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About JiMing

  • Birthday 06/25/1998

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    Fighting games, dogs, and a whole lot more.

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  1. Let's be honest here, if you are both a Sonic fan and a Dragon Ball fan, you've wondered how things would go with Super Sonic and Super Saiyan Goku fighting each other. =P

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    2. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      The biggest issue that Sonic has, is that a battle on this scale would likely tire him out very quickly, as shown in Unleashed and Colours; he would probably still stand a good chance, but it's like how Goku can only maintain his later Super Saiyan forms at a low time limit, except more serious.

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Well, the outcome sort of depends on whether it's set before or after Battle of Gods. After achieving SSG and then running out of time for it, Goku still remembered how to use that kind of power, and was able to still fight on a similar level as SS1. That would mean that if he fought Sonic after that, he'd win, no contest.

    4. Blessed Blade

      Blessed Blade

      It also probably would depend on what scale of power Sonic himself uses. We've seen him defeat all sorts of god-like foes himself in Super Sonic form, and now he can even defeat Perfect Chaos without even going Super Sonic, as shown in Generations... So, we'd need a proper show of form of what he's capable of in Super Sonic, since it's been all over the map, and he has shown himself to be a VERY fast learner... "OH NO I'M STUCK IN AN ESCAPE POD well I saw this fake hed...

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