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Everything posted by ZTG

  1. IC: Zac"Amazing!" Zac said as he saw Ho-Oh, "Now we have three Legendaries on our side to fight!" Zac was filled with energy from the indescribable sight. Shadow himself was amazed as well, and bean to grow more hope in the group. But... Soemthing troubled Shadows"Mr. Palmer," Shadows said, "Do you think we will encounter any traps or perils? I ho lightly doubt that the Ancients would leave the Void Tower without protection,"OOC: Guardians at the Gate could be a better choice
  2. Sounds like a normal life to me.
  3. OOC:Gotta wait for Kounji before we can get started on the void tower though. But my body is ready
  4. IC: Gemini "I understand," Gemini said, closing the door behind him and shoving his hands into his pockets.
  5. IC: Gemini"Caleb, Zac, Abigail and Hannah," Gemini said, "With what's been going on I decided that I needed to finally get back with them," Gemini said as he walked in.
  6. I looked back at my posts over the two years.... I am ashamed if I caused y'all annoyance. But at least I lean from my mistakes right?

  7. IC: Gemini "I came over here because I'm wanting to be with my kids right now," Gemini said,
  8. .....whoops... *awkward smile* Anyway, glad you like it.
  9. So this is something I did on MS Paint when I got bored. Basically it's Takanuvia who belongs to the user Taka Nuvia, and I decided to draw her on the computer. And like all my BIONICLE drawings she looks somewhat human but still looks more robotic. So without more babbling here it is.
  10. IC: GeminiGemini rang on the door bell again and still waited for a response. This was ridiculous.IC: Hannah"I could catch up to him if my powers weren't turned off," Hannah said, "Should we go after him?"
  11. Behold: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130410211746/custombionicle/images/1/1d/HATS.png
  12. Final Installment XIIIIIIIII((I know its Final Fantasy just don't know the game))
  13. Best buddies wearing headgear hats. Really suits Takua XD
  14. I'm afraid you made me want to use jester hats now. Zacax now has a jester hat...
  15. Organized chaos is the perfect word to describe me, and my room :P

  16. IC: ZacZac was still at Drack's side, though he was being a bit quiet.
  17. IC: GeminiGemini headed towards the door of the mansion and pressed on the doorbell, waiting for a response.
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