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Everything posted by Wade.

  1. IC: Rahkshi Hunters By now, the Rahkshi of Elasticity knew its battle was fought on two fronts. Trava never left its sight as it approached Arvas, following the Lesterin’s movement out of the corner of its eye in the event of an attack. Sure enough, she timed her strike to match Arvas’ counter-offensive, forcing the Rahkshi to tear its attention away from the Toa and parry her blow with a swing of its own. It spun back around with uncanny speed to block Arvas’ shield, but not quickly enough to take note of the bardiche poking out from the side. The weapon slipped past and cut a sizeable gash on the Rahkshi’s side, fissuring its armour in a shower of sparks. Forward momentum sent the two tumbling to the ground, and when Arvas began scrambling to his feet, an elastic punch to the face sent him reeling away and gave the Rahkshi the time it needed to get back up. By the second it located Trava, she was already taking advantage of the situation by moving in with another attack, swinging directly for its face this time. Panic rippled through her when the Rahkshi caught her staff single-handedly, its iron grip refusing to let go when she tried to pull away. Finally, the Rahkshi tore the staff out of her hand and in the very next instant, bamboo violently struck her face. Despite the sudden pain and lights dancing in her vision, she stabilized her footing and set the Rahkshi back in her sights, only to watch it snap her staff in two underneath its heel and throw one end across the chamber. The Chameleon Rahkshi remained rooted in place, unflinching and unmoving in the face of the scattered lightstones. The light illuminated the tunnel a good deal enough for everyone to see a little better, and the camouflaged Rahkshi wasn’t as difficult to find anymore. Already on one knee, the Rahkshi of Laser Vision swatted away the dirt reaching for its arms but felt it tug against his legs, holding it in place. Flabbergaster took up Oceanna’s distraction by pinning the Rahkshi down from the side, feeling his arms shaking as it pushed back, quickly overpowering him. It twisted its body ever so slightly in the process, just enough to get a good look at the Tiokaha and lay into him with a laser beam. He howled as white hot pain flooded his senses, causing him to falter and let the Rahkshi shrug him off. Flabbergaster’s efforts weren’t in vain, however. Rannin closed in the very next moment, cleaving off the Rahkshi’s right forearm, removing a piece of its faceplate, and splitting its staff in two when it attempted to defend itself. Ready to move in for the killing blow, he was interrupted by a laser beam to the chest which caused him to stagger mid-swing and miss his target. Instantly, the Rahkshi bolted out of its restraints and took flight, speeding right for Oceanna with murder in its eyes and half a staff in one hand. As if to initiate the chase, it fired a bright red laser in her direction. Concerning the Rahkshi of Anger, Hammerlock could only do so much to stall its advance. As Volin backed away, he watched the Lesterin bob and weave around the monster, dodging its furious onslaught with the grace of a skilled boxer. He took the opportunity to load another bolt into his crossbow, careful to stay aware of what lay behind him while doing so. When he looked back up, Hammerlock was being held off the ground by the neck, struggling to break free with little progress, though that ended when a sort of black mist enveloped his body and was absorbed into it. The Lesterin went limp and was tossed aside like a doll, showing no signs of conscience as he landed on the ground. A chill ran through Volin’s spine. The Rahkshi roared triumphantly, writhing its body in a disturbing display of rage unique only to itself. The battle wasn’t won though, its little celebration cut short by yet another bull-like rush from its account. Volin fired again, a loud thunk heralding the success of his attack as the bolt imbedded itself in the Rahkshi’s abdomen. However, the Rahkshi showed no signs of slowing, not even the slightest reaction, and in that moment, Volin knew. #####. ...When Hammerlock came to, anger unlike anything he had ever felt before meshed with every fibre of his being to the point where it practically seethed out of his pores. He stood up gradually, the pain around his neck stoking the fires of a primal rage within him, and everywhere he looked he was seeing red. Despite the dense haze of emotion, he remembered the Rahkshi and attempted to locate it. When he found the creature, he saw blood. Lots of it. A trail on the ground led to Volin, and it kept going as he backed away from the Rahkshi, crimson red oozing from his left arm. At least, where his arm used to be.
