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Silvan Haven

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Everything posted by Silvan Haven

  1. Welcome back. Always happy to see people return.
  2. Its not hard to have better pacing when you don't have to constantly fix the game. As much as I poke fun at the speed the plot is moving I certainly don't hold it against the staff. For the most part the most recent delay was unavoidable even if we had fewer plot central characters. Its the big transition to the next arc that needs a lot of staff input. Real life has always been something that the staff have had trouble juggling with their responsibilities here.
  3. (Ignore the fact that he joined in 2011. He was lurking for about six years. Because he sucked at making an account.)I blame BZP's former hatred of Gmail. Not even my emails to B6 got through.
  4. Overpowered weapons was never Frontier's problem. People had problems with the somewhat arbitrary nature of the allowed weapons. I understand that we are starting to get some world building with the new Bionicle, however I would need to actually go research it some before I could say if its enough for an RPG. @Timageness: looks good so far, a bit sparse without location sections but I get the feeling those are coming later.
  5. Right, my apologies. I've seen so many people go through here over the last ten or so years that they start to blend together in my head.
  6. Wellllllllllll. There are rules against real life religious stuff on the site, but I don't think there are rules against fictional versions that are in place for the sake of story telling. It should be fine as long as you make it very clear that this is all IC and that you will crack down hard on stuff that strays beyond that.
  7. Mel here played the Chaos GB if I remember correctly.
  8. OOC: Toshiko and anyone yet to post from Ta-wahi. IC: Just then I arrived leading an ussal attached to a cart. Trafic had picked up in the area enough to wear a few trails into the jungle, enough for me to get a cart through at least. Rumor had it that a group of monks or something had moved into the temple some time back and got to work renovating. I figured they probably would be willing to share a building or two with people who wanted to hunt Rahkshi. We did have some rather intertwined goals after all, even if my line of work had a bit more for me in it. Facing off against other travalers had not exactly been part of my plan. "Well this is unexpected." I said, loud enough for everybody nearby to hear me.
  9. It happened in the original incarnation of the BZPRPG, which is seen as the good old days, the bad old old days, or somewhere in between depending on who you ask. In that incarnation the Great Beings were six deities, each one based off of a certain primordial element. The Great Being of Chaos made an entire species of beings constructed purely out of her personal element. They were called the Santun. Some stuff happened and they eventually went wild, traveling from universe to universe and spreading so much chaos that the places would collapse around them. Eventually they found the bubble of reality in which the original BZPRPG resided and attacked. The ensuing conflict was known as the Santun War and ended with a sentient black hole fighting the leader of the Santun, who was actually an extremely powerful being made by one of the other Great Beings. He had just eaten/absorbed the interuniversal ship that the Santun used to travel. Back then there was no real limits to how powerful you could make your character and people tended to pick up even more ablities as they went along. Even Echelon would be high-middle tier at best. As you can guess it was pretty crazy, the Great Beings had to shunt everybody into a pocket dimension while they repaired the place when it was over.
  10. Kasper Harken IC: "I'll be helping the techs with my suit. It held up remarkably well in the battle considering its supposed to be a prototype. Chances are looking good for a general production run and we want to make sure my survival was more than a fluke."
  11. I'm getting a massive sense of de-ja-vu.
  12. Kasper Harken IC: "Glad to see us all in more or less one piece." Came the relieved and slightly tired voice of Test Team's only none Walker pilot. Kasper made his way towards the duo from the section dedicated to his prototype armor. The young man had no visible wounds, although considering the battlefield any wounds suffered would most likely have placed him in intensive care. His face was a mix between annoyance and relief as he reached his teammates. "Seems we took lighter casualties then most of the other units."
  13. Toshiko- Ta-koro IC: A more or less short time later the rest of the group set out from the Koro. Enough supplies in hand to allow them to operate in the Kini Nui area for a reasonable amount of time. OOC: Rahkshi Hunters to Kini Nui
  14. Since I realized that least one person in the Rahkshi hunter group is not in the Skype group and I can't remember if there are any others I'm posting this here. In the interest of not wasting more time doing what amounts to a whole lot of nothing in Ta-koro we are going to perform another timeskip. Either right to Kini or until after we have all the stuff we need and are ready to move out.
