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Everything posted by ZTG

  1. IC: Zac and CoCacomon grimaced when Hecate mentioned cities falling. He remembered his greatest mistake, and was currently, trying to repress it. Zac was waiting a second to respond, he was trying to choose carefully. Continuing together was the best option in terms of getting things done, but they still had to mature. He was admitting that. "We should split for now..." Zac said,"What?" Bo, Abi and Dronomon asked,"Face it, we have already been butting heads. I imagine that we will be butting our heads even more when we are together. I'd rather we get a grasp on what's going on. I'm going to agree with her... The Arukenimon I mean," Zac said,
  2. IC: Zac and Bo.The words hit Zac like a bullet. He wasn't wanting to show his emotions, he simply clenched his fists, and tried to hold back his anger. "I agree with her," Cacomon said, agreeing with Hecate, "I lost my town because of y pride and both of y'all will loose more than your lives if you keep to your own methods! So either act like a team, or find a way back home!""I hate to say this guys but... Cacomon is right, we can't keep bickering like this," Bo said with a sigh. He was rather angry with both Zac and Alana. Both were teenagers, Zac was an older brother so he should have been acting like one, and Alana had more experienced, she shouldn't have punched Zac just because he annoyed her. Both of their actions to him were immature, when they called themselves mature and thought that both their actions were just.
  3. IC: ???"Don't have to tell me twice sweet heart!" Clank said as he lowered his head, aiming the cannon at the group of Tankmon,The Tankmon all began to fire at the Dracomon, seeing how he was the cause for causing them to fall, as well as letting the two fugitives get away."ELECTRON CANNON!" Clank yelled as he fired a positron laser from the cannon, piercing through two of the corrupt Tankmon that stood in a semi-line.IC: Zac and AbigailZac fell to the ground, hearing the sound of his body colliding with the stone and dirt covered ground, as well as the cracking sound of his jaw and teeth being punched. He felt the red blood on his skin, and heard Abigial scream as she went over to her brother,"Why did you do that?!" Abigail asked,At that moment, Zac was ready to fight back, but he couldn't for these reasons. One, he wasn't a fighter, two, he preferred not to hit women, three, he was better than that, and four, he knew that this was going too far, and he didnt want anymore chaos to ensue. He got up to his feet and just looked at her like that,"....fine then. I'm only trying to get all the Digidestined assembled. You are being stubborn by wanting to stay alone. I'm just trying to do, what I think is best," Zac said, wiping off the blood on his cheek. Dronomon looked at his partner, and then at girl whom had finally revealed herself, "But Zac-" Dronomon was about to ask, but Zac was quick to stop him,"No... She wants to do things her way. Fine," Zac said, and as he said that, Bo and Cacomon mad rig back, who had found Dallas. They saw the scene taking place and walked towards Zac's group,"What happened?" Bo asked,"Nothing. Lets just say we had a disagreement," Zac said
  4. IC: Zac"At least she is willing to help us! You are being hypocritical by calling as flaw when you have several of your own," Zac said, "You my friend are even more doubtful than Alex, no offense. I realize the danger, but I choose to keep an optimistic attitude while we fight. Its why I cheer when we win, when we grow strong, because it means we getting close to becoming strong enough to finish off this corruption. You can hide all you want, but without the power of all the destined, what hope is there?"OOC: At least 10IC: ???The group of Tankmon all began to collide into each other. The Digimon named Ratchet and Clank turned to see what had happened. They focused their sight on the girl and Dracomon and went over there while the Tankmon tried to recompose themselves,"Tanks kid," Clank said, "You saved our hides back dere!""Thank you!" Ratchet added,
  5. IC: Abigail and Zac"Hey!" Abigail said, walking foward to be infront of the group, "You do not insult my brother!"Zac was growing angry, but he wasn't going to get angry over someone he just met again, "Whose to say I'm more flawed than you. I rely on my friends, and my family. You only rely on yourself and your partner, assuming you have one. Just because you "survive" doesn't mean you are garentied to get caught. One day you will, and by the time that happens you realize that I was right. No one is strong on their own, and if they believe so, they will find themselves in a deep hole that will take them a long time to climb out and fill. An ultimate wishes to help us, who has more power than you, yet you are too worried about yourself and not wanting to work with us because of flaws,"
  6. IC: Zac"...Alright, so what if we have flaws," Zac said, "You are flawed as well, and we need someone with experience on our team,"
  7. IC: Zac"If we travel as a group we can last longer! Zac said, "We have strength in numbers," "It's true ma'am," Dronomon said,"Anyway, what about those trading cards?" Zac asked Alex, curious about them,
  8. IC: Zac"Trading cards?" Zac asked, "Anyway, we found some Dokugumon as well, and Dronomon and Agumon made it to champion!" Zac said, clenching his fist and reaching it into the air, Dronomon did as well,"Who is that?" Abigail asked, "The woman I mean,"
  9. IC: ZacZac took note that Leone and Alex had returned, "Well I can't say that you were pleasant to us either, but right now the past is the past, we focus right now on finding a place to stay, you find anything?" Zac asked Leone and Alex
  10. IC: Zac and Sentrymon"We both belong to each other," Sentrymon said, "I think we should let Alucia handle this," Zac said, "Alright Zac," Sentrymon said, but at that point, he turned back into Dronomon, and was back to reaching Zac's knee caps,IC: ???"DAGH!" A scream could be heard in the distance in the city. It was an insectoid looking tank, with a dog like digimon holding on for deer life,"They are catching up Clank!" The dog said,"I'm going Ratchet!!!" The living tank exclaimed. Behind them, was a group of Tankmon, firing at them.OOC: Profiles for Clank and Ratchet coming soon.
