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Archer Vonn

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Everything posted by Archer Vonn

  1. the ps4 controller is sooo nice, i bought one today for my laptop and its sooooo nice
  2. for real? man the solar system sucks! i would stay right here. mars is frozen (and dusty), half the other planets don't even have land and you'd just sort of be floating inside them (assuming you dont immediately die), the other solid ones would cook you immediately (although i hear venus has lots of women so maybe i'd go there) and pluto is so small tyrion lannister goes there to pretend he's godzilla. no way i'd ever go to any of those.
  3. it is not do you wish you could become 13 again?
  4. idk if its dead on ps3 or not but, logically, in 2015 or 2016, most people won't be using their ps3s anymore if they have a ps4 so TLOU on ps4 will die further along the timeline
  5. I really don't see why TLoU needs a remake. The game was amazing on PS3, but did it really need the time that could have been put into other games to remake it with slightly better graphics? The game's not even a year old yet, is it? I admit, there is a clear difference in the graphics, but I think it's uncalled for. Heck, if it wasn't for the fact that many of the HD Collections on PS3 had 3 or more games on one disc, I'd think they were unnecessary, because games haven't aged so poorly that they look awful one generation later! It just seems way too soon to me. two reasons: one, on a new generation the multiplayer is less likely to die therefore naughty dog can still justify DLC and potentially profit off of it however, number 2 is a lot bigger: since the ps4 is such a bigger commercial success compared to the xbox one and the wiiu, a lot of people who only owned a 360 or wii last gen are now buying the ps4 since its the 'popular' console and this way they get to play it. i want it because i didn't buy it last gen, only borrowed it, and i won't buy a game that isn't the definitive version.
  6. i really want that last of us remake. if only i had a ps4...
  7. is that like the muffin man? are these pork chops dry?
  8. yes have you talked to your girlfriend today?
  9. yes all hail r'hllor the lord of light can you see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?
  10. yeah lol i once made a gif of some sprite clone troopers gunning down some battle droids then general grievous came in and destroyed them do you not listen to popular hip hop songs?
  11. idk never had it! do you know what to do with that big fat butt?
  12. man, what happened to the transformers love in the board? the RPG is gone but is the love still here? ...is there any room for another rpg?
  13. not in my opinion, that's coca cola. did you mark wahlberg got his career started as a hip hop artist?
  14. you're only allowed to answer yes or no no i don't even use shift should i hold onto my crankshaft, because you're about to shift it into overdrive?!?
  15. yes and no- scientifically it's a fruit, but in culinary practices it is used as a vegetable. i think What's your favourite word?
  16. yes as a matter of fact, i AM a t shirt was the lego movie over hyped..?
  17. IM READY IM READY IM READY IM READY are you a nerd?
  18. na i just ate if a guy put on a costume that spelled the word "YES" and a guy put on a costume that spelled the word "NO" who'd win in the costume beatdown that'd follow
  19. i guess?? is megatron better than hafu...
  20. thanks mak but anyways that scene in g1 where the autobots went surfing was really silly
  21. do you also expect him also to hunt down and murder every decepticon on the face of the earth like in ROTF because he's never done anything like that before. you've no reason to expect him to be a swashbuckling pirate who kills at every opportunity. (but the fact that you do is telling about you, since you want to play psychologist) and yeah he did get mad at the government for doing that (and he got mad by, again, curling up in alt. mode and giving them the silent treatment. very mature) which makes it all the more hypocritical when he lied about 'respecting their wish for the autobots to leave earth'
  22. the garan one was pretty funny, so was the ignika one' keep it up, you're improving!
  23. yes if i take that thing off, will you die?
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