  2. IC: Viloz "I expect a good tip to go with that apology." Viloz said, giving the Toa of fire a pointed look as he jotted down two waters. "Cyr, you probably don't know what you like so I'll just come back with a few samplers." Stuffing his notepad away, he made his way back behind the bar counter and started pouring a couple of waters, alongside a variety of smaller alcoholic beverages. A couple of ice cubes later, and he returned to the table with a full tray and a handful of menus. "Drink up." he said, setting everything down before pointing at Cyramar's sample-sized drinks one at a time. "Here you've got beer, piña colada, whiskey sour, Bula juice, water, and milk. First three are alcoholic beverages, and if you don't know what that means, you'll find out after you have a few of them. You want more of something or don't like anything, let me know."
  3. IC: Viloz Viloz narrowed his eyes, letting his gaze linger on the Toa of fire a while longer before holstering his launcher. "Sorry, boss. It's just not good for business, y'know?" he replied offhandedly, turning back to the duo right after. "You better count your lucky stars, kiddo. Next time you pull a stunt like that, I won't hesitate to toss you out like every other drunk that gets too rowdy, understand?" Without waiting for a reply, Viloz strode away and disappeared in the back, only to return with a notepad. "Cyr, take a seat; we're eating with these guys." he said. "Now then, let's talk drinks. What do you want?"
  4. OOC: Sorry about that, went back and edited the post. IC: Viloz "You, apparently." Viloz said dryly. "I don't care if you meant business or not, a threat's a threat." He motioned for the door with his launcher. "Get out."
  5. IC: Viloz "Actually, y'know what," Viloz rubbed his forehead awkwardly. "I'm not thinking straight. Let's go back to the Great Takea; kinda forgot to mention I work there, so I could get us a free meal or a discount at least." Viloz stood up, followed by Cyramar, and gave the hostess an apologetic smile coupled with a shady excuse on the way out. It was a short walk back to the Great Takea, and when he pushed open the door, the first thing he saw was a Toa of shouting insults and threats. Like any good employee, he pulled out his Zamor launcher. "How about you leave before I break every bone in your body and throw you to the sharks."
  6. IC: Viloz Viloz hoped Cyramar liked seafood, because that's all there was on the menu. Mostly. "Err well, you can't go wrong with the fish tacos or crab cakes." He scratched his head. "There's also Takea or Tarakava steak if you're looking for something heavy, which is what I'm thinking of getting."
  7. IC: Viloz "Good, let's get some food in your stomach. My treat." The pain in Viloz's side had been reduced to a dull throb, and everything from his posture to his attitude had seemingly improved. He walked steadily now, feeling much better with his wound sealed, though he knew he still hadn't cleared the home stretch to a complete recovery. "One thing you'll notice in Ga-Koro," he started, leading him into a large tiki-styled hut. "Is that you'll never have a hard time finding somewhere with a patio, and eight times out of ten they'll have a nice view. The other two times, you'll be staring at someone's backyard." A hostess greeted them at the entrance, and led the two to a table sitting by the waterside where they sat down. When she left, Viloz started flipping through the menu. "I know I've explained a lot but I probably missed some important stuff, so fire away if you have any questions. Even if they're about the menu."