  11. IC: Zac"I mean that they are with us, they are on our side," Zac said,"I have no problems with Zac's words," Sentrymon retorted, "We have been together for months, and we are both fine with calling each other "our human" and "our digimon"," "But if you prefer that we call our friends partners, alright," Zac said
  12. IC: Zac and Abi"We are just looking around I these ruins for a place to stay, but we wanted to make sure no corrupted digimon are here," Zac said, "We have others but they are in different groups, its just me, my sister and my friend, our digimon and Alucia, a Myotismon here right now, who are you? And whose side are you on?"
  13. IC: Zac and Abi"Well then,a guess we should try to convince her to travel with our group," Zac said as he and Sentrymon approached Alucia, Abigail following him with Salamon in her arms.
  14. IC: Zac, AbiZac nodded and kept leading. Zac lead the group back to where the group split up, just to check with Alucia. Knowing how she loved to hide in darkness, he and sentrymon called out for her,"Alucia?" Zac called,"Madame Alucia?" Sentrymon called out as well,"Miss Alucia?" Abigail called out,
  15. I'll allow mega, just keep it at Champion when fighting the Destined currently. Don't wanna overpower them :PJust to let y'all know, this was an idea we had in in mind but the profile was accidentally deleted so...
  16. IC: Zac"Lets go guys," Zac said as he walked back, "We should warn the others if they don't already know," Zac said, Abigail, Salamon and Sentrymon following him.
  17. This is loosley based more off the shows and manga. I do like Gatomon to Ophanimon as well.
  18. Alright then, thank you for clarifying the new character
  19. IC: Zac "Way to go guys!" Zac said, "Two down on our team that can digivolve!"
  20. IC: Zac "Alright John!" Zac cheered for his friend,IC: Bo"I don't think its a good idea to fiddle with a computer in a world made of data," Bo said
  21. IC: Bo"What did you do then?" No asked, getting a bit more stern when he ears FanBeemon's comment,"DESERT PUMMEL!" Cacomon yelled as he rapidly punched a Dokugumon's face, and them proceeded to continue with the others, showing no remorse.
  22. I know what Alardimon is, and its cannon digimon. Approved
  23. IC: Zac and SentrymonSentrymon released a barrage of bullets, shooting down any bug in sight, causing temporary flashes of light. Some had the common sense to flee, others were either too stupid or too arragont and quickly met their doom. When the hall was cleared, the sentry returned his guns and turned to his partner,"That... Was awesome!" Zac exclaimed, his voice managing to echo throughout the halls. He gave his partner a high five, seeing how it was easy now, "Way to go Sentrymon!""Thanks Zac!" Sentrymon said,"Lets get going," Zac said,
  24. IC: ZacA burst of light eminated from the Digivice, lighting the halls for but a moment, revealing the geodes of Dokugumon and KoDokugumon. But this wasn't the end, a trail of data and digital coding went flying towards Dronomon at great speed, coiling around the robot, covering his arms, legs, his whole being until all you could see was a silhouette of the robotic digimon. "Dronomon!" Zac exclaimed, fearing this was something that was not suppose to happen. But he kept watching, see Dronomon morph and change, growing taller, his arms and legs becoming more developed, if not more bulky. He stopped growing until he reache the height of the Caucasian goggle head, with the coding bursting into light, temporarly blinding everyone nearby. When the light faded, a humanoid robot stood where the small Dronomon was, with what seemed to be the handle of a cutlass on his hip, a rocket launcher on his back, and a pair of silver, twin magnums attached to his legs. The new digimon picked up the magnums and spun them in a circle before taking aim at the opposite sides of the halls,"I'm not Dronomon," the robot spoke, his voice sounding similar to Zac's, if not a little deeper, "I am, Sentrymon,"And with stating his name, he fired the magnums yelling, "Magnum Loader!" and pierced a whole into the two Dokugumon he aimed at, and caused them to turn into data and fly off,
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