  15. Toshiko- Ta-koro IC: What may have looked like a sudden bout of duuurrrr to the totally clueless was in fact me thinking on all the supplies the an expedition like ours would need if we wanted to fight Rahkshi for an extended period of time. To be honest the list was quite long and it looked like none of the guys had brought much more than the basics. Aaaaaaaand then one of them got bored and ran off. "Team player, huh?" I half muttered. Clapping my hands together to get everyone's attention I continued. "Since you all seem a little lost and disorganized I'll tell everybody what to do. Every large hunting expedition needs supplies and this one is no exception. We need to pool our money split up and get everything we need to survive however long this is going to take. Or at least everything we can afford. I don't know but something is telling me I have the most shiny coins at the moment." A sweep over the group, she hoped they were paying attention. "After that we can meet back up here and set off. Assuming that guy is still alive by the time we get there maybe we can meet up with him as well. I may be a thrill seaker but I like to survive to seak the next one and I don't know if I would trust my back to him against Rahkshi."
  16. I've been gone for a couple days. Did I miss something?Ghosthands finally started posting somewhat regularly with Echelon. Which means about a 500% boost to the plots speed of movement.
  17. Well you seem to be making progress and taking the advice people are giving you. At this point it just looks like a bunch of work to get the rest of the areas up so you can show us all the completed project. I would like to point out that if even a tiny sun actually exploded it would do a lot more damage than turning the sector into Bionicle Fallout. Something more in the area of rendering the entire RPG uninhabitable. Also MU beings are more or less immune to radiation.
  18. Since before the reboot actually. It was a pretty popular element in the original game.
  19. Zaka- I mean Skakdiland! Man its been ages since I last saw that picture, not since the big planning chat actually did something if I'm not mistaken. Also don't get banned Tyler. I have a sneaking suspicion that I would wake up the next day with a message from Alex about a mandatory promotion from unpaid intern. I want to enjoy this game gosh darn it and I can't do that if I give myself headaches breaking it.
  20. I believe that it is a reference to the character currently in Tyler's avatar. Said character being a functional mute.
  21. Toshiko- Ta-koro- Bouncing Ball of Annoyance IC: It seemed two of the party did not know who she was. The black suited Vortixx peered at the two in question. Were those two in the group back in Onu-koro? Curse you memory, why must you always let me down! "I'm Toshiko, professional thrill seeker and the only member of the team who actually got here on time."
  22. I'm not one of the staff but I would imagin that we could play as any of the origional species of the MU. Or at least the baseline RPG species. The simulation is probably viewed kind of like a super advanced version of the Sims most of the time. If need be the GBs can always go diving into the code if they need a closer look at the "why" rather than the "what."
  23. I would imagine that a bunch of people waking up on a big island in the sky with no idea how they got there or (I would assume) who they are would provide a fair amount of conflict. A variety of different challanges were also mentioned in case things got slow. As for what players could do. Its a bunch of flying islands surounded by areas of unstable reality. The pretty obvious answer would be to explore. What can players do to effect anything? Well, this is a computer simulation run by a pair of highly interested scientists who have every intention of not just sitting there and ignoring it. I imagine that what they do would in large part depnd on what the players do. I don't think that the GBs will be very keen on revealing themselves to our fledgling AI if everybody turns into serial killers, for example.
  24. Toshiko- Ta-koro- Bouncing Ball of Annoyance IC: So maybe Toshiko had left Onu-koro a little after the rest of the group, that still did not explain how she had somehow managed not to catch sight of them for the entire trip to Ta-koro. It was a tunnel, how do you miss somebody in a tunnel? A quick question to the guards at the exit had quickly solved that mystery. Namely that her new found friends had never actualy exited the underground highway. That combined with the fact that there had been no bodies or signs of a recent struggle meant that either the entire geoup had headed off in some other direction or Toshiko had misheard their destination. And since the bubly merc had supreme confidence in her memory that meant that the entire rest of the group had managed to get themselves turned around somehow. It was the only reason that made sense. Of course that did leave her with the problem of what to do for the next few days while she waited for the others to turn up. being the lucky lady that she was there just so happened to be a billboard with a collection of bounties on it nearby. So it was as a several hundred widget richer merc that the bubbly Vorixx found the others as they stumbbled and bumbled their way into town fom the nearby docks. "There you all are!" Came the unbearably energetic voice. "I was wondering if you all had been eaten by a wild fusi!"
  25. Kale Ironshaper- Ko-koro- Aggressor Hideout IC: Kale simply nodded at Krayn's statement. They all knew how precarious their current position was. "While we wait for the other two to get back why don't I show you all what I saw. See if we can't narrow down the options." A sweep of his hand caused a collection of small metal spheres to form in the middle of the room. "These are all the collections of metal large enough to be Matoran that I could see. That's not to say that they are all Matoran, but it's the best I could do."
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