  8. OOC: Quick announcement. After discussing with staff, I’ve been granted the authority to treat this as a proper staff boss fight, *with the exception of being able to inflict permanent injury or death. This entails some minor instances of bunnying to keep the narrative and flow of combat going without taking too much time, while making the process of managing a large scale fight more practical and realistic. This also means that, within reason, I can decide whether your character gets injured or not*. Normally staff would run this fight but they’re busy, so I’ve been given the responsibility of treating powerful NPCs as the threat they're supposed to be while operating under strict restrictions. If you have any complaints and/or want to address the implications in further detail, PM me, hit me up on Skype or have a chat with staff. Ultimately, if I make a show of foul play and power abuse, a GM will step in and take over but if you’re hoping for an easier, fairer fight out of it, I can guarantee that whatever they’ll put out will make my efforts pale in comparison. tl;dr: this is a boss fight and it will be run the way boss fights have been run for the past four years* IC: Unfortunately for Arvas, he had misjudged his foe. The moment the spear struck his shield and he began to force it away, it retracted with the speed of a rubber band snapping back into place, ready to defend against a follow-up while he pushed against nothing. The Rahkshi of Elasticity parried his blow by deflecting it to the side, leaving the Fe-Toa’s arms outstretched and his torso wide open. Immediately, its mechanical hand gripped his forearm and swung him around with incredible force, never letting go while its arm stretched out, further and further until he crashed into the cavern wall with a solid thunk. Through the pain and bits of rock falling onto him, he felt the Rahkshi let go and heard a defiant shriek headed his way as it approached to finish the job. The Chameleon Rahkshi’s staff pierced the air, missing the Toa of fire by inches as he soared to safety. It hissed in surprise, eyes following Peho up to the roof of the cave, then back down to the immediate threats approaching its exposed rear. Having taken advantage of the opportunity before it even presented itself, Toshiko was already midway in her attack before realizing that Hammerlock was yelling her name and crying out warnings. Abruptly, blistering heat set the Vortixx’s world aflame when two pillars of fire came crashing down on her and the Rahkshi, briefly engulfing them both. The Rahkshi’s shrill cry reverberated against the Mangaia’s walls, and when the flames dissipated, only blackened soil remained where it once stood. However, Hammerlock noticed the creature’s escape. It circled around fast, its camouflaged shape little more than a smoking distortion in the atmosphere. Once it had drawn enough distance, the shimmering stopped. The absence of movement would have left the Rahkshi an imperceptible detail in the dim light had the Vo-Lesterin not been tracking its retreat. Oddly enough, the hit and run tactic it employed twice now was nowhere to be seen. Instead, it simply stood there, blending in with its environment. Oceanna’s cry echoed throughout the cave, signalling to the Rahkshi of Laser Vision that Flabbergaster wasn’t its only concern. It looked over its shoulder to see Rannin running right towards it, hissing in annoyance. The Rahkshi spun around but something grabbed its feet and rooted it to the ground, leaving it stuck halfway in its turn with its left side facing Rannin and its right facing Flabbergaster. Forced into an awkward position with no time to dig itself out, the Rahkshi hurriedly brought its staff up to block the Toa of iron’s swing but failed miserably to compensate for the mammoth strength driving his sword's edge. The blade bit into the staff and drove it back until the sheer force swept the Rahkshi off its feet and out of Oceanna’s grasp. The Rahkshi flew into the path’s inner wall with a loud crash before falling onto its hands and knees, momentarily stunned, and the most it could do was look up and fire a few laser beams in all directions to ward anyone off while it scrambled back to its feet. Volin, quietly observing the battlefield from afar, kept a lookout for danger and any opportune moment to strike. Arvas getting flung around like a ragdoll warranted most of his attention, shifting his aim to the tan Rahkshi advancing upon the vulnerable Toa of iron. Finger on the trigger, he felt its push as he pulled against it, and just as he was about to fire, he heard a scream that sent his heart plummeting into his stomach. Whirling around, a white Rahkshi bursted out from the darkness that led them to this chamber, its manic red eyes focused on him. Panic-stricken, he fired a bolt at the menace but it batted the projectile away effortlessly, roaring in a hate-fuelled rage that would make a Kane-Ra whimper in fear. Volin had no time to reload his crossbow, so he flung plasma in the Rahkshi’s direction. Like his bolt, the Rahkshi had no problem avoiding them, and in mere seconds it would be upon him. Volin knew he wouldn’t stance a chance if it came down to head-on duel between them, so he began to take a few steps back. “Guys!" OOC: Rahkshi of anger introduced
  9. IC: Viloz "Cyramar, eh? At least you got that going for you." As they walked, Viloz started to explain their immediate surroundings. The minutes that followed were more or less a general information dump on Ga-Koro, the rest of the island, its inhabitants, and so on. "Amnesia usually happens to people who wash up on the island. We don't really know where they come from or how they got here, and anyone who leaves the island in hopes of finding answers never comes back. Well, we might actually have a breakthrough on that front now that those foreigners showed up." They arrived at a medium-sized hut, where a Ga-Toa and a few other doctors awaited them inside. Viloz instructed Cyramar to take a seat while the Ga-Toa took a look at him and used her mask of healing to seal his wound and accelerate his recovery. By the end of it, he was a little better for wear and after payment, they left the establishment. His stomach grumbled. "You hungry, Cyramar?"
