not gonna kill you......yetIC: Tankmon and Troopmon"Where'd they go?!" A Tankmon asked,"Search the streets, the boss said no humans are allowed here, and all Digimon corrupt!" Another said, "All the Troopmon check the west street, Tankmon, the east,"
  6. IC: GeminiThe man head down the stairs and went off to head for the garage. He hoped that the bicycle was there, otherwise, the bi-elemental mutant would have to walk. He didn't really like that idea much.
  7. IC: Gemini"..." He uttered under his breath, "Well, guess I'm taking the bike then," he said as he left, walking down the halls.
  8. IC: GeminiInside the mind of the mutant, he was screaming with fury. Outside however, he kept his composure, "Well there wouldn't happen to be some form of transportation here would there?" Gemini asked,
  9. IC: Gemini"It was only one, if I had more than that, you'd know," he said dryly again, "Look, while I have found you, where did they place my bike on the plan? Hadn't have enough to get it off,"
  10. IC: Hannah"Prison break?" Hannah asked, "And how are we suppose to help if our powers are shut off? Isn't that kid of the point of asking mutants for help? Using their powers?"IC: GeminiAfter drinking his beer, he tossed into the trash can and wiped some of the beer off of his face. He walked amongst the mansion, until he finally wen up stairs. He kept on walking and saw that apparently, some of the others were outside of a room, and some were still in their rooms,"Hey is it a party in here or what?" He asked dryly, heading towards Abraham's door, which to some, seemed to be the main point of interest.
  11. IC: ZacAfter the Crawlers were felt with, Zac felt relief, but still remaining focus. But... No focused enough to stand on his own two feet when the whole room began to shake. He fell onto the floor and tried to get back up, being on all his fours now, "This **** better end soon!" Zac yelled,
  12. OOC: No, I had Parugi and Nebula fight a horde of Tankmon. Mechan City is corrupt so make like Ezio or Snake and run in shadows. And you can only evolve Veemon when you are in danger, so wait a few posts them you can evolve. But please don't control the Tankmon and Troopmon.IC: Tankmon and TroopmonThe Troopmon fell down to their backs, and one do the Tankmon went reverse. The remaining Troopmon began to fire away at Veemon.
  13. IC: Tankmon and TroopmonIn an instant, when Ben and Veemon came, a bunch of Tankmon and Troopmon came out of no where and surrounded the two, aiming their firearms at the two.
  14. IC: ZacZac turned and saw that Bo and Abigail had returned, their partners beside them,"I really hope there aren't more of them..." Zac said
  15. IC: Ratchet and Clank"Really? I thought dis was where I could get candy," Clank said sarcastically,IC: Bo and AbiSeeing the battle was over, the two came back.
  16. He is very depressed. What's got his dumps? Plague? Financial crisis in the kingdom? Lame jokes aside, looks really good. Really has a combination of realism and yet looks a bit like a cartoon.
  17. Looks like your poem is..... *puts on shades* crookedYEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
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