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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Status Updates posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. Soooo..... Wanna get some bagels?

  2. Soooo..... Wanna get some bagels?

  3. Soul Eater has greats OPs. And the 3rd ED is awesome.

  4. Started Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.

  5. Started reading Death's Nuzlocke run. I like how he added the !non-game! story arcs every few gyms.

  6. thanks for friending me piraka hakkan 2.0!

  7. thanks for friending me piraka hakkan 2.0!

  8. The Shingeki no Kyogin OP goes with everything. There are versions for anything you can think of.

  9. This is where we are from/The town where nothing goes on

  10. This was a triumph

    1. The Lonesome Wanderer

      The Lonesome Wanderer

      I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS

  11. We got the Gold Trigon. We are so awesome.

  12. We Scythians loath rainbows

  13. What is that in your avatar??

    1. sunflower


      Awesome steampunk airship of awesomeness.

  14. Why is this not a thing? "racing each other to death in huge Boxorssanui tournaments."

    1. Zacian


      Cuz it isn't.

  15. Working on the Persona 4 RPG

  16. Y'Know Time crawls on when your waiting for the song to start/So dance alone to the beat of your heart

  17. Yay, Cave Story!

    1. Grant-Sud


      Cave Story is wonderful ^^

  18. You may be interested in the fact that there is a Gundam COTRPG being made.

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