  10. IC: The Rahkshi of elasticity watched with indiscernible satisfaction as its wounded prey stumbled to the side, the moment lasting less than a few seconds before it bent its knees in preparation to strike once more. Just as it thought to push off, Arvas’ fast-approaching footfall alerted the creature to his presence, causing it to swivel around just in time to catch his blade with its staff. Feeling the greatsword’s weight pushing against it, the Rahkshi returned the favour by pushing back with enough strength to send the Toa of iron stumbling away. Just then, a bo staff plowed hard into its side, earning Trava a successful blow that evened the score but sent the Rahkshi into a fury. Snarling, it swung its staff in a circular arc which the Lesterin ducked below, only to receive a swift kick in the chest that pushed her back a few feet. With both foes in sight and at a distance, the Rahkshi’s hateful glare swept over them while it slowly backed away, baring its staff in challenge to any who dared chase after. Suddenly, it settled into an odd stance as if to spear someone despite being out of range, and when it thrust its arm forward, something inexplicable occurred. Stretching several times the length of its own body, the Rahkshi’s arm shot out like an arrow towards Arvas, the spear being its tip, closing the gap between them at a dangerous rate. The Rahkshi of laser vision held its ground, observing the Tiokaha with mute apathy. Lazily, it twirled its staff in one hand, spinning the weapon from side to side like a knife-user would to intimidate his foe. Flabbergaster didn’t know whether to feel baited or warded off yet he continued his pursuit at full speed, thrusting with one dagger the second he got a close shot. The Rahkshi, looking like it was ready to meet him head on, surprised Flabbergaster by feigning a block and sidestepping at the last second. Carried by his forward momentum, he sailed past the Rahkshi and felt its swing bite into his back, opening a small gash. When he whirled around, the Rahkshi simply stood in place, unmoving as it stared him down with what could have been disinterest. Blood trickled from the wound on his back, and though the pain wasn’t intense enough to be serious, he was too preoccupied by a mixture of adrenaline and fear to notice. He didn’t know what to do as the beast stared at him, making no effort to attack as it stood sentinel between him and the chamber he was in mere moments ago. That was when Flabbergaster realized that he stood inside the mouth of the middle path, its narrower walls converging on both sides while nothing but utter darkness clawed at his back. As if reading his mind, the Rahkshi took one step forward. The chameleon Rahkshi was surprised by Toshiko’s speed, though it parried her vibroblade with reflexive ease. It swung once in retaliation and this time it was Toshiko’s turn to deflect the blow, sparks briefly illuminating their faces upon clashing. Reckless in its assault, Hammerlock took advantage of the opening to land a couple of blows to the Rahkshi’s back. Dull pain ached across his knuckles on impact, and when he reared his left fist for a third hit, the Rahkshi let loose a high-pitch screech which caused all nearby fighters to flinch. In the heat of the moment, it activated flight-mode and tore off a few meters away before vanishing into thin air. Or so they thought. In the dim light, the camouflaged Rahkshi was little more than an invisible blur, its faint outline nearly synonymous with the dark stone of the Mangaia. It circled slowly, making as little sound as possible while the hunters searched the shadows for any trace of the creature. Spotting an opening, the Rahkshi broke stealth and charged Peho’s flank in an attempt to skewer him like a pig.
  11. They're considered foreign tech, so they're only accessible to Skakdi, Vortixx or Lesterin. However, pieces of foreign tech can be snagged off another player's character but only with their express permission.
  12. IC: Rahkshi Hunters Having settled into formation, the hunters pressed onwards. They strode in silence, no one daring to speak a word while their attention stood fixed on the path ahead, one that seemed to stretch on for miles as Toshiko mapped every twist and turn their group encountered. Volin on the other hand, regularly checked his watch and kept everyone up to date with the time. It had only been an hour since they first descended, though time in the Mangaia crawled at a snail’s pace and to many, that hour felt like an eternity. Very little changed as they navigated the maze. The darkness never abated, the walls continuously towered several meters in the air, and the shadows expertly concealed any visible change in detail. Oftentimes, Volin felt as if they’d walked right by something important without noticing. Worse, as if they were being watched. The thought kept him alert. Finally, a break in monotony had come into view. The group slowed, stopping to assess a dim crimson light emanating off in the distance. A hushed debate occurred on whether they should explore it or not, and after briefly considering all other options, the consensus was to move forward and inspect the strange light. Careful in their approach, they recognized its source as a lightstone and discovered that the blood-red rock stood fixed atop a path diverging into three separate routes. They resembled the Darkwalks, each separate path being a massive empty maw waiting to swallow any who dared wander its halls. As far as anyone was concerned, nothing truly distinguished one from the other. Before anyone could speak up however, something echoed from the middle path ahead of them. The sound was very faint, but it was constant and only seemed to get louder. Still in formation, the front-liners held their ground as a solid wall while everyone else either hung back or off to the side. If Volin hadn’t been so preoccupied with the noise, he might have noticed the shift in movement to the right. Hammerlock, standing closest to the right wall, suddenly felt something crash into him with all the force of a Kane-Ra, sending him barrelling into his front-line allies until he lay flat on his back. When he opened his eyes, a blur of red and gold stood right above him, hovering a pointed spear inches away from his face before a crossbow bolt grazed its serpentine visage, causing it to flinch and hiss something bone-chilling while the Vo-Lesterin took the opportunity to recuperate. Amid the panic and confusion, few noticed that the sound they were previously so focused on grew louder, now resembling metallic footsteps scraping against the floor. Oceanna quickly picked up on it, turning around just in time to be greeted by a pair of twin laser beams shooting out from the darkness. Shortly after, a red and orange Rahkshi emerged from the middle path, baring its staff in silence as it approached the group with the grace of an apex predator. Trava, off to the side, rushed in to help but was cut mid-way when a tan Rahkshi dropped from the ceiling and landed directly in front of her, following through with a swing of its staff. OOC *Please Read*: Alright guys, the Rahkshi battle has begun but I just wanna go through a few things before we jump right in. First, I'll be RPing the Rahkshi (with staff permission), so keep bunnying to a minimum; I'll do my best to make sure they react appropriately in order to avoid a cluster#### where everyone takes a shot at the wheel. Secondly, just 'cause I control the Rahkshi doesn't mean I have authority to brutally maim your characters and murder them with auto-hit powers and invincible NPCs. However, I still expect realistic gameplay. Remember, these guys can mop the floor with your average Joe, meaning it's not going to be a cakewalk and you're more likely than not to take a few hits, big or small. All to say, play smart, play fair, and I'll try to make this as fun as I can Rahkshi listed are: chameleon, laser-vision and elasticity
  13. IC: Rungui Rungui only looked on with silent amusement, making no effort to hide it on his face. "If they find me a ride, I'll make sure to drop by and show it to you," he chuckled, following Dal. "Until then, I'm stuck in the lab treating athlete's foot and a bunch of other stuff you don't want to hear about."
  14. IC: Viloz "Great," Viloz said, motioning for the stranger to follow him. "We're headed for the local healer. Got impaled the other day but we can talk about that after you're caught up to speed." He looked over, offering a clawed hand. "I don't expect you to remember your name, but I'm Viloz."
  17. IC: Viloz Viloz nodded, passively eyeing the two Toa entering his bar. "How about you walk with me?" he said, shifting his attention back to the stranger. "I know we just met, but I've been through the whole amnesia thing too. I can help."
  18. IC: Alfon I nodded. "Yo!" I called out. "Which one of these ships is our ride?"
  19. IC: Viloz That made a little more sense. He'd been through this spiel before. "You remember anything?"
  20. IC: Alfon "Is gonna have to wait." I tilted my head forward, gesturing to the docks. They were less than a minute's walk away. "We'll be boarding be soon." I said, feeling an unexpected surge of relief. "So let's pick this up later, alright?"
  21. IC: Viloz "Look, you don't need to dodge the question." Viloz said, feeling impatient. "If you don't want to talk, just say so and I'll be on my way."
  22. IC: Alfon The barest hint of a suppressed laugh showed as I averted my eyes and focused back on the road. "I wouldn't be the first."
  23. IC: Viloz What kind of answer is tha- Viloz was interrupted midway through his thoughts when he met the stranger's eyes. More specifically, when he saw his face. It was hard to make out under the hood of his cloak, but from what he could see, it wasn't the prettiest sight. "Errr," Viloz began, keeping a hand on his bandaged side. "Do you need help or...?"
  24. IC: Alfon "Just entertainment?" I asked, too preoccupied to notice the weather anymore.
  25. IC: Alfon I knew I shouldn't have been, but yeah. I guess I was okay with it. "Maybe." I tempted. "And you're probably getting a kick out of it."
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